2,932 PriusCat Comments

  • Northrop F-20 Tigershark 1.6 years ago

    YES!!!! Finally, I’ve waited to long for a good F-20.

  • [Closed] RCP Engineering D-02-300 Challenge 1.6 years ago

    @CoachPickles86 I won’t. I’m not just going to make a livery, I also plan on modifying it to give it some better details. Like wing flex and antennas. As you’ve said, the rules of this challenge will follow the same one as the D-01 challenge so I can’t put my aircraft in for the challenge. This is because that challenge stated I can not modify the aircraft, only give it a livery. As I have already expressed as well I’ve chosen not to join in because I want to give others a chance to win. I already won a challenge similar to this so I’m fine. I’m still going to release the airplane though if you wanted to see it I guess.

  • [Closed] RCP Engineering D-02-300 Challenge 1.6 years ago

    although I'll totally make a livery for this I won't post it under this challenge as I've already won the D-01-200 one. I'd like to give the other contestants a chance to get first place. good luck to all the contestants!

  • RCP Engineering D-02-300 | TAP Air Portugal Express 1.6 years ago

    Wow, somehow i completely missed this. Was waiting for a while to try this one out.

  • Bolt 1.7 years ago

    T H E B O L T

  • AH-1 HPGAA 1.7 years ago

    Something about this planes long wingspan with the long wing fairing gives me air tractor vibes. Totally enjoying the plane though.

  • wheatfield90's F/A-27C (improved flight model) 1.7 years ago

    ah yes, now I can commit Ace Combat Physics Unknown in the funny anime plane.

  • RCP Engineering D-01-200 Blue Point 1.7 years ago

    @FeiGe3 oh whoops, I probably overlooked that detail because I was in such a rush to publish this. I’ll make sure to fix it when I got the time. If there is anything else you’d think I should fix or change please let me know.

  • RCP Engineering D-01-200 Blue Point 1.7 years ago

    I noticed that the challenge is closed but for context I published this at 9:32 mountain time on the 15th. I hope this makes it into the challenge.

  • RCP Engineering D-01-200 Blue Point 1.7 years ago

    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes Sorry I took so long to publish this, I hope I'm not too late. here is my challenge entry!

  • RCP Engineering D-01-200 LTU Luftransport Unternhehmen 1.7 years ago

    @FeiGe3 Thanks! At first I was just planning on mentioning the crash and its subsequent grounding, but now I'm thinking about adding a shortened version of what had happened and how it affected the perception of the aircraft and the planes future with my airline after the accident.

  • RCP Engineering D-01-200 LTU Luftransport Unternhehmen 1.7 years ago

    @FeiGe3 Is it ok if I mention your LTU accident in my lore? in reality a major crash like that would ground all flights of the aircraft in question until the air investigation team found out what had caused it. I want to include that and I just want to make sure you're ok with it.

  • FW-190 D-13 Teaser 1.7 years ago

    I love the way you make your planes and I'm really excited to see this one when its done. for a paint scheme I'd like to recommend those geometric liveries I see on some Bf-109s. I'm not sure about how historically accurate it would be on a Fw-190, but I love the way it looks. I see you did something similar on the wings already.

  • [CLOSED] D-01 Livery Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes I'll see if I can get it done early first before asking if you can extend the date. I wouldn't want you to extend the deadline only for me to actually do it on time. I'm just worried about it because I have some summer classes which take up a majority of my day.

  • [CLOSED] D-01 Livery Challenge 1.7 years ago

    Finally, a challenge I can do! Deadline seems pretty short though, I’ll see if I can get my submission in before the 15th.

  • AAI T/F-44A Cenderawasih 1.7 years ago

    I noticed that the right aileron isn’t inverted, I’d fix it myself but funky trees is foreign to me

  • AAI T/F-44A Cenderawasih 1.7 years ago

    Now I know why I liked the design of this plane so much, it’s literally a mix of both of my favorite planes. The f-16 and the fa-18. Also wing flex 👌

  • OV-19 Fennec Fox 1.7 years ago

    Holy cow, how is this doing so well 💀

  • OV-19 Fennec Fox 1.7 years ago

    @ShocK69 At the moment I’m just releasing old builds so I’m not taking any requests, but in the future when I start making new stuff I’ll think about it.

  • OV-19 Fennec Fox 1.7 years ago

    I forgot to mention, but the camera on this plane is not my own! I forgot who’s it is though because I made this a long time ago.

  • Freestyle S-26 Tri-Canary 1.7 years ago

    oh my goodness, this has got to be one of the best general aviation aircraft on this site! I can even do a preflight walkaround lol.

  • TERN Sabinal 1.8 years ago

    F-16 intake go brrrrr