"What I remember about the rise of the Empire is... is how quiet it was. During the waning hours of the Clone Wars, the 501st Legion was discreetly transferred back to Coruscant. It was a silent trip. ... Not on the flight to Coruscant, not when Order 66 came down, and not when we marched into the Jedi Temple."
--taken from the 501st journal
F-15 and SU-27........ Really are you seriously calling the SU-27 a rip-off of the F-15 just because both have similar wings and roles?
. Yeah, this is big brain time
He has been banned because of:
1. Spamming the forums
2. Mass tagging for his"world record attempt"
3. Pirating the game
He was permanently banned today because of Circumventing the ban by using an alt
I'm gonna miss that squid
@KnightOfRen I would recommend you to delete all those comments. It doesn't look good. After all your the owner of the build, you can delete them yourself
@TheMouse you use an incredibly thick hollow fuselage with all corners circular, the thickness would usually be over 1 or 2. You then cut it until you get a square on the outside and a circle on the inside
It's white useful for gear bays and arcs and stuff
After stand proud you are strong opened up his domain expansion, he said "Are you, you are strong because you are I am you or are you the one who left it all behind and his overwhelming intensity."
"Nah, I'd win"
Please forgive me for this brainrotted comment lmao
Roll + Pitch is the simplest way
You can also do clamp(Pitch + Roll,-1,1) if you want
Remember to turn turn Roll to -Roll on one side to make the roll rotators work properly
Add funky trees
+7He do be having those dance moves tho
+7@CenturyAerospace we don't talk about that
+7"What I remember about the rise of the Empire is... is how quiet it was. During the waning hours of the Clone Wars, the 501st Legion was discreetly transferred back to Coruscant. It was a silent trip. ... Not on the flight to Coruscant, not when Order 66 came down, and not when we marched into the Jedi Temple."
+7--taken from the 501st journal
So children, if you ever wondered what the offspring of an F-22 and an F-14 would look like, here you go
+7F-15 and SU-27........
+7Really are you seriously calling the SU-27 a rip-off of the F-15 just because both have similar wings and roles?
Yeah, this is big brain time
Nooo your just a site for planes you can't just create tons of drama
+7Haha drama go brrrrrr
People already stopped talking about this, we don't need any more forums related to the German Corsair
+7I identify as a spitfire mk IX
+7Because Reddit will kill us
+7Normal wheels
Pls don't hurt me
I must locate the WiFi
+7Also mabuhay ang Pilipinas
That's why you should never get too attached to your pets
+7"cats don't live for 40 years, Jon....."
+7"Failed to mirror part on the other side of the aircraft because a part already exists on the other side of the aircraft"
He has been banned because of:
+71. Spamming the forums
2. Mass tagging for his"world record attempt"
3. Pirating the game
He was permanently banned today because of Circumventing the ban by using an alt
I'm gonna miss that squid
+7Dont forget the occasional "SP is dead posts"
thankfully that one has become very rare
Yet another post talking about a decrease in player activity, get some new material pmao
+6Like funny said, move on, continue building and improve yourself as a person, it's the best you can do
+6Deleting your account for fun?
+6Based as hell
Welcome back btw
Apparently he built a famous German """amusement park""" or something
+6One word:
+6@MyReaktorIsLeak the new update uses linear color space, if you look at a screenshot from before and after 1.11 youll see a subtle difference in color
+6When the insurance company
+6For The Republic!
+6Two words.
Insurance. Company.
Inaccurate there was no Virtual joystick thing in the video
+6Latin or gilloutine
+6@KnightOfRen I would recommend you to delete all those comments. It doesn't look good. After all your the owner of the build, you can delete them yourself
+6@Panthers4741 Simple planes does not simply die
+6He can save others from death, but not himself
Take a S E A T, young Skywalker
+6@destroyerP expect someone to turn thomas' head into a worm
+6@Rickyjasper2 it could be abused to a point where perfectly fine builds get lots of downvotes
+6No, critism already exists
+6It was his personal decision, might be focusing on his life now
+6Pant reveal
+6From the mist a shape a ship is taking form
+6And the silence of the seas are about to drift into a storm
Wait wrong ship
God is in heaven because he's afraid of what he created
+6Isn't SpongeBob an anime?
+6Woaaaaaaah were half way there
+6Woaaaaaaah, living on a prayer
@Monarchii ah yes, shaking a stick so that something blows up.
I am sorry
@TheMouse you use an incredibly thick hollow fuselage with all corners circular, the thickness would usually be over 1 or 2. You then cut it until you get a square on the outside and a circle on the inside
+5It's white useful for gear bays and arcs and stuff
"I can't believe the captain remembered my birthday! He really does care-"
+5After stand proud you are strong opened up his domain expansion, he said "Are you, you are strong because you are I am you or are you the one who left it all behind and his overwhelming intensity."
+5"Nah, I'd win"
Please forgive me for this brainrotted comment lmao
Make the top one
+5That thumbnail is godly, looks like a mustard render mixed with an anime styling
+5Awesome plane aswell!
We need a "how to comment" tutorial next. I want to know how to do that
+5Roll + Pitch
is the simplest wayYou can also do
clamp(Pitch + Roll,-1,1)
if you wantRemember to turn turn
on one side to make the roll rotators work properly