Why would you possibly think deployed TR’s and speed brakes along with flaps would work. Flaps aren’t meant to slow the aircraft down. In terms of legitimate flight physics they’re meant to increase high pressure under the bottom of the aircraft which displaces more lift which allows the aircraft to land slower. In simple planes it creates positive pitch tendencies because slow flight physics are kinda fundamentally broken but they do help with slow flight in SP as well. You never and I mean never in either SP or in real world flight deploy your flaps only when you’re on the ground. Tradiationally they’re meant to be deployed dozens of miles away from the airport with heavy body airframes. First slats are deployed, then 2-5 degrees flaps, 10-15 degrees, then 30-40 degrees flaps. All of which lets the aircraft travel at slower more controlled speeds while the slow and incremental deployment does not unstablize the flight dynamic of the aircraft. Speed brakes are TR’s especially only usually only deployed on the ground because of how much they upset the flight dynamic. As for speed brakes, sure. It’s fine if they’re deployed in flight but you definitely don’t want to kill off lift in flight in coalition with flap deployment which is what speed brakes will do. In all reality find a way to use an activator group to turn off the primary flight power plants and turn on an AUX power plant facing in the opposite direction of usual travel. As for speed brakes keep them pair with the brake action. Flaps TR’s and speed brakes should always be untethered from each other in every single occasion.
Oh my guy. Trying to pump out your design with a few fixes and just want emphasize the design is yours. Liked it enough I figured I would give it some love @UFNNICF5TF
Disagree about the looks but hey. I dig lancairs. Gotcha on the complications of moving things around. On the other hand I’m sure the CG can be corrected. @MrSilverWolf
More than aware of the lack of ailerons. Look at the Beechjet's or the Mitsubishi MU-2 use of spoilerons to attain a full wing of flap for overall lower ref speeds. That what I’m trying to accomplish without the inherent parasitic drag of spoilerons. It’s by no means an aerobat. My time flying a piper malibu irl has given me a pretty decent reference point for performance characteristics to expect in this aircraft category and so far this is spot on in terms of maneuverability. If I was building an aerobat it would be more competent in roll characteristics but it’s 6 place short range passenger aircraft. @marcox43
So this is the link I found. Died at oshkosh. I was there when it happened actually. Hit a row of military vehicles off to the side of the 18-36. Sad happening.
You based this on a sonex jet. It’s a kit built coffee cup turbine aircraft. The man who designed the original died in a wreck in a sonex jet. @Hyattorama
Hey man thanks for not taking poorly. I remember my first Bush build landing gear was crazy hard for me to get right because you have to set it up for the impact force on touchdown. It has to soak up every last bit of energy without sending it elsewhere. That’s how you get rejected touchdowns. It’s hard to get right. It’s a bomb build tho. Nice job man. @XjayIndustrys
Hey man. Just a couple of things to increase the performance. First, the CG need to be shifted to the aft. Second, the suspension system is completely nonfunctional. Makes it nearly impossible to perform a two point landing or really any off airport surface.
It’s a good build but I have a couple of critiques. Those thrust reverser aren’t at all realistic to the actual aircraft. Lear 45’s have bucket tr’s. Second the flight physics are terrible. You can use less thrust and a reduced fuel output if you add more lift. You’ll also get better short field performance. Lears aren’t to shabby with short field ops. They can get in under 3000 feet at most airports. This Lear is hardly flyable.
No it is. Camroncs is my old account. The Alta series cockpit came from @DeezDucks doesn’t look like type rebuilt it so much as just took it off. @Lovcio
He was mentally ill. He stole a dash 8 and flew it away from populated areas. He didn’t hurt anyone. He didn’t want to hurt anyone. He wasn’t violent. People can be scared but it didn’t really effect anyone except people who’s flight was delayed. Airlines lost money from delays but those guys can make it up in a heartbeat. Insurance took a hit on the horizon payout but insurance makes enough to cover it and still walk away with profit. It’s literally their business model. You are centering in on something that isn’t relevant. You need to consider different elements of the situation. Like the fact this guy pulled 7 g’s in a dash 8. Like the fact he intentionally didn’t harm anyone. Like the fact he could’ve snapped and commited an act of mass violence like so many other mentally ill individuals in recent events. I don’t condone stealing an aircraft. I don’t condone suicide. I condone non violence. Blue skies and tailwinds rich. @Tazziedevil04
Not in this game. Although I’ve noticed slats prevent overloading the wing. Great for preventing accelerated stalls. Doesn’t necessarily help generate higher pressure for slower flight in game. That’s one of the things that bugs me. @Othawne
Just curious but would a passive slat system be possible to build for this cub. Would be even cooler if it could be implemented on a helio courier build.
Here’s a much better alternative.
Annnnnddd ya stole my cockpit. Lovely.
Howdy @SodiumChloride
My builds usually are. Lmao@GiuliMBorgesYT
+1Suuuuuuuuuuuuuper tucano
+1Personally I like the EX version better. There’s more to come. @Solarisaircraft
Why would you possibly think deployed TR’s and speed brakes along with flaps would work. Flaps aren’t meant to slow the aircraft down. In terms of legitimate flight physics they’re meant to increase high pressure under the bottom of the aircraft which displaces more lift which allows the aircraft to land slower. In simple planes it creates positive pitch tendencies because slow flight physics are kinda fundamentally broken but they do help with slow flight in SP as well. You never and I mean never in either SP or in real world flight deploy your flaps only when you’re on the ground. Tradiationally they’re meant to be deployed dozens of miles away from the airport with heavy body airframes. First slats are deployed, then 2-5 degrees flaps, 10-15 degrees, then 30-40 degrees flaps. All of which lets the aircraft travel at slower more controlled speeds while the slow and incremental deployment does not unstablize the flight dynamic of the aircraft. Speed brakes are TR’s especially only usually only deployed on the ground because of how much they upset the flight dynamic. As for speed brakes, sure. It’s fine if they’re deployed in flight but you definitely don’t want to kill off lift in flight in coalition with flap deployment which is what speed brakes will do. In all reality find a way to use an activator group to turn off the primary flight power plants and turn on an AUX power plant facing in the opposite direction of usual travel. As for speed brakes keep them pair with the brake action. Flaps TR’s and speed brakes should always be untethered from each other in every single occasion.
Oh my guy. Trying to pump out your design with a few fixes and just want emphasize the design is yours. Liked it enough I figured I would give it some love @UFNNICF5TF
Yeaaah I’m not seeing Learjet for some reason. Hmmmm
+1Disagree about the looks but hey. I dig lancairs. Gotcha on the complications of moving things around. On the other hand I’m sure the CG can be corrected. @MrSilverWolf
+1Think you could shorten the fuselage length? Perhaps by moving the firewall back just before the fuselage?
Based off a dash 7 @MSGamezYXZ360
+1More than aware of the lack of ailerons. Look at the Beechjet's or the Mitsubishi MU-2 use of spoilerons to attain a full wing of flap for overall lower ref speeds. That what I’m trying to accomplish without the inherent parasitic drag of spoilerons. It’s by no means an aerobat. My time flying a piper malibu irl has given me a pretty decent reference point for performance characteristics to expect in this aircraft category and so far this is spot on in terms of maneuverability. If I was building an aerobat it would be more competent in roll characteristics but it’s 6 place short range passenger aircraft. @marcox43
Yep @Thebossrevolution101
Citation XLS.
I am camroncs. @Hooded
Yeah that sounds about right. Where is the asymmetrical drag located?@LiamW
K @CruzerBlade
No clue where that’s coming from. Shouldn’t be asymmetrical as the aircraft is directly mirrored. Don’t have and clue on that. @LiamW
So this is the link I found. Died at oshkosh. I was there when it happened actually. Hit a row of military vehicles off to the side of the 18-36. Sad happening.
http://www.aero-news.net/index.cfm?do=main.textpost&id=0481840a-33a8-40be-a007-810658c8b4e0 @Hyattorama
Yeah let me see if I can find it. @Hyattorama
You based this on a sonex jet. It’s a kit built coffee cup turbine aircraft. The man who designed the original died in a wreck in a sonex jet. @Hyattorama
It’s a sonex jet. Irl it killed its creator.
Why in Sam hell are the mains mounted right under the vstabs?
Thanks broski. @MrSilverWolf
Thanks broski. @MrSilverWolf
This is a super old one but it has excellent short field for the weight. @XjayIndustrys
+1Hey man thanks for not taking poorly. I remember my first Bush build landing gear was crazy hard for me to get right because you have to set it up for the impact force on touchdown. It has to soak up every last bit of energy without sending it elsewhere. That’s how you get rejected touchdowns. It’s hard to get right. It’s a bomb build tho. Nice job man. @XjayIndustrys
+1Hey man. Just a couple of things to increase the performance. First, the CG need to be shifted to the aft. Second, the suspension system is completely nonfunctional. Makes it nearly impossible to perform a two point landing or really any off airport surface.
+1This thing was a beast at oshkosh. Oh my god this thing flies like a champ.
Sure dude. @TUA54
@TUA54 considering its not even remotely complete, no you cannot
@HakkeAirTech @LuciferOfPoland @TUA54 This was just uploaded to share the airframe with some buddies in a discord server. Not a serious build.
That ain't too shabby. Nice man. Not a lot of Dornier builds
+2It’s a good build but I have a couple of critiques. Those thrust reverser aren’t at all realistic to the actual aircraft. Lear 45’s have bucket tr’s. Second the flight physics are terrible. You can use less thrust and a reduced fuel output if you add more lift. You’ll also get better short field performance. Lears aren’t to shabby with short field ops. They can get in under 3000 feet at most airports. This Lear is hardly flyable.
+3Lol I remember because I still use the gear actuators I borrowed from one of your planes. @DeezDucks
No it is. Camroncs is my old account. The Alta series cockpit came from @DeezDucks doesn’t look like type rebuilt it so much as just took it off. @Lovcio
Fun fact. It was @deezducks cockpit.
Hey dude I’m back under a new account. Some issues with some pretty crap abuse from other players and mods.
+1He was mentally ill. He stole a dash 8 and flew it away from populated areas. He didn’t hurt anyone. He didn’t want to hurt anyone. He wasn’t violent. People can be scared but it didn’t really effect anyone except people who’s flight was delayed. Airlines lost money from delays but those guys can make it up in a heartbeat. Insurance took a hit on the horizon payout but insurance makes enough to cover it and still walk away with profit. It’s literally their business model. You are centering in on something that isn’t relevant. You need to consider different elements of the situation. Like the fact this guy pulled 7 g’s in a dash 8. Like the fact he intentionally didn’t harm anyone. Like the fact he could’ve snapped and commited an act of mass violence like so many other mentally ill individuals in recent events. I don’t condone stealing an aircraft. I don’t condone suicide. I condone non violence. Blue skies and tailwinds rich. @Tazziedevil04
+1Chill bud. Guy stole an airplane and didn’t hurt anyone. Guy went out how most pilots want to go out. I respect him. @Tazziedevil04
Not in this game. Although I’ve noticed slats prevent overloading the wing. Great for preventing accelerated stalls. Doesn’t necessarily help generate higher pressure for slower flight in game. That’s one of the things that bugs me. @Othawne
Just curious but would a passive slat system be possible to build for this cub. Would be even cooler if it could be implemented on a helio courier build.
Do you know what oshkosh/Air venture is? @Jacobdaniel
You guys like to give us crap about liquor up at the north 40, sometimes threading to confiscate it. We think it’s hilarious @Jacobdaniel
Ah yes the beer police at oshkosh.
The original commander was designed a cargo aircraft. So I could see it. Rock on hoover.