1,205 QSDragon Comments

  • UH-144 Falcon Halo Reach 8.5 years ago

    @CreeperProGaming Sry for late response, I don't get on often. Go ahead!

  • H9 Redshift 8.7 years ago

    @General360 Thanks a ton!

  • UH-144 Falcon Halo Reach 9.0 years ago

    Holy cow, I stop playing for a couple days and get featured, @AndrewGarrison Thanks :D

  • UH-144 Falcon Halo Reach 9.0 years ago

    @LolplanesTECH Yes, it's really vtol

  • UH-144 Falcon Halo Reach 9.0 years ago

    @Supercraft888 Kat? never had Kat crash a pelican, let alone a falcon... a certain other noble member on the other hand >.>

  • UH-144 Falcon Halo Reach 9.0 years ago

    @Earthbenderrwefa @Hssd @KHH @Blueshark03 Thanks a ton!

  • Why the plane limit? 9.0 years ago

    bandwidth is not free...

  • RAH-67''BridgeKiller'' 9.0 years ago

    Really cool, slick design. No yaw makes it hard to do precision strikes though. Overall very easy to fly though!

  • A3 Mantle 9.0 years ago

    Lol! thank you. People don't seem to like the small fictional prop planes. It was also one of my first and therefore pretty ugly

  • (Modified) Supercraft888s Helo 9.0 years ago

    @Supercraft888 Go ahead, I only added the rotor and moved the fuel around. To clip you have to nudge the parts together, I believe you can do it on ios via the additional tools (where mirror is located) not sure.

  • H4 Dexter 9.1 years ago

    @KCferrari Yeah no matter what I try the props get out of sync once in the air. On the ground you can spin em all day long and they're fine. Getting them to not hit the fuselage is just trial in air. Spawn, spin em slow and roll the controls in a circle.

  • H4 Dexter 9.1 years ago

    @Noman0rumeral @DownUnderWing Thanks, honestly didn't think people would enjoy this and uploaded cause I thought it was funny >.<

  • H3 Ascendant 9.1 years ago

    @Noman0rumeral Thanks :)

  • Bell 214ST (fix) 9.1 years ago

    @Noman0rumeral eh, took me 30 seconds to fix it. some other people had some trouble though. It flies nice and smooth, though it's heavy and slow. I'm always happy to see helo's without rcn!

  • Bell 214ST (fix) 9.1 years ago

    Lol, there now it works!

  • Bell 214ST 9.1 years ago

    Some Assembly Required, I had to re-attatch the rotors to get the cyclic to work. Really well done.

  • (Modified)Black Shark 9.1 years ago

    @ljutiren I only added the cyclic motion (2 rotators, 1 pitch 1 roll). Without proper yaw or collective (manually control engine pitch) helo's tend to be hard to fly. Alot of people use vtol engines and rcs thrusters but I think they aren't necessary and take away from the challange. Have fun ;)

  • Gotha Go.231 9.1 years ago

    Really cool looking but needs to be going FAST. Also, sp needs real elevon support.

  • H3 Ascendant 9.1 years ago

    @Cjredwards Thanks, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

  • H3 Ascendant 9.1 years ago

    @Cjredwards Balancing is easy. When defining the shape try and use more fuselages than you think you need. Then after you finish putting everything on add fuel closest to the lifting engine, and add dead weight as far from the lifting engine as possible. Get it so the center red line is as close to the center of the prop as you can. A little bit in front or behind is slightly better as it'll let you nose up or down to fly level.

  • kamakazy 9.1 years ago

    I like the angles on this quite alot, though it'd be better to tie the wings to vtol. That way when it's in "kamakazy" mode you can still have the throttle up and get under any defensive guns!

  • my second airplane but´´´s good 9.1 years ago

    Looks like you forgot to hit "new plane" after playing with my glider, it's listed as being a successor.

  • F4 Aether 9.1 years ago

    For those curious this won daredevil with 1:55

  • BvlG-1 Albatross 9.1 years ago

    @gyroscopeduckling The amount of pressure generated by pushing the control surface down is greater than the force that is generated by the deflected air, hence the game makes the control surface "inverted". It looks opposite of what we are used to seeing so it's wierd but without actually testing the individual designs in a wind tunnel it's hard to tell if it's accurate or not.

  • G56 Gas Burner 9.1 years ago

    Lol! that made me laugh

  • Bronze Bullet 2.0 9.1 years ago

    @xXATHERIALXx Nice, now it's living up to it's name!

  • Push Plane Challenge!!! 9.1 years ago

    @OneLast I'm pretty sure it's self balancing. You could shove 1000 gallons into a plane, but the weight will require more power to get off the ground, taking away points for the takeoff. If you find a way to cram that much fuel and still have a short takeoff, fast, maneuverable and stable plane then you've done well

  • Push Plane Challenge!!! 9.1 years ago

    @letsgofast11 It was mentioned before only 1 entry, so pick your best one!

  • Bronze Bullet Interceptor 9.1 years ago

    @xXATHERIALXx I tweaked it up alot, most of it was personal preference. The 2 biggest things are the larger stabilizers so it doesn't rock as hard and the front landing gear being dropped down alot making it much easier to takeoff.

  • Push Plane Challenge!!! 9.1 years ago

    https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/2hA4p7/R5600-Aurum Well that was fun! Pushers are always such a pain to get off the runway when you just start building.

  • Push Plane Challenge!!! 9.1 years ago

    Push Props? Sure I'll enter!

  • Hawk predator 9.1 years ago

    @noyen4U Please refer to the rules

    Tweaking airplanes is okay

    It is okay to download someone else's airplane, make some tweaks and re-upload a new variation.

    In fact, the original designer may even receive bonus points.
    However, if your variation does not offer any improvements over the existing airplane, then it may be removed.

  • Hawk predator 9.1 years ago

    So what exactly did you change?

  • Arctic Goose 9.1 years ago

    @salisbey Aoa = Angle of attack. Have the front of the plane higher than the back of the plane when landed so the wings are angled up. Most planes should naturally start to pick up off the ground without much input. In real life most planes have the wings angled as well as the wheels so the leading edge is raised a bit, but in simple planes all we can use are the wheels.

  • S20 Sunrise 9.1 years ago

    @salvador3031 The ai is garbage at flying anything, I'd be more interested in seeing your race time. If you're having trouble getting to the finish / blowing the ai outa the water you're probably being to rough on the controls. Gliders need gentle inputs over time. A light bank with very little pitch and slightly more yaw will do wonders. Also, our gliders have almost nothing in common. Mines twice as heavy, alot larger, different wing structure etc. Not sure why you want to compare them so heavily.

  • 3 planes in 1! 9.1 years ago

    3rd plane is bloody adorable

  • Sidewinder 9.1 years ago

    Neat concept, impossible to takeoff/land without a tailstrike though. Reminds me of star wars podracers.

  • Arctic Goose 9.1 years ago

    Easily one of my favorite luxury cruisers. I still think it has a huge rollout, adjusting aoa on the ground would help but it's definately flyable as is.

  • Golden Bullet 9.1 years ago

    Very cool looking but needs more fuel! Ran dry before I could really test it out.

  • Bronze Bullet Interceptor 9.1 years ago

    Terrifying to fly, but looks amazing!