6,631 Shootingstar07 Comments

  • Chicken,you are so beautiful 5.8 years ago

    @Jetpackturtle @WarHawk95 to make it short. He do performamce so poorly that many Chinese people hate him(her?) and start making meme of him.

  • Red Ship Of Nanhu 3.7 years ago

    @Vincent You know, some people would just went mad when they see anything related to China.

  • PLA Navy:Type 055 destroyer 3.9 years ago

    @CharlesDeGaulle but then America built Zumwalt that is 15000tons and 190m long and they still call it a destroyer

  • LF-100NX -Nebula NX- 4.1 years ago


  • PLA Navy: aircraft carrier Shandong 4.5 years ago

    @Vladimir1944 May I ask where did you get the 40+ casualties numbers?Don't tell me you get it from Indian media.
    China has been running socialism for a few decades already. CCP is just a name.
    Korean war?Yeah I remember the United army being pushed back from the side of Yalu River to the 38th parallel despite having much superior armament.
    Failed to invade Vietnam?That's sound very American.China took just a month to take over three province of Vietnam. With a casualties rating of 1:4(That's not made up by Chinese government. It is from a researcher in United States Air Force Academy.

  • Shenyang J-18B Swan Falcon PLA Navy 4.8 years ago

    @Bearclaw189 when? I don't think China steal "a lot" of Western airplane. I only know China did shot down a lot of US warplanes.

  • Type 59 Chinese MBT 5.9 years ago


  • How can i build a custom cockpit? 5.9 years ago

    For something like bush plane, just build the entire cabin hollow and use hinges, rotators and piston to make all kinds of control rod, rudder pedal, throttle handle, etc.
    Use Finetuner or overload to scale down the parts or custom edit the size. Also disableing all the parts collision in the cockpit is recommmanded

  • PLAN Shandong 2.8 years ago

    @ARU556 Shandong and Liaoning are two ships.

  • Twin-Boom personal aircraft 2.8 years ago

    Beacon lights are at the wrong way, the plane is difficult to fly. Looks quite good but needs refinement

  • Red Ship Of Nanhu 3.7 years ago

    @Noelayechan00 at least PRC won't send UAV and gunship to other country to blow up anyone that they think are terrorists. Unlike one country that actially did that. That's human right down there.

  • Shenyang J-8II TEST flight 4.1 years ago

    @Lanc China never got the technical data package of Su-15 since Soviet keep their interceptor force very secret. The design is different. Su-15 is base on Sukhoi existing Su-9 series while J-8 is a upscale twin engine J-7 and then J-8II is a variant that change the air intake to fit a nose cose and radar. Saying that one copy another is like saying F-15 copy MiG-25. Just looks alike doesn't mean it is a ripoff.

  • 5th Generation Challenge 4.4 years ago

    @SyntheticL J-20 can't even fly gang incoming

  • PLAAF roundel (remastered maybe?) 4.7 years ago

    @Tailasy So you are offending my freedom of speech?

  • German Corsair 4.7 years ago

    @AviationTomcat relax, don't take upvote too seriously. There are many other factors that affect the people's will of giving upvote.
    For example, upload time(how many people are online), the screenshot(some players actually just give upvote by looking at the photo and not playing it so the screenshot matters), followers(not everyone will check "newest" aircraft)
    By the end of the day. Upvote system doesn't indicate your skill level. It is just like the "like" of facebook. So don't make youself unhappy by this. Cheers ! : )

  • Vietnam-Era Naval Attack Challenge [OPEN'NT] 4.8 years ago

    You should set some xml modding limits. Otherwise there might be some super plane.
    Realistic performance.

  • F-4 FVS Switchblade Phantom 5.1 years ago

    @ReignSUPREME 草GRASS(中英雙語)

  • F-4 FVS Switchblade Phantom 5.1 years ago

    @edensk @CoolPeach Thanks for your help !

  • ARV-1 Armord Reconnaissance Vehicle 5.2 years ago

    @thefalkenreich @SuperSix

  • ARV-1 Armord Reconnaissance Vehicle 5.2 years ago

    @edensk Thank you~hope you can have a good driving experience

  • What is your way of getting plane ideas? 5.8 years ago

    Watch and read documentary about warplanes

  • How can i build a custom cockpit? 5.9 years ago

    @JuWie If you are android or PC, just go to the 'mods'section and download the overload mod(or a easier method, just search for 'overload' in the searching page. In the overload UI, there is a option call 'disable aircraft collosion' and it is set to 'false' as default.Just change it from 'false' to 'true'

    If you are IOS,you will need to ask for someone to do that for you

  • North American F-86D Sabre Dog V1.1 6.0 years ago

    @CardBoardJet "North American"is a company name though

  • [Suggest] We want to help simple Planes to complete localization in Chinese 6.1 years ago

    Someone to translate isn't a problem though.Many Chinese player already did it out I think.They just can't put it into the game(That's what takeyourlife300 means)

  • A little question about the website 6.6 years ago

    @FastDan sigh....

  • Black Licorice cargo ship 6.6 years ago

    Look like a Y-wing with the pylon cut lol

  • Peace Walker A-8 Spearhead 9 months ago

    Can you please make this post a successor to @Mahoots 's post⬇️

  • V-ZEN RACING Racecar [HSE] 9 months ago

    The car is good but the racing in the anime is...far from satisfactory.

  • [Teaser]I am back! With something shouldn't be built 9 months ago

    Haven't use the site for some while. Heard that discord photo in post will not work soon? What photo site can I use?

  • Yu-Class LCH 1.7 years ago

    Mobile frinendly and fun to sail. Good build!
    The tank is very fun too. Just pull one off, make so changes and play it as land vehicle. Very fun!

  • Simplistic F-4E Phantom II 2.8 years ago

    Nice !

  • Vanguard class Destroyer 2.8 years ago

    I see naval analysis react to this ship quite fast and make a new infographic

  • Simple Planes Challenge [CLOSED] 2.8 years ago

    @MAHADI Can a mix input be used? like (clamp((Pitch+Trim/3),-1,1)
    Is it ok?

  • [Teaser 1] In the navy! 3.0 years ago


  • Shenyang J-11D, 1 AD, PLAAF 3.1 years ago

    nice one

  • Shenyang J-8G, 28 AD, PLAAF 3.5 years ago

    @SyntheticL 兄啊我的飛機呢甚麼時候好啊

  • McDonnell Douglas F-4C Phantom II 3.6 years ago

    Nice phantom you got there

  • jian dang 100 3.7 years ago

    Usual coward doesn't dare to use his real account so he create an alt to do it

  • F4 Phantom 3.8 years ago

    Suggest you to throw on a blueprint to make the shape more accurate. The sparrow missiles are carried in slots so half of the missile is buried into the fuselage. The shape of the fuselage (the intake part)is more circular and not smooth corner.
    But still a goos try

  • F-4 Phantom simple(Bellow 100 Challange) 3.9 years ago

    @Kangy I may make a variant with all weapons and features. Thanks for the advice !

  • IAI Lavi 3.9 years ago

    Is it the issue of the landing gear too bouncy?

  • 1145141919810 3.9 years ago

    @I401SenSuiKan 野生的柳樹怪出現了!

  • F-117 Invisible Stealth Fighter 3.9 years ago

    You forgot a add a pilot stepping into the air(cockpit)

  • Harbin H-5K, 5 AD, PLAAF 4.0 years ago

    @SyntheticL 不CREDIT我幫你整起落架下次不幫你做嗷

  • Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer 4.0 years ago

    The canopy is a little bit narrow for actual SU-24. Otherwise nice build
    Oh maybe throw on blueprint and build it to 1:1 scale

  • Nanchang J-12I 4.1 years ago

    The smallest supersonic fighter in the world...it is cute😝

  • Make the plane a girl 4.1 years ago

    @Teitochi Sadly studio that make the Brave Witches animation lazy out on the battle scene : (

  • Make the plane a girl 4.1 years ago

    @Teitochi strike witches is better😉

  • Make the plane a girl 4.1 years ago

    I see you are a man of culture😏

  • A-4skyhawk-simple 4.1 years ago

