@AviownCorp The colors used look like http://images.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fbraindamaged.fr%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F12%2Favengers-2-lere-dultron-la-nouvelle-armure-iron-man-revelee-3.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fbraindamaged.fr%2F2014%2F12%2F15%2Favengers-2-lere-dultron-la-nouvelle-armure-iron-man-revelee%2F&h=1166&w=1666&tbnid=2JzaSHHv_B-OJM%3A&docid=joY4QaY-B88WNM&ei=y28RV8y8O8z7apPsn2A&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=134&page=2&start=37&ndsp=53&ved=0ahUKEwiMzoiB3ZHMAhXMvRoKHRP2BwwQMwjfAShTMFM&bih=1019&biw=1920
@Cedy117 Oh okay you're using glitch and xml I see. Was thinking about Unity modding. So cockpit is placed like this I see, I never success to glitch myself :/
Common guys upvote his creation more like that when you download, he desserves it. He build better plane than many top tiers builder who can't build whitout modding
A@XjayIndustrys I have the steam beta on computer. I found Ice Island. But impossible to find desert one. Seems to be missing of my game... I flew SW for about 30min at mach 1 and the only thing I saw... Thr damn sea
Lol wtf it just broke my last VTOL rotator based aircraft. impossible to rotate I have to build it one more time :( @AndrewGarrison Is carrier ops update planned ? It would be very great if we could land on carrier by a realistic way then catapult :D
@SimpleTechAndResearch AI Planes are pretty good to see. It's immersive. Sometimes you can see them take off or landing near by you, sometimes they will fly with you like in Air Force patrols, but at this point they are a little bit bugged. Sometimes they will try to approach you then crash into your aircraft, it's a little bit frustrating.
But there is a new option within game options. You can set the density of aircraft. I think that option will depend on your device. In ultra option you will see about 3 or 4 plane flying at the same time
@SimpleTechAndResearch Done Yet. I built a special plane for this. I have enough fuel to cruise at 1000+mph for about 1 hours, I flew 1 hours in each direction from tarpey and murhy but never found it. Seems to have a bug or somewhat
@MikefuSD I don't think it's possible on mobile :/ or maybe yes, but in all case you have to mod using your PC then modifying assets of SP on your Android root interface thanks to USB
@Viper28 Flying flapjack is weird I agree
@Umbreon Sorry, I'm adult so I usually assume striking word
@AviownCorp Look at this man ^^
@SUPERSAMROCK that's my entry, the other was a mistake from my finger spamming "Share" :D
@MrTorch Thanks but I missed the sharing, I re uploaded the real one
@General360 Thanks but it's just a copy of an experimental nazi plane, but I have to admit that german engineers were really good !
Be sure to take a look to my own created plane if you want :)
@ccooper Thanks !!
Thank you !
I confirm it's a really good replica !
Fixed an issue with AI planes crashing into you when you are on the ground.
Happens to me all time...
@Seeras Don't hesitate to try it, it's really challenging to handle
@AviownCorp Wait for my own entry I ll succeed you
@AviownCorp Okay I didn't knew that :p
My next exclusive bike will be designed like that
@AviownCorp The colors used look like http://images.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fbraindamaged.fr%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F12%2Favengers-2-lere-dultron-la-nouvelle-armure-iron-man-revelee-3.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fbraindamaged.fr%2F2014%2F12%2F15%2Favengers-2-lere-dultron-la-nouvelle-armure-iron-man-revelee%2F&h=1166&w=1666&tbnid=2JzaSHHv_B-OJM%3A&docid=joY4QaY-B88WNM&ei=y28RV8y8O8z7apPsn2A&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=134&page=2&start=37&ndsp=53&ved=0ahUKEwiMzoiB3ZHMAhXMvRoKHRP2BwwQMwjfAShTMFM&bih=1019&biw=1920
Thanks !
@AviownCorp And Iron Man design is top:p
Nice one love to do nothing !
I made a replica of this weird craft ! :D
@Exumer A-300 Beluga man, it's flying over my home everyday <3
@Supercraft888 i don't know if image is real, but this is a real engineering project for the future.
@Cedy117 Oh okay you're using glitch and xml I see. Was thinking about Unity modding. So cockpit is placed like this I see, I never success to glitch myself :/
@Cedy117 So how do you do ? It's just to know about it, I'am a steam user and I know how to mod on computer but I doubt about modding on phone
Is there a software to mod on phone ?
Nice imagination it would be like that if it even existed !
Yay we are using same kind of gear at same time we think about same thing but yours is a little bit improved :)
The problem is that I have 3 rotators attached themselves. Take a look to my plane you will understand why.
I had to ruse a little bit by attaching the "yaw" rotators to the first segment and causing to not have a fourth attached with other
Made a carrier like this. it's empty weight is about 200.000lbs :p
@AviownCorp I agree so I upvote :)
Common guys upvote his creation more like that when you download, he desserves it. He build better plane than many top tiers builder who can't build whitout modding
@Toymaker just try to improve turn rate, invert your canard wings pitch to do :)
nice work !
@XjayIndustrys @SimpleTechAndResearch Finally found it ! The most correct cap is about 192-193 SSSW from Weager Airport !
+2A@XjayIndustrys I have the steam beta on computer. I found Ice Island. But impossible to find desert one. Seems to be missing of my game... I flew SW for about 30min at mach 1 and the only thing I saw... Thr damn sea
+1@XjayIndustrys From which airport ? thanks !@XjayIndustrys
Lol wtf it just broke my last VTOL rotator based aircraft. impossible to rotate I have to build it one more time :( @AndrewGarrison Is carrier ops update planned ? It would be very great if we could land on carrier by a realistic way then catapult :D
@Glaceon me too I hope
I agree with you. Non of my last airplanes created thanks to 1.4 features were seen
@SimpleTechAndResearch I'am waiting for carrier ops now :(
@SimpleTechAndResearch http://i.imgur.com/N7yOd5ib.jpg Done :p As I was piloting A6M5 Zero I just crashed into it :D
+1@SimpleTechAndResearch : here is sinking Tiny image
@SimpleTechAndResearch Edit: Yes it's sinkable !
@SimpleTechAndResearch AI Planes are pretty good to see. It's immersive. Sometimes you can see them take off or landing near by you, sometimes they will fly with you like in Air Force patrols, but at this point they are a little bit bugged. Sometimes they will try to approach you then crash into your aircraft, it's a little bit frustrating.
But there is a new option within game options. You can set the density of aircraft. I think that option will depend on your device. In ultra option you will see about 3 or 4 plane flying at the same time
I don't know for ships, I have to try it.
@SimpleTechAndResearch So I guess I just have to wait the official release of 1.4. Thanks for help
@SimpleTechAndResearch Done, cache integrity done etc... I fear bug
@SimpleTechAndResearch Done Yet. I built a special plane for this. I have enough fuel to cruise at 1000+mph for about 1 hours, I flew 1 hours in each direction from tarpey and murhy but never found it. Seems to have a bug or somewhat
I'am trying my own airliner at same time ! Hope your will be better than mine it's catastrophic !
@MikefuSD I don't think it's possible on mobile :/ or maybe yes, but in all case you have to mod using your PC then modifying assets of SP on your Android root interface thanks to USB