Omg I should make a instrument with moving slides. Well this here trumpet is permanently sharp. Let’s for now just say it plays in a different key XD@asteroidbook345
If you need any pointers. Some of the many many many subassemblies I use to make these instruments (this instrument in particular used zero) or you need modded parts like the pistons. Just message me. Also if you do make one then tag me on it so I can upvote it.@aircraftarsenal123
Dude I primarily post what I call static models. (Models with none or limited function). I started doing this only 7 months ago. And my builds where ugly. Now 7 months later I’m making perfection level builds. The point. It may take a while but SimplePlanes needs every user it has to stay afloat. And it needs not good builds but developing builders.
Omg I should make a instrument with moving slides. Well this here trumpet is permanently sharp. Let’s for now just say it plays in a different key XD@asteroidbook345
Could it be terminal velocity of an object due to drag.
Can you tag me it
+3Go for it@Notaleopard
@Fishy26 @aircraftarsenal123 @Jacobdaniel tgabk you all for 10k I have not had this great of a response from a post once my push to gold post
+1Idk what you do just make it very long. So it gets clicks@Notaleopard
Thanks man@Fishy26
Thanks for the congrats. I made a trumpet subassembly post a while back.@aircraftarsenal123
Some Christian @CruzerBlade
Click one doh
If you need any pointers. Some of the many many many subassemblies I use to make these instruments (this instrument in particular used zero) or you need modded parts like the pistons. Just message me. Also if you do make one then tag me on it so I can upvote it.@aircraftarsenal123
If you want to know when to upload the optimal time is 3:00
😂 @DerekSP
You have been advirtise so that your posts get more attention@Starlight
I’ll remove it@jamesPLANESii
Tag me each week when the weekly comes out. Consider this my subscription
+1I like tutorials like this it frees up the forums from (help I’m new)
I think it’s done with loose rotators
If you ever need any help on a build just message me.@Vidal99977
Thanks it took some time. Soon you will hit it also I garuntee it.@Vidal99977
Ww2 is pretty cool
Tag meh
Dude I primarily post what I call static models. (Models with none or limited function). I started doing this only 7 months ago. And my builds where ugly. Now 7 months later I’m making perfection level builds. The point. It may take a while but SimplePlanes needs every user it has to stay afloat. And it needs not good builds but developing builders.
Seems legit@Strikefighter04
Beautifully experimental
+1Nice. What mouthpeice(s) is your favorite @Strikefighter04
+1I wouldn’t trust a 100 dollar trumpet. The tr300 is at least 500@Strikefighter04
+1I know I’m pumped@aplayer
You Yamaha loving low life’s. 😂 @Strikefighter04
+1Thank you soo much ima give you a shout out on that thank you post@Bearclaw189
Sure I post a lot of instruments @Chingonito
Wym @Gameboi14
What is the model type@JMan112
This is not ok stealing peoples work. It’s not enough for this posts to be removed but people will think you made the engine
Indeed. Keep building the way you do and I Garuntee you will reach platinum@ttqwqwq
This one this one this one. The old one was a bit of a confusing mess. This one makes a lot more sense@Notaleopard
Why thank you. I was going for that. Its like advertisement for my instrument builds@Spectre2520
I’d have to to google that. It sounds interesting @T8flightcrafts
Edit. Maybe@The1Big1Finger1111
Sure I’ll tag you@aircraftarsenal123
Just keep tagging me when you post new stuff@Notaleopard