@RBEEDUDE1 Listen. There are "addresses" to your mobile/internet devices, just as how your house has an unique address. These addresses are called "IP Addresses" but I'm sure you're aware of that.
We mods(and of course the devs) can look up users' IPs. Your IP is the same as Bonby0000's. If you guys don't use the same internet connection there is no reason for you guys' IPs to match up.
Unless you have explanations, I'm afraid this is a sign of vote manipulation.
@Snipe121314 Are you serious? Why would you pretend like you have slit yourself? Do you have a death wish, or are you in desperate need of attention or upvotes?
Every day thousands of people die without a chance or choice to survive, and you play around with yours like that.
As @TheLatentImage has said we will not be tolerating this kind of behaviour. Any further violations and you can expect the appropriate intervention from us.
@Austinowen Not right now, 1.3 for Mac App Store is coming with the mobile update. You can get it on Steam right now for PC and Mac.
@ProKillaV12 Nope, he modified the original plane(mine) and gave credit so everything is fine.
Sweet! Great to see YouTube videos popping up, keep up the good work!
@GipsyDanger2017 We believe hate comments should not be tolerated on this site...
You can make it yourself by setting the propeller's pitch to a negative value.
@Martorad I have 2 fuel tanks in it. 1 has positive fuel, and 1 has negative fuel.
@MrVaultech Sort of, thread getting a little hate-comment-y. Don't mind me, I'm just a normal user when I don't get any reports =D
We will be issuing an official statement soon...
@ProKillaV12 Don't.
@TheRogueGamer Through XML modding.
Make a Doge.
@Earthbenderrwefa No! Make the com come in front of col.
Do not copy other users' planes.
And you copied my plane, smart choice there.
@A5mod3us Oh man.
I couldn't get the engines to get enough air with the cones.
@FighterCrafter14 Nope, used someone else's.
@Martorad I've used a modded fuel tank!
I don't see the point to that. WP has a tiny market share, 2-3% IIRC.
@Johawks1976 SW battlefront is crap =P
Anyhow, if you send your receipt to the devs they will provide you with a steam key.
This is an old bug.
What's your device?
Self destruct system!
And Anti-Aircraft guns/missiles.
May I borrow an octagonal piece from the engines?
Calm the fudge down.
What do you mean you can't get it for your "new damn computer"? Everyone can.
And one more of these hate/rage comments+posts are going to get you banned.
RCN is automatically mapped to 8, so 8 is left on at the start.
Guessing this one? https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/5Jj0j0/F-18-Hornet
It's there, not sure what you mean.
Are you kidding me? You've got to be bloody kidding me.
I knew it ;D
The mods can check on alt accounts.
@asahero Right now, check your email!
@Wakescar The OS is still locked to iOS, which by no means has the capability of OSX.
Check the mod queue, then notifications, then forums, then new planes.
@RBEEDUDE1 Listen. There are "addresses" to your mobile/internet devices, just as how your house has an unique address. These addresses are called "IP Addresses" but I'm sure you're aware of that.
We mods(and of course the devs) can look up users' IPs. Your IP is the same as Bonby0000's. If you guys don't use the same internet connection there is no reason for you guys' IPs to match up.
Unless you have explanations, I'm afraid this is a sign of vote manipulation.
@RBEEDUDE1 I'm sorry to say this, but I'm pretty sure Bonby0000 and bobby1234 are your accounts. If this is not true, you can object right now.
@RBEEDUDE1 And, by any chance, do you share a computer/phone with him/her?
And was he/she over at your house?
Also, are you guys on school internet?
What's your relation with Bonby0000?
@Derpysniper No.
You will and are going to stay banned for 10 days, and you're going to be quiet about it.
You asked to be banned.
Your behavior was intolerable and you were punished according to the rules.
Stop these posts if you want this account to stay online.
It blew the nut!
Yep, it's annoying.
@General360 No sexual discussions please.
Huh? @blueangelproduction
This post will be better for the forums.
Man I love your weapons!
@Ctracerx2 lel. Those look so real!
I live in Seoul, Korea.
I've lived in the Philippines and Hong Kong, as well as the US too.
@Snipe121314 Are you serious? Why would you pretend like you have slit yourself? Do you have a death wish, or are you in desperate need of attention or upvotes?
Every day thousands of people die without a chance or choice to survive, and you play around with yours like that.
As @TheLatentImage has said we will not be tolerating this kind of behaviour. Any further violations and you can expect the appropriate intervention from us.
Sweet, you're back!
Now help Lat and me clear out that mod queue =P
@t8erh8er Thanks.
This is a copied plane of this plane: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/FvK0sq/F22-body-for-your-own-loadout
Stop copying other users' planes and circiumventing the successor system.
No, this is not "all yours".
Please do not copy other users' planes.