Sometimes I wonder how the modules and electronics are located inside this tank, because its size is such that in close combat it cannot even be noticed due to its size
@StrangeGameAYT Well I put missiles on 99% of my fighters (yes I'm a missile spammer) that's why my GFJ has so many missiles, because anyone can dodge 1 or 2 missiles but not a hundred
@StrangeGameAYT Yes, try to make it at least as large as the B-29, and if you can, make a bomb bay, (Your SFC-53 more dangerous than a neutron star💀) try to add turrets so that no one can shoot down this creature of chaos
@StrangeGameAYT Well, always when something is done for a very long time, then either the person tries hard or he is a noob, the second option does not suit you
@StrangeGameAYT I have no plans yet, I do what comes to mind. Apparently, what you are doing will be of very high quality, since you have been doing it for so long
I decided to compare your old tanks and the current ones and I can say that you are developing and improving a lot, while it seems to me that my style does not change at all and everything looks almost the same (for example AM1 and W3 MBT series)
I don't know where you live but for me it's 3am right now, I woke up for some unknown reason and immediately came here to be the first to vote for this masterpiece
@StrangeGameAYT sometimes it seems that with such a cannon and such a connection of the turret with the hull, the turret will come off after the first shot
@StrangeGameAYT you can put a cylinder between the hull and the turret to cover that little rotator stick (it seems like the whole turret is held on by that)
@StrangeGameAYT yes also regarding the appearance try to use fuselages instead of blocks and also the height of the turret should be equal to the height of the hull but you can make the turret bigger or smaller in height a bit
@StrangeGameAYT I don't know about this, but in my opinion they will simply change some details of this site, because when creating a new site, will most likely have to create a new account for the site
@StrangeGameAYT initially i wanted to add more decorations to the gun but for some unknown reason because of the decorations i wanted to add the recoil of the tank was negative and pushed the tank forward even when i set the recoil to 0%
@StrangeGameAYT I recently bought a new phone (Honor X7c 8/256GB) so now I will not limit myself in the number of parts for buildings, so there will probably be buildings with 500+ parts
@SPsidearm considering that I mainly make fictional planes and tanks, making a replica is difficult for me in terms of weapons, especially when I saw the weapons on this fighter, I realized that I wouldn't be able to do it, I just don't know how
@StrangeGameAYT As for the description and tags, I don't know what to add there, and anyway, publishing and creating screenshots takes a lot of time, especially since I have not a phone but a brick with 32GB of memory (Samsung A12)
@StrangeGameAYT Will it be able to adapt to your SFC-53?
+2Jujutsu lobotomy aren't it?
+2At other points, the enemy has no chance to escape
+1This thing has the maneuverability of a brick, add at least a thrust vectoring to it
+1Sometimes I wonder how the modules and electronics are located inside this tank, because its size is such that in close combat it cannot even be noticed due to its size
+1@StrangeGameAYT Well I put missiles on 99% of my fighters (yes I'm a missile spammer) that's why my GFJ has so many missiles, because anyone can dodge 1 or 2 missiles but not a hundred
+1@StrangeGameAYT Yes, try to make it at least as large as the B-29, and if you can, make a bomb bay, (Your SFC-53 more dangerous than a neutron star💀) try to add turrets so that no one can shoot down this creature of chaos
+1Why is it so smol? 😭🙏
+1And you should also add missiles
+1The rate of fire of this thing makes my phone freeze like a nineties microwave
+1@StrangeGameAYT Well, always when something is done for a very long time, then either the person tries hard or he is a noob, the second option does not suit you
+1@StrangeGameAYT I have no plans yet, I do what comes to mind. Apparently, what you are doing will be of very high quality, since you have been doing it for so long
+1@StrangeGameAYT what do you mean it can destroy your tanks? it's literally a medium fighter from WWII💀
+1and also how about you continue your SFC series of planes (i hope i wrote that correctly)
+1I decided to compare your old tanks and the current ones and I can say that you are developing and improving a lot, while it seems to me that my style does not change at all and everything looks almost the same (for example AM1 and W3 MBT series)
+1oh no, I just had physics setting on a low
+1bro, what's wrong with this tank as soon as I started playing on it it literally started dancing on one spot
+1I don't know where you live but for me it's 3am right now, I woke up for some unknown reason and immediately came here to be the first to vote for this masterpiece
+1even with such a gun it looks more normal than what I'm going to build
+1I just now noticed that I didn't set the cannon settings to multirole
+1these improvements are good but you also need to watch the armor, for example the tracks are very vulnerable as is the turret rotation mechanism
+1Wow, it's new to see a different arrangement of your tracks.
+1@StrangeGameAYT You just haven't seen what the machine gun on this thing does yet
+1why did this get so few downloads, my efforts were in vain?
+1@LowQualityRepublic I'm too lazy to make tracks differently
+1why don't you use fuselage instead of blocks? this way your buildings will have less number of parts
+1@StrangeGameAYT sometimes it seems that with such a cannon and such a connection of the turret with the hull, the turret will come off after the first shot
+1that's good, but can you hide the parachute parts and countermeasures in the body
+1this tank is good but it is not necessary to install suspension because it can be added in the wheel settings
+1@StrangeGameAYT you can put a cylinder between the hull and the turret to cover that little rotator stick (it seems like the whole turret is held on by that)
+1@StrangeGameAYT yes also regarding the appearance try to use fuselages instead of blocks and also the height of the turret should be equal to the height of the hull but you can make the turret bigger or smaller in height a bit
+1@StrangeGameAYT he looks terribly dangerous just imagine it coming out from around the corner with a 250mm cannon pointed at you
+1bro why does he look like an egg 🙏😫 (I like it)
+1@StrangeGameAYT that was the problem, the detail that I wanted to add didn't touch the gun at all
+1@StrangeGameAYT I don't know about this, but in my opinion they will simply change some details of this site, because when creating a new site, will most likely have to create a new account for the site
+1@StrangeGameAYT initially i wanted to add more decorations to the gun but for some unknown reason because of the decorations i wanted to add the recoil of the tank was negative and pushed the tank forward even when i set the recoil to 0%
+1@StrangeGameAYT this is a great idea for a small tank, i won't need too much work and a lot of parts (yes, I'm lazy)
+1@StrangeGameAYT I don't know but I should try I'm not sure I can because I only have experience in creating MBT and things based on them
+1maybe this tank looks weird but i like its suspension it's really fun
+1@StrangeGameAYT yes also because in my opinion this is my best and most successful tank
+1@StrangeGameAYT This tank is very smol
@StrangeGameAYT Thank you, I didn't know it was that easy
@StrangeGameAYT I recently bought a new phone (Honor X7c 8/256GB) so now I will not limit myself in the number of parts for buildings, so there will probably be buildings with 500+ parts
@SPsidearm considering that I mainly make fictional planes and tanks, making a replica is difficult for me in terms of weapons, especially when I saw the weapons on this fighter, I realized that I wouldn't be able to do it, I just don't know how
@StrangeGameAYT I live in Kazakhstan, and from the moment I woke up I haven't been able to sleep, and my wifi was down for the whole day
I want to fix this
@Pwoek134 Well, I'll fix the tags, but I don't have enough imagination to create a description.
@StrangeGameAYT As for the description and tags, I don't know what to add there, and anyway, publishing and creating screenshots takes a lot of time, especially since I have not a phone but a brick with 32GB of memory (Samsung A12)