@EternalDarkness old friend weve had alot of laughs an alot tears in the 3.6 years ive been on thus site an hobestly you were the best damn moderator on here an i think andrew made a huge mistake removin you you got alot of people who look up to you friend i know i got your back an there's nothing wrong in havin a sense of humor
this seems like a great idea i think i can pull something off like this since im a member of Simpleplanes fan group at my high school we hold things like this a lot we have 127 people who usaully attend them and anouther 153 who do when they can my high school is huge 2,936 including staff @BlackhattAircraft
Für das Führer und das Vaterland Zeighile (I don’t promote this but hey I gotta remember part of the past I’m 50% German 25% Irish 25% French so in a lot of ways I don’t support this but yeah) @villulennuk
The fact they'd let SP run without a major update before this but not SR2 says something to me personally an it's the usual outcome for older games is neglect an getting left behind for other things supposedly better but then flop ahem Any new game now a days all flash not much show heck my dang Series X has difficultly running the new COD games without a error on there and if a multi billion dollar company like Activision couldn't even keep the legend that was BO or MW let alone Ghost cause better projects took priority an or profitability to gradually an eventually go down hill
@SupremeDorian well this is my statement on that subject because honestly it's my opinion an I'm allowed to have that I support my white friends but not KKK I support my black friends but not BLM/Antifa I dont support terror an hate groups your either a good person or a piece of sh*t
@CoolPeach I will an always will speak my mind an I may not but humans make mistakes an whether not it was wrong or not your entitled to your views an opinions an as far as I'm concerned andrew fucked up removin what alot of us considered head mod an the other mods are crap s* compared to those three
@HelloHelloTheUnt yea this community is a buch of snowflakes now a days honestly an no snowflake isn't a bad word y'all it's just a lot of people here can't take a joke because honestly y'all can't an another note this is why I would never call the suicide prevention line in Afghanistan because I know they'll get excited an want me to drive a truck so no thanks but anyways yea andrew an the whole dev team rarely listen or care about the community it seems they have the vote for what to add an they never hold to that its terrible really that they'd let theyre longest moderator go without a second glance
You may not like cops you might but heres the real deal you can not like the guy in the uniform but respect the dang uniform they risk everything day in day out and this is how they get treated its really sad theres some a-hole cops but not eveyone is a complete a-hole
@BlackhattAircraft im kinda with you on on this issue ive done RP since i was 7 years old and this is sad to see how many immature people have destroyed it
ok i love being creative and i created the group to make freinds and to get new kids great freinds and hopefuly a way to see not every one judges@Tully2001
Ha got what he rightfully deserved in my opinion honestly shoulda been more with how rude an disrespectful he can be well an truly. But then again don't truly care stopped carin bout this community of toxic an mod an dev neglect for awhile an seein as it hasn't changed ill stay away.
Will say simpleplanes seems kinda forgotten about now a days do I care no not really but mobile is absolute pain plus we dont get all the fun of PC which granted I understand why but PC gets so so much more over mobile mobile used to get alot of fun things now nope
only thing specific is if this is a latter refit or not an also no dreadnought has a upper deck torpedo dreads mainly had under water an plus never had airplane catapults tell much later this feels an looks like a mess but it's really good to me it truly feels as though you threw together two completely separate generations
@SupremeDorian I'm irritated because I have alot worse on here an I'll admit I have an some of my jokes are a bit pushy but Eternal didnt deserve this period heck I've seen far worse jokes or crap on this site yet Andrew or the dev team didn't blink a eye why because Eternal had it handled just fine an I hate to say this but you are a lackluster mod eternal has always been involved in the community same with Vincent an poor Tully you an the others are kinda lackluster last time I've even noticed you on here let alone discord was nearly a year ago but Eternal is a icon of the SP Community an is highly looked up to by so many andrew made a huge mistake in my opinion
@GALAXY24 im gonna warn you against uploading anyone elses aircraft dude im not saying this to be mean but because itll save you alot of hassle and annoyance i got banned for 15 days for not crediting users next time ask the user if its ok and then make you always give credit
In '43 they put to sea, thirteen men and Kennedy
Aboard the P.T. 109, to fight the brazen enemy
And off the isle of ol' Lusana, in the strait beyond Nehru
A Jap deatroyer in the night cut the '109 in two
@Awsomur what you did today spotlighting me was the nicest thing anyone ones ever did for me since i messed up and right now im trying to correct those mistakes by you actually made me feel human and not like a flipping object
@Awsomur I see I lost the spotlight its ok but I am sad to see others swayed you in your judgement because everything you said in that spotlight is true its just I've strayed form path sadly and now im working on getting getting back on that path
@TheFantasticTyphoon @Strikefighter04 D my grandpa was there on D-day i just got back form visting france with my family and saying goodbye to my grandpa again for the 4th time
@EternalDarkness old friend weve had alot of laughs an alot tears in the 3.6 years ive been on thus site an hobestly you were the best damn moderator on here an i think andrew made a huge mistake removin you you got alot of people who look up to you friend i know i got your back an there's nothing wrong in havin a sense of humor
+12this seems like a great idea i think i can pull something off like this since im a member of Simpleplanes fan group at my high school we hold things like this a lot we have 127 people who usaully attend them and anouther 153 who do when they can my high school is huge 2,936 including staff @BlackhattAircraft
+6@MOPCKOEDNISHE you should update this for 1.9
+5Für das Führer und das Vaterland Zeighile (I don’t promote this but hey I gotta remember part of the past I’m 50% German 25% Irish 25% French so in a lot of ways I don’t support this but yeah) @villulennuk
+5The fact they'd let SP run without a major update before this but not SR2 says something to me personally an it's the usual outcome for older games is neglect an getting left behind for other things supposedly better but then flop ahem Any new game now a days all flash not much show heck my dang Series X has difficultly running the new COD games without a error on there and if a multi billion dollar company like Activision couldn't even keep the legend that was BO or MW let alone Ghost cause better projects took priority an or profitability to gradually an eventually go down hill
+4@SupremeDorian well this is my statement on that subject because honestly it's my opinion an I'm allowed to have that I support my white friends but not KKK I support my black friends but not BLM/Antifa I dont support terror an hate groups your either a good person or a piece of sh*t
+4@AndrewGarrison I wish you'd add the tracks mod 1 and 2
+4My great uncle owned one and still has it in his barn/Car Garage and plans to give it to me when I get my license @Spikerya
+4My only question is how in the world would you hold this or fire this
+3@CoolPeach I will an always will speak my mind an I may not but humans make mistakes an whether not it was wrong or not your entitled to your views an opinions an as far as I'm concerned andrew fucked up removin what alot of us considered head mod an the other mods are crap s* compared to those three
+3@HelloHelloTheUnt yea this community is a buch of snowflakes now a days honestly an no snowflake isn't a bad word y'all it's just a lot of people here can't take a joke because honestly y'all can't an another note this is why I would never call the suicide prevention line in Afghanistan because I know they'll get excited an want me to drive a truck so no thanks but anyways yea andrew an the whole dev team rarely listen or care about the community it seems they have the vote for what to add an they never hold to that its terrible really that they'd let theyre longest moderator go without a second glance
+3Congrats Vince but what happened to blue to cause him to step down he was such a great mod
+3You may not like cops you might but heres the real deal you can not like the guy in the uniform but respect the dang uniform they risk everything day in day out and this is how they get treated its really sad theres some a-hole cops but not eveyone is a complete a-hole
+3I agree 100% @AWESOMENESS360 this is a discrace to those who are platinum and to those actually putting effort into their builds
+3What the absolute heck
+3@BlackhattAircraft im kinda with you on on this issue ive done RP since i was 7 years old and this is sad to see how many immature people have destroyed it
+3Your stuff always looks like it never was made on SP but made his some other fame and exported to SP
+3@randomusername Wow your just as good as i am
+3ok i love being creative and i created the group to make freinds and to get new kids great freinds and hopefuly a way to see not every one judges@Tully2001
+3yes i founded it myself @BlackhattAircraft
+3down with you @Chancey21
+3@ACMECo1940 great to see you back posting things and thanks for bringing my childhood back I’m 16 and I know this song
+3Ha got what he rightfully deserved in my opinion honestly shoulda been more with how rude an disrespectful he can be well an truly. But then again don't truly care stopped carin bout this community of toxic an mod an dev neglect for awhile an seein as it hasn't changed ill stay away.
+2Reminds me of a bed bug tbh or a bug in general
+2Will say simpleplanes seems kinda forgotten about now a days do I care no not really but mobile is absolute pain plus we dont get all the fun of PC which granted I understand why but PC gets so so much more over mobile mobile used to get alot of fun things now nope
+2only thing specific is if this is a latter refit or not an also no dreadnought has a upper deck torpedo dreads mainly had under water an plus never had airplane catapults tell much later this feels an looks like a mess but it's really good to me it truly feels as though you threw together two completely separate generations
+2It woulda been cooler if it had the FW-190 bubble canopy
+2Good to see your still around old friend roll on 18 wheeler roll on
+2Nice as always
+2@SupremeDorian I'm irritated because I have alot worse on here an I'll admit I have an some of my jokes are a bit pushy but Eternal didnt deserve this period heck I've seen far worse jokes or crap on this site yet Andrew or the dev team didn't blink a eye why because Eternal had it handled just fine an I hate to say this but you are a lackluster mod eternal has always been involved in the community same with Vincent an poor Tully you an the others are kinda lackluster last time I've even noticed you on here let alone discord was nearly a year ago but Eternal is a icon of the SP Community an is highly looked up to by so many andrew made a huge mistake in my opinion
+2Is this 1:1 scale
+2Could I use this
+2@TheSavageManZ i just joined the US army today so ill be flying on this reliable old girl alot this is cool
+2Asuna and Krito
+2@GALAXY24 im gonna warn you against uploading anyone elses aircraft dude im not saying this to be mean but because itll save you alot of hassle and annoyance i got banned for 15 days for not crediting users next time ask the user if its ok and then make you always give credit
+2I'd like to order 10 of these
+2@Thefrenchdude22 one of the worst French tanks of WW2 but on a side note this is really good
+2@Vidal99977 goodbye old friend
+2In '43 they put to sea, thirteen men and Kennedy
+2Aboard the P.T. 109, to fight the brazen enemy
And off the isle of ol' Lusana, in the strait beyond Nehru
A Jap deatroyer in the night cut the '109 in two
@Awsomur what you did today spotlighting me was the nicest thing anyone ones ever did for me since i messed up and right now im trying to correct those mistakes by you actually made me feel human and not like a flipping object
+2@Awsomur I see I lost the spotlight its ok but I am sad to see others swayed you in your judgement because everything you said in that spotlight is true its just I've strayed form path sadly and now im working on getting getting back on that path
+2Well this is certainly impressive I must say you did a dang fine job
+2@EchoWhiskey11 welcome back old friend a lot has changed since you've been gone
+2@Zoomzoom999 im a Lord of the rings mega fan I've watched the entire series at least 58 times in 4 years
+2@Gameboi14 I rather not get into it
+2@Thefrenchdude22 I would love to see a modern ship of the Znavy
+2@Axartar why is this monstrosity here by the power of the Empire you are under arrest for leaking top Secret designs
+2@TheFantasticTyphoon @Strikefighter04 D my grandpa was there on D-day i just got back form visting france with my family and saying goodbye to my grandpa again for the 4th time
+2Well then i guess he was a bit heated after he got fired
+2That looks like CVRs stations