0 Nonamepilot Comments

  • F-6EJ Zenko 4.0 years ago

    @Dimkal I can tell. This is already like 1000x more then I would ever be able to accomplish! I have so much respect of having the skills to create things in this game.

  • Aichi M6A1 Seiran 4.0 years ago

    Man ur crazy.
    I have never seen anything quite like this done before!

  • I-400 Submarine Teaser 4.1 years ago

    fucking epic. now that it's out I can't wait to test it and get more information about the original submarine itsself

  • TIE/DP 'Depressor' 4.2 years ago

    I share the sadness of the creation but u have done a damn good job!

  • P-31U ''SeaDragon'' NexGen 4.2 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 oh ok. Good 2 know, thank you.

  • P-31U ''SeaDragon'' NexGen 4.2 years ago

    How is it possible to create something like this?

    I mean it is absolutely wonderful

  • P-31U ''SeaDragon'' NexGen 4.2 years ago

    How is it possible to create something like this?

    I mean it is absolutely wonderful

  • Echo II Class Submarine 4.3 years ago

    what do you think people are gonna say about this? I have been playing this game for a few years now and never have I seen something quite like this. You are amazing and thank you

  • Zubr-class Hovercraft 4.4 years ago

    I tried building adding a tank to a downloaded landingship and that made enough trouble. I have no fucking idea how u were able to make this but big, big congrats. A solid 10

  • TR-3B ''Astra'' 4.5 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 Minecraft :)

    it took a while until I heard this "shortcut" for the name

  • TR-3B ''Astra'' 4.5 years ago

    Now that's just extremely cool!
    Just imagine if u could create like actual VTOL crafts in MC

  • TIE-2020 4.5 years ago

    cool aircraft, if u could call it that cuz it doesn't like actually travel in the air originally

  • F35B Lockheed Martin 4.6 years ago

    sry can't help you.
    However I am sure someone will be able to. :)

  • AS.410 "Wasp" 4.6 years ago

    y 4.10 when u could have made it 4.20? Lmao
    great work

  • Gru’s car 4.7 years ago

    ily 4 that

  • Boeing Vertol CH-46 4.7 years ago

    @Zokowi OH ok cool! I am looking forward to seeing it. Sure it will be amazing :)

  • Boeing Vertol CH-46 4.7 years ago

    r there instructions to this thing?
    Does it have working doors or a whinch?

  • C-31F-K FINBACK “Milk-1” Tanker 4.8 years ago

    it seems like the wings don't fold back out after the refueling process.... Don't think that is supposed to happen. Otherwise cool plane

  • Focke-Achgelis Fa224 4.8 years ago

    The heli is pretty cool not gonna lie. Great work! Once the yt channel is up, would you do a tutorial on how to create a stabilizer for a heli that activates by pressing a selected AG? I'd enjoy it but if not that is totally fine and I will check out what other stuff u upload there :). Have a great friday

  • Focke-Achgelis Fa224 4.8 years ago

    The heli is pretty cool not gonna lie. Great work! Once the yt channel is up, would you do a tutorial on how to create a stabilizer for a heli that activates by pressing a selected AG? I'd enjoy it but if not that is totally fine and I will check out what other stuff u upload there :). Have a great friday

  • MIK Copter HC-119 4.8 years ago

    @mikoyanster Dude your work is great and I am absolutely fascinated by how well it can be handeled. But I have one question: where is the gyro system which is activated by AG 2 because I wanna build in a whinch arm and need to build in the system another time but with AG 4. So it would be great if you could tell my where it is located. again props for that build :D

  • XV-40 4.8 years ago

    @BASTYWITHAIRPLANES You're welcome! can't wait to test out if I actually am good enough to make my idea work

  • XV-40 4.8 years ago

    This plane is wonderfull! Eventhough it flies a little upwards automatically I am absoloutely fascinated. I will soon try to make a few changes and make it carry a little tank or jeep. I think it would be cool to make it battle-ready and do the convoy destruction with it

  • Mil Mi-1 "Hare" AURI 4.9 years ago

    A mental breakdown? I can feel u man, had those for the past week almost every day. But not anymore fortunately

  • F/A-52 ARES (please read description) 4.9 years ago

    The look of it is really nice and I like the fact that you can make stall turns and stuff. COOL

  • Alfa Class Submarine 4.9 years ago

    @MintLynx thanks for replying, I appreciate it. gn8

  • Alfa Class Submarine 4.9 years ago

    @MintLynx this submarine is incredibly well done! But I have one very important question: Is there any chance to make it go backwards by using brake or so? Would be great to know, because if yes that would be a good thing to do. I just want a reply if it is even possible and I don't expect u to creat the backwards enginge or whatever u want to call it for me. I would try it myself but I am pretty bad at things like these and therefore I respect the ammount of work and effort u put into ur creation even more. @TheMitsuboshiBoi well you never know during times of corona..... but thank god he is well :)