@Solent19 where's the fun in that?
I am sure you already know this but, Canards are usually used for artificial stability or to get some extra maneuverability.
@Solent19 there is a version with canard and it did it's job. But the aircraft kept pulling like 20-30 gs which I didn't appreciate. Maybe what it needs is a g limiter. (i actually find canards beautiful)
It...... It actually kinda works.
The screen itself is acting as a camera. And the screen should not be directly behind the cockpit. It will show whatever is in front of it. These are the results of the initial testing. We got 3 different screens. Further testing required.
@SPsidearms it works. You have to move it to the mode folder within the game files manually. The parts are there but i didn't test it. You have no idea how much I wanted this.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 don't know. Maybe he got into some big trouble,Maybe they are (his parents) just threatening him or his parents are just that strict. It's still crazy.
I am fairly certain that it's not a bomb. And it's definitely not an invasion.
See, this is why we should nuke Mars. There is a very good chance that there are more of these sentient rocks there.
+1@ComradeSandman nuh uh
@IQinventory oh
+1@IQinventory i was wondering why it looked soo out of place. But why though?
@Graingy we will see
@AManWillDieButNotHisIdeas aww shucks😔. Anyway, we will be watching with great intrest.
What if I were to pitch this ? it will be our little secret.
@Solent19 where's the fun in that?
I am sure you already know this but, Canards are usually used for artificial stability or to get some extra maneuverability.
@Graingy you are doomed little grain. Nobody is coming to save you.
Smooth design.
@Axartar you're welcome
Did you rescale the seat?
+1There is a hammer hovering over your head.
@Ashdenpaw1 I don't mean to alarm you but i don't think you have cancer. that comes later.
@LJh2 then it's all good.
+1@Solent19 there is a version with canard and it did it's job. But the aircraft kept pulling like 20-30 gs which I didn't appreciate. Maybe what it needs is a g limiter. (i actually find canards beautiful)
@SPsidearm sure thing.
@SPsidearm i am also on mobile. And like I said, further testing is required. The cockpit should not be directly in front of the screen.
It...... It actually kinda works.
The screen itself is acting as a camera. And the screen should not be directly behind the cockpit. It will show whatever is in front of it. These are the results of the initial testing. We got 3 different screens. Further testing required.
@SPsidearms it works. You have to move it to the
folder within the game files manually. The parts are there but i didn't test it. You have no idea how much I wanted this.@LJh2 no that's not what I meant. I was talking about security and stuff.
+1I don't think it will work but downloaded it anyway.
@Axartar i am not familiar with the topic so i wouldn't know 😅. But it's a good idea to spend a few minutes with it.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover sure. Shouldn't be too long.
@Graingy you are doomed.
The website likes to freak out sometimes.
+3@JSTQ what can i say, we are a very polite organization.
+1You can eat your way through.
This implies the existence of Aggressive treaty.
By the looks of it, you already got cooked.
Guns can be customized.
@KKRetron3810x simpleplanes
@ComradeSandman uhh what's black?
@Graingy yeah
+1@Boeing727200F success would depend on your followers. If they run at the first sight of trouble, then you are doomed.
Careful with your words. Once it gets out of hand, there will be no going back.
@Boeing727200F oh. Well then, we wait till school is over.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 don't know. Maybe he got into some big trouble,Maybe they are (his parents) just threatening him or his parents are just that strict. It's still crazy.
+1@Graingy quack quack
+1gather some followers, organize a coup d'etat, overthrow the school management and announce yourself as the new ruler.
@HuskyDynamics01 womp womp lil bro.
good luck though
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 most likely because of school related reasons.
+1@Graingy cestbon is leaving so Ljh2 is taking over his account and post things with it.
+1I don't know if that's a good idea.
@Axartar not sure. There are people who made mechs with it.
@Axartar yes, but i haven't tested them myself.
Ohh it's actually worse than this.
+1@Pnut they are four in one. Piston, rotator, hinge and suspension.
@Boeing727200F 🤭