@SilverStar I'm still learning how to make an aircraft cool to play... you can download and test any of the aircraft I posted, most or all of them, have a not so pleasant flight. I will follow your tips, but I need to understand exactly this, put it into practice, and take the time to understand it well, thank you in advance and on the next aircraft I will try to do something better, Cheers!
@HuskyDynamics01 Thank you very much! This motivates me a lot. The main objective of this cessna was to have simple details that made it look aesthetically beautiful and at the same time have few pieces. I just posted the version with Ski, enjoy! Thanks again! =D
@Stephengraffam221022222 Around 3 days, the other days were adding small details, nothing important and correcting some performance errors. It just took me a while because my time was short, but I can finish it in 1 day
Parabéns pelo Bandeirante Gabriel! Eu não terminei o civil já que eu estava desmotivado, provavelmente irei melhorar o voo e dentre outras coisas, talvez eu faça do 0 novamente.
@AlbertanPlaneMaker they remade it in a military version again without the radar on the nose, I was a little unmotivated with the constructions, but it is likely that I will post it before Christmas.
@Chickendude I don't think so lol! because it has (E170) some flaws it doesn't seem to be a very nice aircraft, but it can fly, I like the style of its aircraft.
@Bo1233 Thank you very much! I really liked your aircraft, and the improvement is a matter of time.
+2Bela aeronave! Amigo brasileiro :)
+2Apenas fino 🗿🍷
+2@Gro thank you!
+2@Per4ick222 reshade.me 4.7.0 with effects mxao, ssr and cinematicDOF
+1@Berulacraft Ok, futuramente em algum caso entrarei em contato, grato desde já.
+1Muito bom! Estou produzindo um OH-58D, gostaria de algumas dicas para performance em voo e design, há algum meio que eu possa entrar em contato?
+1@Apollo018362 sai por uma certa inatividade da minha parte, além de que eu avisei ao Vitor que iria voltar e infelizmente ele não me respondeu. :)
+1Parabéns pela pintura da TAM. Belo trabalho, Julia!
+1@Imvictor que surpresa
+1@CanadianAircraftBuilder After that. With improvements!
+1@Imvictor Tmj!
+1@DGXHunterBR muito obrigado! A sua ficou simplesmente incrível também pelo fato dela possuir o cockpit e dentre outros!
+1Eu tinha feito um desse a um tempo atrás, queria que alguém fizesse um cockpit já que eu não sou habilidoso nessa parte, bela aeronave colega!
+1Bela aeronave caro
+1Olha o golzeira ai
+1@AircraftGeek500 I like it a lot too, I ended up spending a lot of time doing it but it was worth it!
+1@alexJgameYTukraine Ok bro, I will look°
+1Bela aeronave!
+1@Cosmopolitan Sure! maybe I'll start construction today!
+1@SkyJayTheFirst Thank you, your creations are a 10!
+1Does anyone know how to create something like this? Only with different photos.
+1@Berulacraft Ok, obrigado.
very well! some of my favorite aircrafts
@Gabriel747 até que não flopou kkkk
@sempaimemero Obrigado!
@MobileBuilder21 Ty bro!
@AquaAircraftManufacturing Hyper Thanks!
@Trainzo Tysm!
@SilverStar I'm still learning how to make an aircraft cool to play... you can download and test any of the aircraft I posted, most or all of them, have a not so pleasant flight. I will follow your tips, but I need to understand exactly this, put it into practice, and take the time to understand it well, thank you in advance and on the next aircraft I will try to do something better, Cheers!
Curti bastante o CII, parabéns pela paciência de fazer o cockpit.
@SilverStar Ik, it lacked power and a bigger wing. Ty anyway.
@HuskyDynamics01 Thank you very much! This motivates me a lot. The main objective of this cessna was to have simple details that made it look aesthetically beautiful and at the same time have few pieces. I just posted the version with Ski, enjoy! Thanks again! =D
@SourDoughBread Thank you bro! I hope you understand that this is not greed.
@Stephengraffam221022222 Around 3 days, the other days were adding small details, nothing important and correcting some performance errors. It just took me a while because my time was short, but I can finish it in 1 day
@Trainzo thank you! Cheers!
@Robomo119E sorry, I have added guns for funny. I ended up forgetting to remove it at postage, and thank you!
@PilotRyder eu era o Claudde18 kkkk, só troquei o Nick. Mas já te conheço Ryder. abraços.
@Gabriel747 é prática, caso queira um contato mais ativo comigo me chama no zap 79999144104
Parabéns pelo Bandeirante Gabriel! Eu não terminei o civil já que eu estava desmotivado, provavelmente irei melhorar o voo e dentre outras coisas, talvez eu faça do 0 novamente.
@AlbertanPlaneMaker they remade it in a military version again without the radar on the nose, I was a little unmotivated with the constructions, but it is likely that I will post it before Christmas.
@Gabriel747 parei um pouco com as construções, meio desmotivado.
@ChenKolovsky The driving is really not cool :(
@Decembermin true!
@Decembermin Thanks for the praise and encouragement, recently I've been forgotten in the community, but I still do because I like it
@Decembermin Yes I will, I'm already looking for a blueprint to start construction! =)
@Chickendude I don't think so lol! because it has (E170) some flaws it doesn't seem to be a very nice aircraft, but it can fly, I like the style of its aircraft.