1,503 Samwise Comments

  • Space, the final frontier... 8.4 years ago

    @FlipposMC I apologize, I thought you understood that revolve does infact mean to orbit around another body and is a complete different process from rotation. My earlier mistake was one made only of carelessness and my attempt to correct it and clear everything up by agreeing with your points seemed to agitate and confuse you even more.

  • Space, the final frontier... 8.4 years ago

    Oops I meant revolve, meaning they would be at different places around the sun at different rates complicating things even further

  • Space, the final frontier... 8.4 years ago

    Wouldn't the routes constantly be changing due to the orbiting of the planets around the sun?Not to mention that they rotate at different speeds

  • Flying Hot Rod 8.4 years ago

    The wheel arches are just fantastic, and you made the seats larger! Nice work

  • Hot Rod 8.4 years ago

    Overall it looks great, my only gripe is that the seats are tiny in proportion to the car

  • out of ideas ii 8.4 years ago

    You've only made one thing and your out of ideas?

  • Project G.A.N.D.O.R.F 8.4 years ago

    @DankDorito thank goodness, I was getting worried you were going to launch it at me over my rant

  • Divided into Modded and non-modded 8.4 years ago

    Yes, and we can have vanilla-only and xml-ed only water fountains

  • WindBlown Racer 8.4 years ago

    This is nice work, keep it up

  • Project G.A.N.D.O.R.F 8.4 years ago

    Upvoted for killing everyone

  • Project G.A.N.D.O.R.F 8.4 years ago

    @DankDorito I hope you realize the earth's surface area is a little over 500,000,000 km, so with a blast radius of 100 million km, it would cover one fifth of the earth and at that magnitude likely severely damage the earths interior, and the amount of debris in the sky would blot out the son for months. The shockwaves of this would literally rip the earth apart from the outside in. Not to mention if the first blast was survivable, which it wouldn't be, the fallout would last for centuries of not millennia. So this is an instrument of global suicide.

  • One Year! 8.4 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 oh and I just saw your forum happy birthday

  • One Year! 8.4 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 wow that was surprisingly fast

  • One Year! 8.4 years ago

    Also @Feanor @IStoleYourMeme thanks for the upvotes

  • One Year! 8.4 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 @PilotOfFuture
    Thanks for the comments/recognition guys. Once I have time to finish it up, I will be releasing a ba-6 armored car, if anyone's interested.

  • Ba-64 8.5 years ago

    I fell of the grid and missed all your creations. Now you have more points than me!

  • 18th century frigate 8.6 years ago

    Nice design work

  • Bi rotor 8.6 years ago

    Very functional mechanisms, I wish I could fly it better!

  • Heinkel 280 V3 8.6 years ago

    @Treadmill103 Thanks, I appreciate the feedback

  • Heinkel 280 V3 8.6 years ago

    @BogdanX Thank you

  • Upvote deficit? 8.6 years ago

    @Gestour Yes, I myself will be starting this coming Monday. It just seems more pronounced than the last time the school year began

  • Upvote deficit? 8.6 years ago

    But this post was not made to talk about the release or lack thereof of my creations... I was making an observation about a lack of support in general in the community

  • Upvote deficit? 8.6 years ago

    @Gestour You're right, I'm barely on, I am busy doing other things, of which simple planes is not the most important.

  • Upvote deficit? 8.6 years ago

    @Liquidfox You're right. I guess I will release it this evening (when I get to my computer)

  • Armored Car 8.6 years ago

    Coincidentally, I am currently making a Russian armored car as well.

  • SharoTank AT (AntiTank) 8.6 years ago

    @RussianAS maybe you could make a whole line of mini tanks!

  • Infantry Multisupport Platform Mk1 8.6 years ago

    This thing is amazing!

  • LSV-67 ''Lizard'' 8.6 years ago

    Very cool, and your English isn't bad

  • SharoTank AT (AntiTank) 8.6 years ago

    This is great! You managed to fit so much into a tiny space and it works well too

  • The Angler 8.6 years ago

    I love the design. Very sleek

  • Massive Glider 8.6 years ago

    @JoeyTheAirliner Not only have you made a copy, you have also lied about it. Also, you cannot have an account on the website until you are 13 years old. When the mods find this, they will ban your account

  • Not sure if a bug but... 8.6 years ago

    @Shmexysmpilot Thanks I'll try that

  • Not sure if a bug but... 8.6 years ago

    @TrainDude Thanks for the explanation. Guess I'll just have to deal with it lol

  • Not sure if a bug but... 8.6 years ago

    @LuKorp the new part

  • Not sure if a bug but... 8.6 years ago

    @Brields95 even when the parts are mirrored individually they don't stick

  • Not sure if a bug but... 8.6 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen whatever it is, it's quite annoying

  • Grumman G-164 Ag-Cat 8.6 years ago

    I like it

  • WA Boomer Anti-Tank Rocket launcher 8.6 years ago

    Lol all of your tanks have 2 or 3 meter thick armor. They would be less tank and more bunker (do to the fact that something that heavy would probably never be able to move)

  • REBELION 8.6 years ago

    Oh and by the way @DankDorito there are two l's in rebellion

  • REBELION 8.6 years ago

    From the look of CaesiciusPlanes comments it sounds like he doesn't meet the 13 year requirement lol. For anyone else who still feels like he did even after the devs commented, they run the beta on steam first because it is much easier to fix bugs that pop up; on mobile app stores the requirement process is more difficult to change. But, just like the devs said, it will come to everyone soon

  • Paulus Model 8 8.6 years ago

    @Turdy1 Yes, the takeoff issue is easy to fix with the right maneuvering( I got it on the second try.) However, making it easier to take off might gather more upvotes( just trying to help :) ) Nice work otherwise, though

  • Paulus Model 8 8.6 years ago

    Nice little boat plane. Things to improve; has trouble taking off, pitches slowly.

  • DBX VE 8.6 years ago

    Great little car with real nice suspension. It does tend to spin out when turning, but other than that, nice job

  • Ravyn Seagull 8.6 years ago

    Like the folding wings, reminds of a build I did. I think it needs a bit more power though. Keep building!

  • A-A8 "Mercy" 8.6 years ago

    I like the sleek, futuristic look, but the flight could be improved.(slower rolling, quicker pitching) Keep up the good work

  • Goliath 8.6 years ago

    Really great work

  • Boop 'em Doop 'em Robits 8.6 years ago

    Lol it sometimes ends up as two amputees shimmying at each other

  • Awwam D-102 Pounder superheavy tank 8.7 years ago

    I don't think that you could get anything with a meter of steel all around to move 70 mph, in fact, I don't think it would move at all lol

  • Military Rocket Glider 8.7 years ago

    Very nice, I especially like how you made to takeoff platform. Upon beginning glider separation, I struck the rocket and went into an irreversible flat spin. The aircraft began spinning so fast that it acted almost as a helicopter rotor, dramatically slowing the ascent. Sadly, the game couldn't handle these questionable physics so I didn't get to see how it ended.

  • The announcement was 100% lie 8.7 years ago

    SimplePlanes is more dedicated to air,ground, and water vehicles while ksp is space related. Also. Simple planes allows for more customization do to the adjustable fuselages and such. It's also between $35 to $25 cheaper(depending on the platform)