You may need some dehidral on your primary wings, because you have the engines on your wings
This will make the CoT higher and this plane will be more stable
Just make sure that you don’t mess up the rotator functions
And keep in mind that transforming thing will need more space for the rotation range and movements, so that when the rotator activate, things don’t crush together
It happened to me lol @Zyvx
It’s stable because the total wing area of this thing is huge, which means it has better control
And the name technically means undetected, because it’s so fast @Zyvx
The bigger the robot is, the easier to add details and hide rotators/pistons
I’m thinking that you should make your own head instead of using a cockpit, so that it looks better and definitely the head has to be bigger than a cockpit because you’re going to fit the cockpit inside the head for cockpit view
You can have my mini cockpit block here for the opportunity to have small head (I know that it sounds ridiculous)
Interesting technique
I thing that the pitch control is a bit stiff
Do like what I did in my glider, so it’s able to take off
Tag me because of the glider? @PvPSky
Jeez dude... this plane is fully packed with air-to-ground
+1This looks really wrong...
@ChallengerHellcat Thanks, but it flies a bit suck
Love the shape of it and “C.201” @SledDriver
Thanks @Zyvx
This is actually hard... @Zyvx
I’m in
Did you put one by one? @SledDriver
Works really great
Is it only me that see tons of mini VTOL nozzle
1 part?
I guess it’s designed to be camo at the top right?
I might describe this plane as fat and chubby
Lol @Zyvx
Kind of, but the wing is not that neat @Zyvx
My iPhone 8+ handle this thing very well @CNzzy233
Spar Tin
It’s all because of it’s 5 kg weight @Zyvx
Right yaw then brake
Well.. the wing gundam is actually very complicated @Zyvx
Oops, sorry guys. I accidentally shot my shield lol
What about a wing gundam @Zyvx
Funky dance at 95 mach lol @Zyvx
Or a 0 ibs plane @SodiumChloride
I’m not a madman, just a mad scientist who wanna know what happens when the plane is 0 ibs lol
And space rift is not real in this game @MaxToTheVolt
You may need some dehidral on your primary wings, because you have the engines on your wings
This will make the CoT higher and this plane will be more stable
Careful though. If you mirror this from the right source it will double, so remember to always mirror from left source @Zyvx
I love how it transform
Going for the cops version now eh..
I made him glitched and do a spilt lol
Most people say that
+1And I know that most people understand it
Oh god
That's so embarrassing
Did you realize that you have to trim all the way up to make it super stable
And it’s a futuristic kamikaze plane @Zyvx
Maybe you should go with strike gundam @Zyvx
It still looks gorges even with low part count @SledDriver
Lots of detail added
Thanks @crazyfishssshanss
Just make sure that you don’t mess up the rotator functions
And keep in mind that transforming thing will need more space for the rotation range and movements, so that when the rotator activate, things don’t crush together
It happened to me lol @Zyvx
Why does this one start to tilt to the right when I was trying to fly straight?
It’s stable because the total wing area of this thing is huge, which means it has better control
And the name technically means undetected, because it’s so fast @Zyvx
Oh... @PvPSky
The bigger the robot is, the easier to add details and hide rotators/pistons
I’m thinking that you should make your own head instead of using a cockpit, so that it looks better and definitely the head has to be bigger than a cockpit because you’re going to fit the cockpit inside the head for cockpit view
You can have my mini cockpit block here for the opportunity to have small head (I know that it sounds ridiculous)
If you need any other modded part, tell me
(I don’t know how to create one, but I have heck loads in my subassembly)
It’s actually very sad to lose him @Zyvx
Interesting technique
+1I thing that the pitch control is a bit stiff
Do like what I did in my glider, so it’s able to take off
Tag me because of the glider? @PvPSky
I have a feeling that this is inspired from a gundam, right?
Oh.. Never knew that @PvPSky
Can you spotlight this one for me pls
@ACEPILOT109 @ZackAttack5050 @Zyvx
Check my inquisitor to see what I mean
It doesn’t have to be bigger, there can be multiple wings
You just need large wing area in total
I suggest that make the wings bigger, it will make it more stable and easier to control, but keep looking at the CoL
One of my favorite car
With the self destruction (VTOL down)
I looked a bit funny to see it crushing itself
Very impressive about the design of transformation