@PlanePro69234 Nah bro u just don’t know how to use it.
@Th3Missil3 Cake 💀
I know this is an old thread but I literally could say the same thing to you. Why do you have a tank as a profile picture?
Ahh yes my favorite art program. Simpleplanes
Upvote ⬆️
@KtaAviation This is fricking incredible. It’s like playing a different game. The attention to detail is insane 💀
This is a true talent.
+999999999 S o c i a l c r e d i t.
We’re bullying the tutorial plane with this one! 🔥🔥💯
Perfect truck. 😍
v1.11 Was an inside job.
@Hughey6576 I think I’ve found how!
Nice! How did you make the decals?
@Danieltheordinaryguy bunny bunny from reverse:1999 I think.
@IntoTheDesignatedGridZone Because we can.
@Hughey6576 I want to know as well.
@DrFumiya Hello
Vada a bordo, cazzo
Pizza time
@Randomplayer The droop snoot
@SPNonsensical If you have access to the file can you send me a copy?
@DrFumiyaREBORN I finally logged into my main account after all these years.
Art link: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92512809
@CM I like it!
@SpartanSR91 Hi! it was me in game. for some reason players cant see my messages.
@PlanePro69234 Nah bro u just don’t know how to use it.
+5@Th3Missil3 Cake 💀
+3I know this is an old thread but I literally could say the same thing to you. Why do you have a tank as a profile picture?
+2Ahh yes my favorite art program. Simpleplanes
+2Upvote ⬆️
+2@KtaAviation This is fricking incredible. It’s like playing a different game. The attention to detail is insane 💀
This is a true talent.
+2+999999999 S o c i a l c r e d i t.
+2We’re bullying the tutorial plane with this one! 🔥🔥💯
+1Perfect truck. 😍
+1v1.11 Was an inside job.
@Hughey6576 I think I’ve found how!
Nice! How did you make the decals?
@Danieltheordinaryguy bunny bunny from reverse:1999 I think.
@IntoTheDesignatedGridZone Because we can.
@Hughey6576 I want to know as well.
@DrFumiya Hello
Vada a bordo, cazzo
Pizza time
@Randomplayer The droop snoot
@SPNonsensical If you have access to the file can you send me a copy?
@DrFumiyaREBORN I finally logged into my main account after all these years.
Art link: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92512809
@CM I like it!
@SpartanSR91 Hi! it was me in game. for some reason players cant see my messages.