7,305 OtterOfToast Comments

  • I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE... 8.4 years ago

    Try living next to a forest-fire. Tainted air, smokey rain, angry people and sinus infections all up in yo' face XD Lol life is never as bad as it seems looking back. Remember that.

  • Bandit Run 8.4 years ago

    How much you wanna bet I'm out round one. I BET YOU ACTUAL MONEY DOLLARS that I will have lost by the first heat.

    I bet you even more it'll be by "default".

  • On the topic of big people quitting... 8.4 years ago

    @SkyShot Very. Like-- really bloody late. Almost a month late.

  • Moral Dilemma (Extremely Important) 8.4 years ago

    Honestly-- look. I pour my heart and soul in to every craft I make-- I spend hours and hours on each craft, articulating it, trying to make sure it's up to scratch. I don't get all that much. I upload and create for the joy of creating and uploading it. While points and notoriety are certainly a plus, your true reward should be you stepping back, admiring your latest masterpiece and saying... "I made that. That's mine." THAT-- should be our reward. Points are but a small plus.

  • What did I miss? 8.4 years ago

    Litterally nothing. Same old drama, really.

  • I'm new here 8.4 years ago

    Hello, friend :D Wassap <3

  • [Avian Air Forces] HCMI-17 'Falcon' super sonic challange 8.4 years ago

    Huh. Neat. Did you XML mod it or is this legit?

    And thank you for giving me credit~ I appreciate that a lot. <3

  • How does one actract himself some attention around here?s 8.4 years ago

    You don't! :D You ask for attention or dare say you don't feel you're getting anywhere and people will think you're greedy. Do nothing at all, nothing happens. Welcome to silver limbo.

  • What'd I miss? 8.4 years ago

    @TehDuck So again. Nothing's changed.

  • What'd I miss? 8.4 years ago

    @Coen1888 So the same-old-same-old. Cool.

  • Who gives a dang about points? 8.4 years ago

    @Mox I've met a few. Most of them are cool, but a few I've met think there opinion of me is the be-all-end-all and I'm not worth living.

  • Who gives a dang about points? 8.4 years ago

    Apparently a lot of people. If you have a black box around your points, you're basically God. You can do no wrong.

  • Back to the 80's 8.4 years ago

    Needs more 80's.

  • Is it true...? 8.4 years ago

    @Djbanana Some periods and/or commas would make your comment significantly more understandable.

  • Best Flying Movie? 8.4 years ago

    I quite enjoyed the Memphis Belle.

  • Hi Im new 8.4 years ago

    Hello, friend :3 I have a few super-sonic jet tips for you if you'd care to hear~

  • Is it true...? 8.4 years ago

    @Djbanana I still don't really get it. Everything gets upvotes--- and it's a website-- so what do the points really matter?

  • MY BIGGEST PROJECT OF ALL TIME!!!! 8.4 years ago

    Needs more otters.

  • this is awkword 8.4 years ago

    @scottishjocks Yeah :\ God bless you and your partner, aye. I lost mah Grandpa to cancer--- But, like anything, it too is finite, so best of luck.

  • this is awkword 8.4 years ago

    @DALS2016Sniper16 Just stop, okay? :\ That's not cool. There is actual cancer such as Dat Boi, but don't just run around screaming "CANCER!! CANCER!!" It's really not proving anything.

  • this is awkword 8.4 years ago

    Lol. "NOPE- TROLOLOLOLOL, Oh by the way. SELF DESTRUCT."

  • this is awkword 8.4 years ago

    @DALS2016Sniper16 Now don't be rude. He just wanted to share.

  • AutismAwareness 8.4 years ago

    Ah, I wouldn't worry! I have Asperger's (low-spectrum autism), and I'm gettn' along quite well. Having Autism isn't like it was a decade or two ago, now a' days, they've got all sorts of career options for people with Autism across all spectrums. So, coming from another Autistic friend, I wouldn't worry~ Just do you and make it chill. God bless <3

  • CALLING ALL MURICAN'S! 8.4 years ago

    I love this so much XD Happy 4th!!

  • Well, uhm... I've got another, unrelated issue. 8.4 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen Aye, thank you. I'm not bummed, but y'know- it is a little disappointing. I also got Wing Commander I and II with all expansions--- they're floppy disks so maybe I could send them to Accursed Farms or like-- sell them on Ebay to a collector?

  • Well, uhm... I've got another, unrelated issue. 8.4 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen I can't buy anything online and no retail stores have them... Guess I should just forget about it, eh?

    @MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation I'd rather die than pirate.

  • Need Ideas 8.4 years ago

    Make a GIANT VTOL cargo aircraft. Osprey on drugs. Make it happen. Go.

  • P-38 - Lighting II 8.4 years ago

    @ThePhantomGuy Yeah I try to be. No use in getting angry. :P

  • I'd like us to be friends. 8.4 years ago

    @Shampooshark I'm going to need to ask you to leave ._.

  • What have I been working on? 8.4 years ago

    @bspboy I'd say start with a buggy. Those are pretty all-around.

  • P-38 - Lighting II 8.4 years ago

    @ThePhantomGuy Hey, a little free publicity ;3 Lol jk It's cool :3

  • I'd like us to be friends. 8.4 years ago

    @BroPlanes I'm not :P He don't wanna be friends that's his problem, not mine. (I'd expect it form a platinum anyway.)

  • What have I been working on? 8.4 years ago

    @bspboy Perhaps. We can give that a shot, and once that's done, maybe we can design a fuselage track around it :D

  • I'd like us to be friends. 8.4 years ago

    @Sutairs :3 <3

  • I'd like us to be friends. 8.4 years ago

    @Johndfg It's a post about wanting to be friends with people. Seriously, why so salty? It's meant to be a good thing.

  • I'd like us to be friends. 8.4 years ago

    @EternalDarkness You know, you're very confrontational :\ I'm trying to make amends here and you, sire, are attacking me. Look, if you don't want to be friends then you can just leave.

  • Is it true...? 8.4 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen And? Everything gets upvoted. EVERYTHING. Heck, I bet a platinum posts a block and it gets at least one.

  • What have I been working on? 8.4 years ago

    @bspboy Neat :D Needs more gun and an otter driver, but aside form that, it's fantastic!

  • Is it true...? 8.4 years ago

    @General360 Who cares? I mean, it's a teaser. It's going to get upvotes. Everything does.

  • What have I been working on? 8.4 years ago

    @bspboy You do track, I do the deco :D And yeah, jumps would be outstanding :3

  • The Level's Divide 8.4 years ago

    @General360 Maybe it's just me that doesn't get along with you. Well, whatever- I guess none of it really matters anyway. You try and bring something to people's attention and you get torn up for it. Sure.

  • The Level's Divide 8.4 years ago

    @General360 That's not how the divide works - .-

  • The Level's Divide 8.4 years ago

    @EternalDarkness There honest and there's being a you-know-what :\ I don't know how you get along with people, but okay.

  • What have I been working on? 8.4 years ago

    @bspboy :O I have been looking for a project~ Yus! What do you need me to do~? :3

  • Is it true...? 8.4 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen But why spam? I don't get that. Spam is spam. Teasers are fun :3

  • I'd like us to be friends. 8.4 years ago

    @General360 Y'see?? FRIENDSHIP!!!! Smashes through the wall on a battleship named the U.S.S Friendship

  • The Level's Divide 8.4 years ago

    @EternalDarkness I honestly don't really care for your opinion. Forgive me, but you come across as very self-centered. I don't meld with that. I'm not fond of you and you could cares less about me- maybe if you were a little nicer we'd have more to talk about :P

  • The Level's Divide 8.4 years ago

    @GluonicGaming I haven't seen hide nor hair of you, if I'm honest. I'd say you're fine-- I guess I just don't get along with a lot of Platinums. Eternal Darkness and I certainly don't see eye-to-eye. But you seem pretty chill to me.

  • The Level's Divide 8.4 years ago

    @General360 It's summer. People get dramatic. While I feel like our bridges are kind of burned now, they're always rebuilt, aye? I'm willing to forgive, but I still feel like there's a huge gap here. I don't know, I just.... Feel it.

  • The Level's Divide 8.4 years ago

    @EternalDarkness See this is what I'm talking about. Look, you want this community go down in flames, you go right ahead, homeslice.