165 ODETHIOUS Comments

  • Battleship: The Bismark Class 7.9 years ago

    Reminds me of battleship craft. Man that game was great.

  • Heli IV 7.9 years ago


    I posted a new version without the guided missiles. Did you try downloading that version instead?

  • Heli IV 7.9 years ago


    I think it's the Mo'Stuff mod. Can you try to remove the guided missiles I set up?

  • Magnus Bel-Air V12 (spy car) 8.0 years ago

    Great as always.

  • Heli IV 8.0 years ago

    Simple note: don't spawn the missiles with the helicopter, they will make the gyrocockpit not work properly.

  • Helicopter prototype MK3 8.0 years ago


    I've been doing testing on a rotor that uses vertical stabilisers to control yaw. It's suffice to say that the whole purpose of the helicopter would be ruined with such a contraption added. Not only would it destroy any form of stability on this heli and turn it into what the other helicopters on this site are, but it would also not turn the plane. I therefore request anyone who knows how to mod to produce a rotor that works on Yaw commands.

    It's not all bad news, though, I was also testing a guided missile that I was working on, and so far it is really good. Flies in a stable path, and turns well. It can one shot the aircraft carrier. I will post a new prototype for the heli once I have the guided missile done.

    The current improvements for the fourth prototype include a controllable gun, more stability improvements, 4-blade rotor instead of 6 2-blade ones, and an NV thingy (the thing you find on the front of the attack helicopters).

  • EGA-6 Condor 8.0 years ago

    This thing can travel over water! how sick is that?!?!

  • EGA-6 Condor 8.0 years ago

    Words can not describe how good of a tank this is. What people normally create are paper tanks that can not fire, or paper tanks that only fire once. Thank you for such a good tank.

  • Helicopter prototype MK3 8.0 years ago

    @apfel33 It's ok mate.

  • Helicopter prototype MK3 8.0 years ago


    Also, I couldn't find your channel. Would you mind linking it here?

  • Helicopter prototype MK3 8.0 years ago


    Would be helpful if you do not mind.

  • Helicopter prototype MK3 8.0 years ago


    Not at all. I would like my helicopter to be discovered by more people so that there are more helis like it. As you can tell, I am not the best designer out there, and there are people who are not only better at this than me, but also more dedicated. Can I ask what the name of the channel is though?

  • Helicopter prototype MK3 8.0 years ago

    @apfel33 I already know that, but the game doesn't model it like that. The main rotors on my heli produce virtually no torque, so the plane won't turn. As for the tail rotor, I can't get one to work like a real heli, so I asked if anyone knew how to make it work.

    I already made another prototype with a better weapons package. The Gun on the front can now be controlled to engage targets at different angles. I thought I needed more modifications to justify releasing a new prototype though, and I was thinking about tail rotors that worked. Fly by wire missiles should be cool, and they should prove to be a challenge that I would enjoy to undertake. I don't know about the effect it would have on heli stability, as on an earlier version, the heli did not fly well with control surfaces present. Glad you enjoyed the heli though.

  • Calculator V2 8.0 years ago

    This is really cool.

  • Donar SC 8.0 years ago

    Drives really well.

  • Striker Eureka (Doesn't walk, read desc.) 8.0 years ago

    Weaponised autism, I like it!

  • Helicopter prototype MK3 8.0 years ago

    If anyone knows how to produce rotors that can control yaw, please tell me how, it would be greatly helpful. My ultimate goal is to make a heli that does not use any thrusters, which is what most helis use in this game.

  • Helicopter prototype MK2 8.0 years ago


    Already did. Hope you have fun.

  • Helicopter prototype MK1 8.0 years ago


    I also made a third version of this helicopter that is a lot more stable and easier to control if you want to download the heli on PC.

  • Helicopter prototype MK1 8.0 years ago


    Thank you for your kind post. I am working on an IOS and Android friendly version of this helicopter. The problem is that I used a mod that helps stabilize the plane. Without the mod, the plane becomes highly unstable at high speeds. I am looking for a workaround for Android and IOS. I will post more info when I have time. Thank you.

  • Helicopter prototype MK2 8.0 years ago

    I made more changes to the helicopter. The changes allowed the helicopter to be stable enough to land on the aircraft carrier. Should I upload a new heli?

  • Helicopter prototype MK2 8.0 years ago

    @apfel33 I just tested it, and decreasing the number of props by two seemed to fix it, although I think this would produce torque, since now the heli does not have an equal number of props turning in each direction.

  • Helicopter prototype MK2 8.0 years ago


    I do not really know. I guess I should try to decrease the number of props on the heli to decrease thrust, but a heli aimed down should not go up regardless of thrust. If you know any way to make this heli more stable without using thrusters, please let me know. If you want to post the heli under your profile, I would allow you to do so, as more people would see it and possibly modify it into working properly.

  • Helicopter prototype MK1 8.0 years ago

    I did not paint it because I didn't know what paintjob would suit the helicopter. I am pretty sure you guys are better than me at painting!

  • F-104 Starfighter 8.1 years ago



    I've been playing this game for a while, testing different stuff out, but this was my first serious design. Hope you like it. Also, you do need a mod for it to fly properly, did you get the mod?

  • F-104 Starfighter 8.2 years ago

    If anyone knows how to make flaps or improve my design, please tell me how, I will highly appreciate it. This is my first serious plane I built so far.