Swastikas are aincient symbols that mean peace and love, they were misused by one stroppy German with a bad moustache and now they are SO OFFENSIVE OMG LIKE WHAT?
Have just finished mapping shape of deck to 1;1 scale of 104ft9in do you mind if the bow does not curve outwards? (it would be a pain in the donkey if you know what I mean) I expect at my current rate of building to have the hull done and floating tomorrow or the day after.
Why? It isn't meant to move. The real things didn't move, so my half fictional replica does not move, therefore making it realistic. It is what they were, The principle of the portable engine was a boiler with an engine on top saving space, it could be pulled by horses from farm to farm to power machines, in the 1850s the technology was limited, it was very hard to create drive mechanisms but eventually they were invented using engines like this, to create an entirely different machine, the TRACTION engine and the traction engine then evolved into the modern tractor and actually the tank.@GermanWarMachine
Makes me want to have another go at the spitfire I have been promising to build for 2 years lol. Never thought I could do it justice and gave up on it. this is nice. TIP nudge the red parts of the roundels down a bit, and make the exhausts out of fuselage inlets, Good luck!
@Aarons123 Will take a while, its not complete (rear fuselage exists only on paper) and i will have to modify the configuration so it can hold this inside.
@Aarons123 unfortunatly my design uses XML modded parts, most is and will be edited in some way, pretty much everything exept the engines wings and cockpit block. But 90% of editing is for asthetic reasons so will it be disqualified?
WHAT ABOUT GLASSSSSSSSSSS AND TRANSPARENCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha, sure, I made some gears to drive my latest creation, they don't turn properly and have spent 3 hours on the problem. It's probably because I eyeballed it @Tully2001
Ive been editing my project and 'beautifying' the gears hit a brick wall as it loves to get stuck, managed to make it run smoothly on its own but yeah it behaves like someone has welded the gears together with toffee
just finished doing all the structure, just have to add a ton of detail. will definitely be out this week.@Gemista
lel @MeetThyDoom
Feel your pain friend.
Swastikas are aincient symbols that mean peace and love, they were misused by one stroppy German with a bad moustache and now they are SO OFFENSIVE OMG LIKE WHAT?
I erm haven't had my PC in a while will be abl to use it tomorrow and I will see if I can do some more work on the turbina@Gemista
Hull will be finished in a few hrs, @Gemista
Alternatively I could build the deck structures first@Gemista
Have just finished mapping shape of deck to 1;1 scale of 104ft9in do you mind if the bow does not curve outwards? (it would be a pain in the donkey if you know what I mean) I expect at my current rate of building to have the hull done and floating tomorrow or the day after.
Please read descriptions...........@GermanWarMachine
@SpiritusRaptor Thanks man!
Why? It isn't meant to move. The real things didn't move, so my half fictional replica does not move, therefore making it realistic. It is what they were, The principle of the portable engine was a boiler with an engine on top saving space, it could be pulled by horses from farm to farm to power machines, in the 1850s the technology was limited, it was very hard to create drive mechanisms but eventually they were invented using engines like this, to create an entirely different machine, the TRACTION engine and the traction engine then evolved into the modern tractor and actually the tank.@GermanWarMachine
You don't. @GermanWarMachine
+1@Gemista Ty
Really like the waterline marks, IDK why
@General360 Also i dont think the wheels are very nice, but couldnt make a more detailed set of them
@General360 I wanted people to see the RIVETS that were so annoying to place.
@MechWARRIOR57 Type 35's do
Its an Abomination, but still looks like something id build and then give a latin name to make it sound more trendy.
This particular model the MK II A had a three bladed propellor
@FlyingThings First had 2 Later Mk 1 had 3 and in 1943 (i think) they pgraded to 4, 5 prop was last days of ww2 and post war.
@CoolPeach Is done
I can nudge it for you. @CoolPeach
Makes me want to have another go at the spitfire I have been promising to build for 2 years lol. Never thought I could do it justice and gave up on it. this is nice. TIP nudge the red parts of the roundels down a bit, and make the exhausts out of fuselage inlets, Good luck!
Have you seen that video where the REAL Rick goes round singing that song to people.
I test my builds on mobile before I say that, and when I do I mean you literally cant load the thing.
@PlanesAndThings2 Thanks :)
@Aarons123 Will take a while, its not complete (rear fuselage exists only on paper) and i will have to modify the configuration so it can hold this inside.
@Aarons123 unfortunatly my design uses XML modded parts, most is and will be edited in some way, pretty much everything exept the engines wings and cockpit block. But 90% of editing is for asthetic reasons so will it be disqualified?
it may be able to carry several.
i have the perfect design
@Dynamicneedle very punny.
People who say they suffer from constipation are full of sh!t,
seems to have fixed it@randomusername
I will set all wings and engines to No collide @randomusername
Gosh just realised my accounts 2 years old aswell, time flies!
And a load of racetracks like der Nurburgring.
WHAT ABOUT GLASSSSSSSSSSS AND TRANSPARENCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+1This is why the jet stream sucks! bring back the old notifications so you can see who uploaded the damn planes.
I shall tag you if you want to take a quick sneak peek @Tully2001
Haha, sure, I made some gears to drive my latest creation, they don't turn properly and have spent 3 hours on the problem. It's probably because I eyeballed it @Tully2001
@SlowJet no
@Hayhayjam664 Thanks so much.
@WalrusAircraft So did i cause this is a stubborn mess of gears!
@SpiritusRaptor Oooh
Ive been editing my project and 'beautifying' the gears hit a brick wall as it loves to get stuck, managed to make it run smoothly on its own but yeah it behaves like someone has welded the gears together with toffee