I have a friend IRL who's autistic. She does not act like this.
Thanks for the advice though, I will take into consideration when I come to the decision of whether or not I will take part.
Ok, what's the join process, if there is one?
I'm probably not gonna take this super serious, I'm mostly thinking of joining just for sh*ts and giggles.
Pretty much, as I got further into making the aircraft, it started looking more and more like an F-35, which wasn't my intention but I just went along with it.
In the dogfight mode, I want to be able to search up planes like I would be able to in sandbox mode. I'm seriously getting sick of scrolling my annoyingly long build list to find a specific plane I want to dogfight.
Talon making planes?
What has this world come to?
Uhm, thanks?
Too many times.
It's like a child.
Smol Plen
Committing crimes, with both direction, and magnitude.
We need to triple our defense budget with this one.
I'm a mobile player.
That was the basic idea.
I have a friend IRL who's autistic. She does not act like this.
Thanks for the advice though, I will take into consideration when I come to the decision of whether or not I will take part.
Seeing the X-wing and Tie Fighter with neon green highlights.
I don't have words to describe what I saw.
You tell me, cause I don't have a clue.
Yep, would not surprise me if that happened.
How did you supposedly ruin the M-war anyway?
Ah, I see now
Ok, what's the join process, if there is one?
I'm probably not gonna take this super serious, I'm mostly thinking of joining just for sh*ts and giggles.
Dang, is there anything I need to be aware of currently.
How long has this been going on?
Thanks, I spent way too long on just the shape of the nose.
It isn't stealth (doesn't have internal weapons bay), plus the wing shape is slightly different, so it isn't an F-35.
Where/how did you do the Decal, I need it.
Pretty much, as I got further into making the aircraft, it started looking more and more like an F-35, which wasn't my intention but I just went along with it.
Before you ask, no, this is not an F-35
Can I see it?
In case you were wondering, this was meant for NATO in the challenge.
I spent way longer than I should have on that build, only for it to now be disqualified.
So uh, might be a bit too late for me to ask this. But are fictional builds allowed?
When's the next post?
Way too many builds, you don't have to use all of them
I guess MDA?
Let me fetch some links really quick for some builds.
Uh, how do I join?
What does it take to participate?
And what era do the planes have to be?
I am genuinely curious.
In the dogfight mode, I want to be able to search up planes like I would be able to in sandbox mode. I'm seriously getting sick of scrolling my annoyingly long build list to find a specific plane I want to dogfight.
Damn, this things performance on the site is pathetic.
Super as in ridiculously huge, yes. Not sure what I was thinking when making this thing.
Thanks, one source of inspiration for this aircraft was the Convair Model 200.
Interesting so far to say the least.
What in the actual heck is this?