you could try xml scaling the wing down (make sure to adjust the weight and drag too) and then adjusting it normally in the designer, however thelift produced will be far greater resulting in unnatural pitch and roll, alternatively you could use structural panels as well to resemble wings that don't have the consequences of the unnatural pitch and roll.
Hope this helps
referring to the following website rule No sexually suggestive content or foul languageYou are not the first person to make a penis-shaped airplane. The joke is old and boring now.We are not going to moderate every curse word, but please try to keep it clean.
Check your connections again then
The yaw rotator must be connected to the fuselage, the other end to the roll/pitch rotator
Now nothing else must be connected between those two rotators
do you know how to get tvc yaw to work?
It's easy really
Just set another hinge rotator perpendicular to the one meant for pitch and roll, then set that one to yaw
Make sure to put them at the same Z axis coordinates
@KitsuneassemblylinesKAL well just as I said
Go into part properties, in the InputController
There you'll see down as input
Now change the one on the right to what you desire
Also by any chance do you know what would happen if a plane lost its radome at say… Mach 1 I’m thinking about using it in my next story
Well, it'll be losing a vital component, and at speeds of Mach 1, it'll cause extreme drag effects which will make the Aircraft unflyabe (realistic standpoint)
Well for making an aircraft pitch well without stalling
Must have low wing loading (50kg/m² is best), Low weight to play in with the low wing loading, and having the CoM ahead of CoL
Now if you want it to PSM, just move the CoM slightly behind the CoL, this will make the craft unstable so beware
Now, to make it stable, you'd need thrust vectoring (check out Guyfolk's planes, all of them use TVC or thrust vectoring control to maintain control)
And that's pretty much it
Any more questions, just ask
hmmmnn, i might consider this
so, just gyro controls
it's not the build quality, it's the how they perform is what interests me
sliced bread still good tho
Post or Pass?
absolutely beautiful and sleek
cool, you made this?
There's lots to go through tbh and quite difficult to explain. I suggest you read the official guide in the useful links post pinned by SupremeDorian.
you could try xml scaling the wing down (make sure to adjust the weight and drag too) and then adjusting it normally in the designer, however thelift produced will be far greater resulting in unnatural pitch and roll, alternatively you could use structural panels as well to resemble wings that don't have the consequences of the unnatural pitch and roll.
Hope this helps
is this really yours?
referring to the following website rule
No sexually suggestive content or foul languageYou are not the first person to make a penis-shaped airplane. The joke is old and boring now.We are not going to moderate every curse word, but please try to keep it clean.
yeah might wanna take that down
those damm Belkans are at it again
developer settings/options works across all Android devices
might wanna setup rules and misc which are import for a challenge
Nice XFA-36A vibe
Check for drag or unequal mass first
Or probably the custom landing gear (if there's one)
Lookin fine
oh yes
p o g
What kind of plane tho
Like role, etc
@Xx24reminder real question is, do you care so much about such posts?
@Xx24reminder too bad bro, nobody cares about opinions here
You either appreciate a build, or leave
Good day sir
Pretty impressive, it still needs a few more touches I'd say
Overall, it looks great
And rip my phone, it didn't really do well haha
Looks great really, I'm quite surprised by the result
Hoping it performs great as well
Good luck on it
I'm looking forward to the aircraft
And oh, you might wanna read this as well if you want to know how to post pictures
This one clearly caught my attention to be fairly honest
Great work on the build
Tag me in every one of them
Probably work on a custom thumbnail too
Besides, cool retrofit you got there
sped is key
Nice tonk btw
Check your connections again then
The yaw rotator must be connected to the fuselage, the other end to the roll/pitch rotator
Now nothing else must be connected between those two rotators
Too lazy to say but
Tag me for all
@KitsuneassemblylinesKAL I haven't really tried it myself so yeah, I've no idea
Sorry about that
So a ZOE Falken and a PW MK1 went on a cruise.....
No worries, I'm not mad or anything
Let me know if it works
@KitsuneassemblylinesKAL well just as I said
Go into part properties, in the InputController
There you'll see down as input
Now change the one on the right to what you desire
Well, put this in the input
X here being the activation group number
I guess that's how it is
Ah I see
Well for making an aircraft pitch well without stalling
Must have low wing loading (50kg/m² is best), Low weight to play in with the low wing loading, and having the CoM ahead of CoL
Now if you want it to PSM, just move the CoM slightly behind the CoL, this will make the craft unstable so beware
Now, to make it stable, you'd need thrust vectoring (check out Guyfolk's planes, all of them use TVC or thrust vectoring control to maintain control)
And that's pretty much it
Any more questions, just ask
Ey congrats
I'm sure I've done some stuff with drag in inlets
Should slap about 10 times more drag and see if it helps