352 R2d2hunter Comments

  • Shenyang J-8IIM Fighter 3.0 years ago

    Somebody has been playing war thunder I see

  • How do you download mods for iOS? 3.9 years ago

    It sucks that you can only get XML and fine tuner and not a gun mod or a realistic wing.

  • Lockheed Martin F-35B FIXED Vertical TakeOff/Landing 3.9 years ago

    Why did you just take the air to air missiles and bombs off????

  • F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter (Working) 3.9 years ago

    Looks great.

  • B-100 class torpedo bomber 4.0 years ago

    @madmax1682 You are definitely right the guns are a really nice stream of red bullets. Also the guns are really balanced they are not so overpowered that they can take out the Beast in one hit but they are not to weak that you gotta hit it with three bullets.

  • Focke Wulf FW-190 A-8 (v1.3) 2.2 years ago

    This will help me train for sim battles when I can’t be on WT. looks great tho

  • Bell P-39Q-5 Airacobra 2.9 years ago

    @Hedero Ok thx anyway. I just noticed the notification because I checked my phone while my wing tank was on fire with no chance of going out because the tanks are not self sealing. I love the A4 in war thunder but sometimes it just causes me pain.

  • Bell P-39Q-5 Airacobra 2.9 years ago

    I know you told me that you don’t take request really but hopefully you have the same love for the A4 skyhawk as I do. Smooth curves look great in your build style and it is a plane in War Thunder so you can use the models.

  • Bell P-39Q-5 Airacobra 2.9 years ago

    I just checked like 2 days ago for a post idk why it didnt come up

  • XCF-190 P-1 AA 3.2 years ago

    Full flaps 40% will get about 140-150 landing speed

  • XCF-190 P-1 AA 3.2 years ago

    @Darg12e there are not many flaws if just needs to be able to land slower. Hitting the ground at 250 mph will make you bounce into the sun.

  • XCF-190 P-1 AA 3.2 years ago

    I’m not sure how I send it to you tho. I don’t wanna post it cuz it is your plane

  • XCF-190 P-1 AA 3.2 years ago

    Added flaps and landing is easier with them

  • XCF-190 P-1 AA 3.2 years ago

    I have been tweaking some things adding more lift. The pitch is better now and landing speed is lowered now the hard part is messing with the landing gear because you tend to bounce when coming in at higher speeds. The problem is that the anything below 160 you start falling and gaining lots of vertical speed.

  • P-39 AIRACOBRA 3.8 years ago

    @sam1333 cool did you just unlock it or are you on a higher tier??

  • P-39 AIRACOBRA 3.8 years ago

    Do you use this plane in war thunder?

  • Boeing 747-300 Trijet 3.8 years ago

    I really love trijet planes. Also the wing flection looks amazing.

  • DaBaby Convertible 3.8 years ago

    Da baby is gonna take you for the ride of your life.

  • Valkyrie Light Fighter 3.9 years ago

    Flys really nice

  • **Updated Rules** The Great SimplePlanes Dogfight Tournament 3.9 years ago

    So it’s basically a top gun tournament.

  • [TEASER] License Plates 3.9 years ago

    The California plate is very accurate. Los Angeles smells like poop and pot.

  • B-25 Mitchell 3.9 years ago

    Nice plane the cockpit looks nice and it fly’s great.

  • CPF-3"Vulcan" 4.0 years ago

    It’s a little touchy on the controls.

  • B-100 class torpedo bomber 4.0 years ago

    It really just falls apart with each bullet that hits it.

  • F/A-18F BLOCK III 4.0 years ago

    I was just trying to land on the BEAST and took it a bit to fast and low so when I hit the deck the beautiful landing gear shattered and sent a shock through the entire plane.

  • Roblox torpedo bomber 4.0 years ago

    @Alextoucan555555555 I know it’s a total copy but I like the planes more because they fly better on mobile

  • Roblox heavy bomber -Navel warfare- 4.0 years ago

    An you make the American version please?

  • F-22A Raptor 4.0 years ago

    I hate when people try and make planes look ULTRA realistic. If it’s super realistic it can’t fly and it’s super laggy. But you made it look smooth and fly great and the missile bay is amazing. 10/10 creation.

  • AF F-4B Phantom II 4.0 years ago

    There is another guy named Herero that made a phantom and his flys the same except it has less missiles and lots more lag. But this flys like a dream.

  • Tridente S-class Bomber 4.0 years ago

    Well it can take some hits from the carriers fleet and then it hits a bomb. But it still looks nice when it blows up.

  • Der Nachtfalke (2.0) 4.0 years ago

    I was just checking out some of your other builds and I really love that they can all carpet bomb really nicely.

  • Leopard 2 PL 2.9 years ago

    Nooo it’s modded

  • Shenyang J-8IIM Fighter 3.0 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 WT copied u. At least u can use the war thunder model to help out

  • Shenyang J-8IIM Fighter 3.0 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 everybody been playing warthunder

  • MiG-15bis Fagot V1.1 3.0 years ago

    Man this plane is great but a military transport is always great. Maybe the AN-22

  • XCF-190 P-1 AA 3.2 years ago

    Other than this couple things the design is beautiful

  • XCF-190 P-1 AA 3.2 years ago

    Very fun to fly. The only thing I would change is the amount of lift the wings produce, make it turn a bit better, and add flaps. With all those it could be a great dogfighter.

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 3.2 years ago

    Try making all the American P-51 variants in war thunder

  • Mikoyan-Gurivech MiG-21 F-13 (Nam Challenge) 3.8 years ago

    I love how your builds always look super smooth and clean.

  • Aerfer Saggitario 2 3.8 years ago

    I tried landing in first person and landed quite well. It flies great and shoots great.

  • TR-3A ''Black Manta'' 3.8 years ago

    O and BTW you can’t repost builds and just change the paint. You are supposed to make major changes.

  • TR-3A ''Black Manta'' 3.8 years ago

    Not even joking I was about to say that I have seen this plane before but it was for a no vertical stabilizer challenge. This is legit the same exact plane.

  • Boeing 777-300ER JAL 3.8 years ago

    Why electric? It feels weak while it flys.

  • Lag machine READ DESCRIPTION 3.8 years ago

    @ZFRFRK and sorry I did not respond sooner. I’m on vacation right now and have not been on the website much.

  • Lag machine READ DESCRIPTION 3.8 years ago

    @ZFRFRK how did u find this post?

  • The Nuclear Challenge by Eli Candy No.3 3.8 years ago

    Also if you make the control surfaces go the entire length of the wing it glides much better.

  • The Nuclear Challenge by Eli Candy No.3 3.8 years ago

    Nice, it’s kinda a small explosive though.

  • Nose cone 3.9 years ago

    @mLk Tbh I just upload random stuff for upvotes

  • Nose cone 3.9 years ago

    @mLk K