Try a spacetime anomaly that has a bunch of debris floating around it or that's like a ring.
It can look like a black hole or something like it. Or just a reality glitch that appears to be a window to a different section of the galaxy
Dream on, dream on Dream on, dream until your dreams come true Dream on, dream on Dream on, dream until your dreams come true Dream on, dream on Dream on, dream on Dream on, dream on Dream on,
My original name was MC cool friend from Plazma Burst 2 and it stuck with me for a while across a few games.
Then I entered my Minecraft phase, watched alot of DanTDM and became very inspired, renamed myself to TheEmeraldCrafter. My YouTube dream of being a Minecraft content creator never really kicked off.
A few games later, TheEmeraldCrafter eventually evolved into ShinyGemsBro cause I stopped discriminating other gemstones and just loved them all the same. Reverted back to MC cool friend for a short stint.
Still am ShinyGemsBro today. 3 years and running, across a few games and communities.
Edit: Thanks to this forum post, ancient chests of memories have been unearthed from the forgotten lands of my inner world. And they contain so much past history that I now remember again.
Connect wire to battery
If not enough power, add capacitor
If explode, profit. But try again after regrow limbs
Grab living room ceiling fan and glue to mech- mechnsm
Turn on and watch as you create a typhoon out of sawdust and moldy bread
If failed and wanted by government delete and create new world, this time in creative mode for safety
AG2 = Gyro (dont)
+4tundr bord
+4Spot has entered the chat
metallic bork
+4Now THIS is a hovertank.
+4MiG-34 Fullback
+4cough Vertigo
+4Do you want to explode?
+4Wright Leisure Lines now boarding
+4Doesn't work anymore. Please fix? I loved this mod
+4Can anyone link me to the Spitfire that was used?
+4And cool mod. Just finished downloading
+3ah yis
gib it lasur
+3Welcome back.
You can't even lie properly lmao
God I'll never get tired of the third person shoulder surfing view when it comes to shooters. It just feels so dynamic or cinematic
+3This is essentially a go-kart with a 120mm smoothbore cannon welded to a pivot
+3Try a spacetime anomaly that has a bunch of debris floating around it or that's like a ring.
It can look like a black hole or something like it. Or just a reality glitch that appears to be a window to a different section of the galaxy
Extreme geiger counter clicking
..Hmm.. I'll drink it.
+3+900 RADS
Dream on, dream on
Dream on, dream until your dreams come true
Dream on, dream on
Dream on, dream until your dreams come true
Dream on, dream on
Dream on, dream on
Dream on, dream on
Dream on,
NSFW dynamic locomotor maneuvering
L get fididdly-ied
, the third number is the length of the bullet tracer. ex.1,1,
Alternatively, you can:
XML change it's
, and both explosion and damage scalerAlso raise it's rate of fire, but be prepared for guaranteed visual bugs
+3Never in my life would I think of saying this, but now I will.
+3Life of Boris 5 years ago.
+3Saw his gameplay and I had to try the game out.
5 years later here I still am.
YF-22 but Turkish and no TVC
+3It's reddit, but blue and white.
This comment section is an example of manifested schizophrenia
+3I ALMOST commented on that forum post.
+3They have a new algorithm that runs them.
My original name was MC cool friend from Plazma Burst 2 and it stuck with me for a while across a few games.
Then I entered my Minecraft phase, watched alot of DanTDM and became very inspired, renamed myself to TheEmeraldCrafter. My YouTube dream of being a Minecraft content creator never really kicked off.
A few games later, TheEmeraldCrafter eventually evolved into ShinyGemsBro cause I stopped discriminating other gemstones and just loved them all the same. Reverted back to MC cool friend for a short stint.
Still am ShinyGemsBro today. 3 years and running, across a few games and communities.
Edit: Thanks to this forum post, ancient chests of memories have been unearthed from the forgotten lands of my inner world. And they contain so much past history that I now remember again.
+3You already know what it feels like to wreck a tank with a giant rotary cannon..
+3Now you'll know how it feels to wreck a tank twice in one pass.
Where will it go?
irl Minecraft with RTX shaders
+3It's fun.
+3Yeets 2000 pound general purpose bomb
Looooooooooooooooooong ears
+3Step 1: Don't get distracted
+3USS Beast? More like
Connect wire to battery
If not enough power, add capacitor
If explode, profit. But try again after regrow limbs
Grab living room ceiling fan and glue to mech- mechnsm
Turn on and watch as you create a typhoon out of sawdust and moldy bread
If failed and wanted by government delete and create new world, this time in creative mode for safety
+3What in the Swedish MiG-31
+3Has bombs
Every allied soldier gangster until the sky goes
Hmm what a nice place to lock a Hellfire missile on
Bugatti? No.
+3Booga T? Yes.
Ah yes, the rimram.
+3@Dracul0Anderson @LunarEclipseSP
+37th Contact now under photoshoot
Will update on progress.
Might as well call the forums Reddit 2