China illegal fishing
Legend says its repost
This guy need's more attention.
jundroo should replace this
@scratch yea, np
Congrats on feature...
Dame da me :)
cerrd work so much in this server, i thought he took a break lmao
@BlackThuNDR lol
@SilverStar Np
Reference to the Midway movie?
Thanks for silver cake.
This cant be...
You were a good moderator...
Ayo nice build
you breaked gods rule, jk lmao
Lets go, mobile users
@THEYE oh, okay then...
@THEYE the screen recorder is lagging
Wait what happened?
@BaconEggs lol
@DripYeager yeah
@FlylarbWebarebear ye
How was that even possible, joke its only os lol
Use the riv screen recorder, i have low end. I used that screen recorder, there were 60fps with any resolution that your device supports
T bag
@yxya ye
Steam ----> Discord
@realSavageMan lol
@realSavageMan show this guy what power you got
Add a gyro or try to land like irl
@Tookan Well.. That's good
@Tookan Dude stop, everybody has a good behavior here, i was gold but i quitted sp
Can i have 200 or 300 parts only here? If i go more than that my device would lag
This is cool
@B747max i just want check
@Ruskiwaffle1991 Eyyy
@NightmareCorporation yep
hell yea!
t, ang ganda
Welcome I'm new too
China illegal fishing
+5Legend says its repost
+5This guy need's more attention.
+3jundroo should replace this
+3@scratch yea, np
+1Congrats on feature...
+1Dame da me :)
+1cerrd work so much in this server, i thought he took a break lmao
+1@BlackThuNDR lol
+1@SilverStar Np
+1Reference to the Midway movie?
+1Thanks for silver cake.
+1This cant be...
You were a good moderator...
Ayo nice build
you breaked gods rule, jk lmao
Lets go, mobile users
@THEYE oh, okay then...
@THEYE the screen recorder is lagging
Wait what happened?
@BaconEggs lol
@DripYeager yeah
@FlylarbWebarebear ye
How was that even possible, joke its only os lol
Use the riv screen recorder, i have low end. I used that screen recorder, there were 60fps with any resolution that your device supports
T bag
@yxya ye
Steam ----> Discord
@realSavageMan lol
@realSavageMan show this guy what power you got
Add a gyro or try to land like irl
@Tookan Well.. That's good
@Tookan Dude stop, everybody has a good behavior here, i was gold but i quitted sp
Can i have 200 or 300 parts only here? If i go more than that my device would lag
This is cool
@B747max i just want check
@Ruskiwaffle1991 Eyyy
@NightmareCorporation yep
hell yea!
t, ang ganda
Welcome I'm new too