As for the Tu-95 it would be unfair to assume its engineering was completely out of date but if you had a second thought, a lot of bombers up until the latter half of the last century were vulnerable to just about any form of air defense.
The turboprops on their own are by a measure, fast enough to get whatever payload they have on target, but of course it’s 2024 and I’m betting all weapons are standoff so it wouldn’t make a difference really.
Comparing it with the B-1 lancer is more or less comparing a carrot to an onion, where each have a specific niche suited to their respective airframes.
Nonetheless the Tu-95 is indeed a very dated aircraft.
The B-1 is cool, but its higher turn around time and maintenance leaves the B-52 to be the mainstay of USAF bomber fleet. It still does the conventional bombing job just as well as it did 50 or more years ago.
The B-1 looked like a great replacement for it but it was to be, rather just low level interdiction due to its higher speed.
On top of that, unlike the B-52, they have a retirement date set.
@MAPA I still don’t think it does regardless of scale. If you updating it your forum out of convenience it’s best you give some actual proof that such is possible.
@AluminiumFX @JuliaAircraft
Basically yeah, everyone else can scale it themselves but that doesn’t take from the fact that it was over scaled to begin with.
If it was easy for us, I’m pretty sure it’s easy for him.
To be fair to MAPA, it can difficult to make replicas and in this case in the lowest part count possible. Nothing will be perfect but disavowing some rough edges and leaving to someone else is a lack of intuition.
If he cannot the statement as a constructive criticism, what would it make of him as a builder?
@TheNewSPplayer that’s the purpose of fine tuner. There’s a scale tool than can easily be used to rescale. All one has to do is put lower numbers than 1 to get it scaled down.
In this case MAPA has them over scaled and in just a couple steps, not much has to be done.
I have a problem. Whenever I download the mod, it doesn't show up in the mods list.
+7We need more acronyms
As for the Tu-95 it would be unfair to assume its engineering was completely out of date but if you had a second thought, a lot of bombers up until the latter half of the last century were vulnerable to just about any form of air defense.
The turboprops on their own are by a measure, fast enough to get whatever payload they have on target, but of course it’s 2024 and I’m betting all weapons are standoff so it wouldn’t make a difference really.
Comparing it with the B-1 lancer is more or less comparing a carrot to an onion, where each have a specific niche suited to their respective airframes.
Nonetheless the Tu-95 is indeed a very dated aircraft.
+2The B-1 is cool, but its higher turn around time and maintenance leaves the B-52 to be the mainstay of USAF bomber fleet. It still does the conventional bombing job just as well as it did 50 or more years ago.
+1The B-1 looked like a great replacement for it but it was to be, rather just low level interdiction due to its higher speed.
On top of that, unlike the B-52, they have a retirement date set.
@GuardianAerospace 98% Tu-95 trash talk, 2% B-52 survivability
+1Mouse in baked beans
+1F-16D has 2 seats
+1@overlord5453 find the forum labeled useful links, it’ll be the third pinned forum
This is great
+1@overlord5453 follow this format

bro, i like the look of this
@MAPA I still don’t think it does regardless of scale. If you updating it your forum out of convenience it’s best you give some actual proof that such is possible.
@MAPA i don’t think that’s the case, as it’s not mentioned in your forum
@AluminiumFX @JuliaAircraft
Basically yeah, everyone else can scale it themselves but that doesn’t take from the fact that it was over scaled to begin with.
If it was easy for us, I’m pretty sure it’s easy for him.
To be fair to MAPA, it can difficult to make replicas and in this case in the lowest part count possible. Nothing will be perfect but disavowing some rough edges and leaving to someone else is a lack of intuition.
If he cannot the statement as a constructive criticism, what would it make of him as a builder?
@TheNewSPplayer that’s the purpose of fine tuner. There’s a scale tool than can easily be used to rescale. All one has to do is put lower numbers than 1 to get it scaled down.
In this case MAPA has them over scaled and in just a couple steps, not much has to be done.
It would be nice if MAPA scaled them correctly (very easy to do with fine tuner). Other than it’s all good.
@PedjoeangPatriot its not his
+1They ain’t gonna update the game as a whole period.
Uh who’s the 3 digit guy?
+2Hon hon
+1@Gro gor
@DeadlyDialga Idk, but i'll make sure it does
@Senkopilot 678 parts
bloody good.
Pretty good. P.S KC-135s have no thrust reversal capability, and the CM56 equipped aircraft are labeled KC-135Rs
+2I might as well
The UB is a 2 seater
+1Pretty good
+1its good
@L1nus Viva la Cuba
@L1nus Viva la……
I bet they cath
you are a special person
oh dear
+1wazzup beijing
You hit the mark with this one
+1That ain’t no 787
@MRFOXY09 max 9s not max 8s
@ToeTips 20 degrees gay
+3@ToeTips I made a whole retractable probe for no reason
+1so easy i dont even have to fly up there
How do you get the glide bomb to work?
@ToeTips yes it was. And all good things come to an end.