12.8k SkyJayTheFirst Comments

  • Sweapstreak Peregrine F.2 1.9 years ago

    @UnmanagedReservoir just you wait; soon I'll have gold with a fighter that'll look so beautiful inside and out, that it may even surpass the upvotes you have on this!
    Also, you get my upvote for sure.

  • Mf-102A Frühlingsschnee 2.0 years ago

    This needs fixing. First off, at high speeds, due to its pitch rate in the canards, elevators and engines, it likes to shake itself like crazy. Also, you need to disable aircraft collisions for some of your parts in the engine bay. That, and this thing's engine power seems way too strong. I'd recommend decreasing its power output while cutting down the drag on some of your parts, if you haven't already.
    Apart from that, you get an upvote.

  • NF-15A VIGILANTE 2.0 years ago

    Very beautiful build indeed, but if I may suggest a couple things...

    1: The center of mass is WAY too far from the center of lift. I would recommend putting them much closer to each other, as that'll increase this aircraft's controllability.

    2: You're missing some variables that go to the search scanner on the right side of the cockpit. Look at @Leehopard 's FC-912-C to find those variables.

    3: If you want better control over your aircraft, rather than using thrust nozzles, I'd recommend putting in more fancy controls into your thrust vectoring. Try combining pitch controls with roll in the engines.

    That's all I got for now. Other than that, you get an upvote.

  • X-FA 8 Wandering Phantom 2.1 years ago

    @KaiYarushi did you design the cockpit yourself? If so, dayum, you're better than me at designing futuristic cockpits!

  • F-64-B Crowhawk 2.1 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming thanks

  • F-64-B Crowhawk 2.1 years ago

    @Farewellntchii @Panzerwaifu69 @HorizonHitingxt

  • F-64-B Crowhawk 2.1 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming @Otana @Souplane

  • Hover SPAAG 2.1 years ago

    We already have hover SPAA's, and they're called helicopters!

    Nice build, tho.

  • DARZ F30X 2.2 years ago

    @DARZAVIATIONOFICIAL dang, those look so nice. I might have to keep you in mind if I want to make a thumbnail for any of my future builds.

  • DARZ F30X 2.2 years ago

    @DARZAVIATIONOFICIAL did you take these screenshots yourself?

    Edit: Nevermind, I see you made the paintings. Nice.

  • SO.4050-IIN Vautour 2.2 years ago

    @shiraishi for as low of a rank as you are on SP, this is a really beautiful build.

  • Guyfolk Tribute 2.4 years ago

    "Communist detected on American soil! Lethal force engaged!" - Liberty Prime

  • Scientific detection equipment 2.5 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s what do you mean for good reason? Is it that difficult to make something even activate if a missile is incoming? Despite the game literally warning your aircraft when a missile is locking on and launched by default?

  • Scientific detection equipment 2.5 years ago

    @ASBE I'd be so happy if you could. Nobody on Simpleplanes has ever accomplished a radar designed to highlight incoming missiles.

  • Holographic projection probe 2.6 years ago

    @ASBE seriously, can you make a downsized version of this?

  • Available radar 2.6 years ago

    @ASBE if I use this, I'll be sure to credit you for it on any of my builds.

  • Anti Missile Ball 2.7 years ago

    Is there any way to actually program something to target an incoming missile with funky trees on overload mod? I wanna be able to make a working Radar Warning Receiver. @hpgbproductions

  • Funky Trees! 2.7 years ago

    How would I set something to target an incoming missile? I wanna be able to make a working Radar Warning Receiver.

  • MiG-29 Fulcrum 2.9 years ago

    "Democracy is truth! Communism is death!" - Liberty Prime

  • Funky Trees! 2.9 years ago

    How would I set a delay to something when I activate it?

  • Ace Avenger A 3.1 years ago

    Definitely has potential to become a true masterpiece, if you fix a few things.
    1: In my humble opinion, the fuselage should be a lot more round, especially at the front.
    2: Try putting fuselage pieces over every wing piece, shape them to fit the wings, decrease wing thickness to a max of 20%, and modify the fuselage pieces on the wings with Overload (Set massScale to 0, dragScale to 0, and set disableAircraftCollisions to true).
    3: I'd suggest modifying the engines by making them fuel efficient, like I did my StarHawk. If you want them to have an afterburner, I suggest you go to @Walvis and watch one of his tutorials on YouTube.
    4: The cockpit is very lacking in detail, and should definitely utilize more computers and gauges.

    Overall, needs work, but I like it!

  • Ic4-VTOL_Teaser-THANKS FOR 2K! 3.1 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming vehicles made by Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, etc. (I say Soviet Union, because Cold War.)

  • Ic4-VTOL_Teaser-THANKS FOR 2K! 3.1 years ago

    @Sergio666 you make a lot of beautiful looking axis vehicles.

  • F-300-A4 StarHawk 3.1 years ago

    @Falco7 @donkski @IceCraftGaming @TomatoIsAFruit Thank you all for your support!

  • Thomas the Thermonuclear bomb 3.1 years ago

    @SimpleAviation bruh, this crap had me dying for 5 minutes straight. You get an upvote just for that.

  • Focke Wulf 190 D-9 3.1 years ago

    @Sergio666 difficult to control, way too fast for a historically accurate FW 190, and I can't see forward out of the pilot seat. Other than that, really well done.

  • FA-7X-D Super Zenith 28 days ago

    @crazyplaness understood. I honestly didn't think it would be that bad for VR, lol. Figured any standard PC could handle it.

  • I need a weapon. one month ago

    @blt the post was removed. If Jundroo staff did that, then I'd say that is pretty stupid when they have GUNS in the game itself. Same with missiles, rockets and bombs.

  • FALKE one month ago

    @NapoleonPizza I'd like to recruit you for a roleplay group based on Simpleplanes. I think you make some incredible builds, and creativity like yours is quite difficult to come by.
    Would you like to chat more about it on Discord? My name on Discord is Sky Jay The First#7660 .

  • T-23B2 one month ago

    @rorrE how would you like to connect on Discord sometime? I'm mainly asking because I'm in a roleplay group and need someone's help to make military vehicles faster than me for my nation in the group. Please let me know when you can, as your great creativity would be very much appreciated.

  • FA-7X-D ASP Super Zenith one month ago

    @Erc90F4RU no, this definitely didn't take the name of a sword... NO!

  • FA-7X-D ASP Super Zenith one month ago

    @MrCOPTY oh, that's unfortunate. Perhaps return later? ;)

  • BMX-Edit one month ago


  • FA-7X-D Super Zenith one month ago

    @MosquitowithaMachineGun you would have to ask @RestlessGalaxies , he's the one who made the thumbnail.

  • FA-7X-D Super Zenith one month ago

    @42 thanks! Just set your physics to low and you should be fine. Although landing will be more difficult in that setting.

  • FA-7X-D Super Zenith one month ago


  • P-38J "Lightning" one month ago

    @WritersCrusadersAirCo2 I would like to request a particular aircraft for you to do next: the P-61C Black Widow?

  • [VR] Su-59UB one month ago

    @SkyTechAerospace love the take on a 2-seater Felon; wonderful work!
    But what are your thoughts on my Super Zenith?

  • FA-7X-D Super Zenith one month ago

    @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore correction: DIAMOND!

  • FA-7X-D Super Zenith one month ago

    @MrCOPTY not sure what you meant by that, but thanks for the spotlight!

  • FA-7X-D Super Zenith one month ago


  • FA-7X-D Super Zenith one month ago


  • Simpleplanes Teaser: FA-7X-D Super Zenith -In The Air Tonight- one month ago

    @VinFage thanks for your rating! Yeah, don't know why, but the frames per second in game decreased a bit for some reason during the recording process.

  • Simpleplanes Teaser: FA-7X-D Super Zenith -In The Air Tonight- one month ago


  • Simpleplanes Teaser: FA-7X-D Super Zenith -In The Air Tonight- one month ago


  • Simpleplanes Teaser: FA-7X-D Super Zenith -In The Air Tonight- one month ago

    @WritersCrusadersAirCo2 just wanted to say I'm happy you haven't left permanently, it seems. Glad you appear to be doing better now!

  • FAC-30S Pegasus one month ago

    @rookie123 I can't NOT spotlight this masterpiece. This would be amazing even for a Platinum-ranked player on SP!

  • HALO D-77TC Pelican 2 months ago

    @Fillo5ophy "Chief? You mind telling me what you're doing on Simpleplanes?"

    "Sir... Spotlighting this Pelican."

  • F-14L Ultra Tomcat 2 months ago

    @MosquitowithaMachineGun FA-7X-D Super Zenith: "My, what a big radar signature you have! Would be a shame if my ARGAAMs were to... TRACK IT!"

  • FX-111 SpyVark ''Love Child'' (A PW: F59 Ed. and New Year's Special) 2 months ago

    @RX9115S I'd spotlight, but I'm only 1 point away from being higher than you on the ranks. And more now that I upvoted your build.
