6,375 Phoza Comments

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 6.2 years ago

    For all those who are confused: this is the best plane because at the time of it's creation, there wasn't an advanced block editing tool. This was the most advanced plane using simple blocks that were common 3.3 years ago.

  • Caption This Photo! 6.8 years ago

    I think I can
    I think I can
    I think I ca—
    I thought I could...
    I thought I could...
    I thought I could...

  • Experience The Thrill of 2-D 6.4 years ago

    just like the earth

  • Hello there 6.4 years ago

    Kill him!
    Back away! I will deal with this Jedi slime myself.
    Your move.
    You fool. I've been trained in your Jedi arts by Count Dooku.
    Attack, Kenobi!
    You forget I trained the Jedi that defeated Count Dooku!
    I may not defeat your droids, but my troops certainly will.
    Army or not, you must realize you are doomed.
    I don't think so.

  • Please stop doing this 6.8 years ago

    I don't think it's milking as much as it is enjoying the project. Some people just love building planes--and the stories behind them. The point of this site/game is to share the planes and stories you make with people who enjoy them as much as you do. I see lore and fictional history as creativity and passion, not something scummy.

  • 'Killer' AH 64 Duck MK2 2.6 5.8 years ago

    mess with the quak u get the flak

  • We have a Traitor amongst us. 6.6 years ago

    • quietly puts ksp.exe back in coat pocket *

  • 11 foot challenge 6.3 years ago

    it egg

  • Idea For Designer 6.4 years ago

    Well, then the physics would have to be redone to calculate the lift and specific aerodynamics for each part.

    Thats a lot of damage

  • Derek's lifehack #1 6.5 years ago


  • Off topic questions 5.9 years ago

    This raises a few important questions on the ethicality of cloning. Most importantly: can you clone consciousness? Is consciousness an intrinsic property of being human? And if so, would a clone have... the same consciousness? Let's assume yes. You make a clone with the same consciousness as you. I'd think that you and the clone would have some sort of connection; almost if you're the same being. So it'd be suicide. Now let's assume consciousness cant be cloned. Now you've created a soulless shell of a human that cant feel or do anything. Killing it would be murder, but probably would be just freeing it from misery.

    I should be studying for my math test.

  • When I accidently clicked on the Undo button in the SP designer 6.8 years ago

    another country? try another dimension @RailfanEthan

  • Hello? 6.1 years ago

    Eh, it is finals and midterms time. Nobody has time I guess

  • Victorious Wandering [Teaser] 6.7 years ago

    Looks awesome! Here’s an idea: what if you could make the blades light up or have some sort of neon design on them as well as the rest of the craft?

  • A shift of focus. 7.0 years ago

    Of course we understand! You can do whatever makes you happy on this site; being a platinum user isn't a job. I hope things get back in order for you soon.

  • YF - 26 Gray Ghost II 7.0 years ago

    Good job! But you could get a better angle in the screenshots; I can barely see the plane

  • I’m scared of my own creation 6.1 years ago

    one letter of the alphabet

  • Bede BD007 6.2 years ago

    I wonder how this would fly in real life

  • Tik-Tok 6.2 years ago

    you misspelled virus


    choo frickin choo

  • Imagine having to fly a plane for 11 hours straight without sleeping 6.4 years ago

    these memes throttled the prosperity of spooky memes. so did moth memes

  • Alternate universe (DISCORD RP) 6.4 years ago

    periods are cool

  • Retirement 6.5 years ago

    Salute, friend.

  • Winglets? 6.5 years ago

    I don’t think the game simulates vortexes at the wing tips, so my guess would be no; winglets would have little to no effect on the stability of your plane.

  • I’m brand new 6.6 years ago

    I think your questions were answered below, but here's a few more tips:
    You can begin upvoting once you have 30 points. Upvoting doesn't take away how many points you have.
    Everyone on here is friendly! If you need any help with anything, ask anyone.
    Keep practicing your building style. Eventually you'll find away you like to build!
    Take inspiration from others! Download a plane you like and take it apart to see how it was made.
    Welcome to Simple Planes!

  • I have something to say. 6.6 years ago

    TL;DR: Don’t be an (donkey)-hole. People have feelings. Work hard and be nice.

  • How to mirror an aircraft? 6.7 years ago

    You could save the right half as a subassembly, mirror the left half, take off the old right half and reattach the subassembly left half. It’s probably easier just to rebuild the steering wheel and door on the other side though.

  • Agh.. D e p r e s s i o n 6.7 years ago

    If you don’t want to follow a religion, that’s fine. If you don’t have any rules to live by, you can make your own. Live by your own standards. If there is an end to everything, why not do something while you’re doing nothing? Something is better than nothing.

  • What is Better Quantity or Quality? 6.7 years ago

    Quality quality quality. Think of SR. He posts at most once a month, but his builds are high quality so they—and he—receive a lot of attention.

  • I need to apologize for some things 6.8 years ago

    Hey, it’s okay. Coming through and being honest is probably the best thing you can do. The SP community is always full of kindness and forgiveness. Nobody—under any circumstances—deserves actual, real hate. Don’t delete your account; everyone here can help you through and rough times you are having now and might have in the future.

  • Spaceship update #3 4.6 years ago

    since it's a cargo ship or something similar, i think a "heavy" name would suit it. something like "goliath" or "minotaur" or something. it looks fantastic so far!

  • Which build do i progress? 5.6 years ago


  • How does a plane “not stall?” 5.7 years ago

    I remember reading somewhere about an "unstallable" plane that used like 6 layered wings to create lots of lift. I think Samm Sheperd made a video on it. Maybe it's something like that?

  • XML part modding for missiles? 5.9 years ago

    You can. You just have to add the inputs yourself.

  • ¿como llego al desierto? 5.9 years ago

    Si, @Jetpackturtle es correcto, pero tienes que volar por mucho tiempo. Debieras usar un avion rapido, como esta. tambien, recuerdes mirar a la derecha para el vuelo.
    (Lo siento por mi gramatica, solo se un poco de espanol)

  • Po-2 Model Kit 6.0 years ago

    objectively the best plane in history

  • My plane is too heavy 6.1 years ago

    What randomusername is talking about is XML editing. Essentially, it's a way of editing the properties of parts that are not offered in-game (ex: mass, drag, health, etc.). Unfortunately, Apple restricts the use of XML editing, so iOS users don't have access to it. If you tag me on an unlisted post of your plane, I can help out and scale down some mass.
    Hope this helped!

  • WHAT DID THEY DO TO THIS GAME?! 6.1 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii you'd get higher FPS, but it would still look like 60 FPS since your refresh rate can't show any higher

  • A need someone who can scale a whole build 6.1 years ago

    I can. Tag me

  • Curvy curve of the curves. 6.1 years ago

    el tago (that means tag me in spanish)

  • One lil teaser (also help needed) 6.1 years ago

    I can take a look at the landing gear this afternoon. The plane looks awesome!

  • AH-1Z Viper Attack helicopter 6.2 years ago

    how did you get nasa to give you one of their computers?

  • Teaser 6.2 years ago


  • Shower thought 6.4 years ago

    Because the cosmic speed limit is different. Einstein theorized that of an object with mass were to travel at the speed of light, relativity would say that it would collapse into itself, forming a black hole. Also, if an object went faster than light, it’d go back in time. I think Kurt Gurdle mathematically proved that if time travel was possible, time as we know it wouldn’t exist. So, if you want to vibrate at the speed of light, prepare to either implode into nothingness or have the universe implode on itself.

  • how do i change the designers background? 6.5 years ago

    Go to the mods page and browse a few designer mods there.

  • Manually Editing Parts... PLS HELP 6.5 years ago

    If you’re on pc/mac or android, download the overload mod. (Clickable link) It’s an in-game XML modifier that’s really easy to use. If you’re on iOS, you can ask the community to make these modded parts for you. (you can tag me if you want). Hope this helps! @MilesTPrower

  • How do i mass scale something ? 6.5 years ago

    Use the Overload mod. On the first menu that shows up, there is an option called “massScale”. 1 is normal mass, 0.5 is half the mass, etc.

  • Gold! 6.5 years ago

    @FastDan thanks!

  • Gold! 6.5 years ago

    @RailfanEthan lol thanks!
