@AmAndroidCuzYes would be awesome since your mod is the only one with camera aim (plus a little tip make the original camera the one in between the gun the aiming cam)
@AmAndroidCuzYes sorry I was wrong wrong camera I thought the one down it’s the guns was the cam aim camera
Could you maybe make a no track mod version
@overlord5453 yes that would be amazing I had another idea what if you could make the among like in warthunder where you have a camera placed behind the vehicle with a little crosshair (with camera aim of course) and then have a dedicated “sniper scope” (also cam aimed not to forget that a shell ejection mechanism would be awesome
Nice build if you make a turret could you try making shell ejection and like how the vehicle rooks back but the gun stays on target while ejecting a case
Hi could you make a new start up tutorial on the f-5 II I can’t seem to figure it out or mag make a simple start up version since I on mobile can’t seem to figure it out
Will mods be transferable from SimplePlanes 1 to SimplePlanes 2 like there are a lot of awesome mods out there that would take years to develop in he new game
@LieutenantSOT cool oh and for the turrets could you make them if they aren’t auto aim like for mobile like cam controlled it is so much more enjoyable than but anyway have luck on the new attempt and „gutes gelingen“ (german for good success)
So it is not related to this but anyway how about you make the Fritz X on the ME 464 B-2 a c.l.o.s. Missile (command line of sight) like the real one would have had or incorporate an guidance system like in war thunder I’d bee nice to have a guidance system that is not basically you are the missile but controlling it from a plane like a tow but anyway great mod
So I am not good at this so I am asking you how about you make the Fritz X a c.l.o.s. Missile (command line of sight) like the real one would have had or incorporate an guidance system like in war thunder I’d bee nice to have a guidance system that is not basically you are the missile but controlling it from a plane like a tow but anyway great mod
@BSKPlays2009 sorry to bother you with that but I re downloaded it and it still doesn’t work I am on mobile maybe that’s the issue but I didn’t get it to work
Can u make a version without the mod
It is sadly not working anymore please fix it this is an awesome mod
@AmAndroidCuzYes would be awesome since your mod is the only one with camera aim (plus a little tip make the original camera the one in between the gun the aiming cam)
@AmAndroidCuzYes sorry I was wrong wrong camera I thought the one down it’s the guns was the cam aim camera
Could you maybe make a no track mod version
The camera aim isn’t working for me
Could you please make a camera aim version
@PlaneGuy01 I think the ones on the camera I am not sure but I think it is the vertical rotator
@PlaneGuy01 yes look it up it is literally called nigga 90 I don’t know why but it is that way
@PlaneGuy01 why in hell is the cam aim input called nigga 90
Please do a interior update
Wehre is the radar I don’t see any signs of one
Awesome absolutely awesome what about that warthunder 3rd person aim mode or a humours version with like 100 shells an a 0.3 second reload
+4@overlord5453 would be a very unique build though
@overlord5453 yes that would be amazing I had another idea what if you could make the among like in warthunder where you have a camera placed behind the vehicle with a little crosshair (with camera aim of course) and then have a dedicated “sniper scope” (also cam aimed not to forget that a shell ejection mechanism would be awesome
Nice build if you make a turret could you try making shell ejection and like how the vehicle rooks back but the gun stays on target while ejecting a case
+1Awesome job but I think it is broken by now well I use mobile and after a little bit of distance it just pitches sown and doesn’t move
Wow awesome job could you please do a fast tank with a gun stabiliser next like a HSTVL or n t-54 or T-62 would be awsome
Hi could you make a new start up tutorial on the f-5 II I can’t seem to figure it out or mag make a simple start up version since I on mobile can’t seem to figure it out
@Haans63612 mig 21
Nice please do a mug 21 next with the bulky radar in the middle
Hi could you try to do like a t-62 or t-54 with a gun stabiliser
Wow great 👍 thanks
Could you please make a modless version
Will mods be transferable from SimplePlanes 1 to SimplePlanes 2 like there are a lot of awesome mods out there that would take years to develop in he new game
+1@LieutenantSOT cool oh and for the turrets could you make them if they aren’t auto aim like for mobile like cam controlled it is so much more enjoyable than but anyway have luck on the new attempt and „gutes gelingen“ (german for good success)
So it is not related to this but anyway how about you make the Fritz X on the ME 464 B-2 a c.l.o.s. Missile (command line of sight) like the real one would have had or incorporate an guidance system like in war thunder I’d bee nice to have a guidance system that is not basically you are the missile but controlling it from a plane like a tow but anyway great mod
So I am not good at this so I am asking you how about you make the Fritz X a c.l.o.s. Missile (command line of sight) like the real one would have had or incorporate an guidance system like in war thunder I’d bee nice to have a guidance system that is not basically you are the missile but controlling it from a plane like a tow but anyway great mod
@LieutenantSOT thanks is there an b36 mod of the same detail out there
How can I start the engines the image is not available for me
+1Sorry I don’t know if I am stupid or can’t read but can you manually control the turrets
@Samfpanzer me be stupid sorry
Well the engines don’t start on mobile
It ain’t on iOS ain’t it
@BSKPlays2009 sorry to bother you with that but I re downloaded it and it still doesn’t work I am on mobile maybe that’s the issue but I didn’t get it to work
So I can’t start the engine