Well, I gotta agree, even majority of the big players have gone inactive within the site ... But then again, the newer players may not realize the charm/the feeling that current generations of players feel. I also feel the game's complexity played a part but it really shouldn't as people are still free to build what is simple to others but a masterpiece to them. No matter what happens to the site however, this game will aways be a safe place to me...
But who knows, I mean some people pick up retro games to feel what they havent felt in a long time, and maybe Simpleplanes will be part of a retro game community at some point in the future.... Sure the site may not work anymore but with a community that's as close-knit as this one, I believe together the players will find a way ...
If not then this game still lives on forever in our hearts, our minds and the silicone crevices of the device that has it installed
I've been looking at this plane for majority of inspiration..... And I just need to ask one thing....
How did you make it look so good with less than 300 parts?
The Anomalous Siren will be of Great Aid to Humanity in this war. I'm hoping her siding with the humans can give Warspite the new technologies needed to counter the Sirens out at sea
@LunarEclipseSP The only ship that has integrated Siren technology is the MRNS Warspite (Railgun Warspite)... The Dan Salvadorians and TFM will take care of completing the retrofit for the DSN fleet as they also fight against the Sirens.
@Monarchii I did a bit of lore adjustment for the BattlePeps- I mean Warspite since the Monarchii disappeared before the retrofit is accomplished
@HanakoSan here's my guess on it. That guy seems like s rich guy who wants nothing but to be on the spotlight so instead of learning the game he wants to take down the entire site...
Guy's taking the same path a school sh**ter would take
@GuardianAerospace uh..... Uhhhh my main phone burned along with my homework.... But.... I got to experience what spawning a black hole in Simpleplanes feels like.... It was worth it
* Proceeds to switch to Cockpit View *
+9Well, I gotta agree, even majority of the big players have gone inactive within the site ... But then again, the newer players may not realize the charm/the feeling that current generations of players feel. I also feel the game's complexity played a part but it really shouldn't as people are still free to build what is simple to others but a masterpiece to them. No matter what happens to the site however, this game will aways be a safe place to me...
But who knows, I mean some people pick up retro games to feel what they havent felt in a long time, and maybe Simpleplanes will be part of a retro game community at some point in the future.... Sure the site may not work anymore but with a community that's as close-knit as this one, I believe together the players will find a way ...
If not then this game still lives on forever in our hearts, our minds and the silicone crevices of the device that has it installed
casually adds Sabaton to the soundtrack
+7Tutorial plane:
"I paid for my whole phone, I gonna use my whole phone!"
+5I'm almost too afraid to ask who da other guy? XD
+5User has created a wormhole through extreme paradox
Mother [plane name]
It looks really really good tho
I've been looking at this plane for majority of inspiration..... And I just need to ask one thing....
How did you make it look so good with less than 300 parts?
Mom Bout to slap me with this after frying the fish incorrectly
+5Sir we have a new target
Cockroach: SURVIVES
boss music starts playing
+5Eclipseverse Lmao
+4Thank you so much for developing the game, and continuing to support the community...
We all love you <3
+4As long as I get the gist of what someone is saying then the english is good
+4"Highly recommended to spawn in water"
But not required ...
*Proceeds to spawn midair*
*tries to shoot it down before
It hits the water*
I'm kinda shocked as to why no one mentioned jamesPLANESii
+4For a patrol plane..... The wings indicate a high speed
+4Hey... Pull up
Checkmate, First upvote, gimme your king XD
+3@DatFiat126Guy19 It's still long yea, but not as long as the predecessor... That was a pencil
+3It went from Doom levels to being cute....
Now Imagine Sabaton making a song about the mouse with a machine gun
+3The Anomalous Siren will be of Great Aid to Humanity in this war. I'm hoping her siding with the humans can give Warspite the new technologies needed to counter the Sirens out at sea
+3@MAPA Your builds are amazing, I'm really glad you stayed <3 thank you for the simple airliners
+3@LunarEclipseSP The only ship that has integrated Siren technology is the MRNS Warspite (Railgun Warspite)... The Dan Salvadorians and TFM will take care of completing the retrofit for the DSN fleet as they also fight against the Sirens.
@Monarchii I did a bit of lore adjustment for the BattlePeps- I mean Warspite since the Monarchii disappeared before the retrofit is accomplished
Also Sirens have like... No tanks
+3@TheMouse @GuardianAerospace Petition to make
+3The Mouse
the game's Mascot@MonarchiiwithastolenMG @DatTrainAndCarGuy19 The theory is that the Fiat crashed in proximity of a wisdom cube XD
+3@HanakoSan here's my guess on it. That guy seems like s rich guy who wants nothing but to be on the spotlight so instead of learning the game he wants to take down the entire site...
Guy's taking the same path a school sh**ter would take
Oya this looks beautiful, Ima make this my PFP
+3Cashew, Pistachio, peanuts or coconuts?
Or are those the nuts that pair up with bolts?
Either way I love them all
+3@Grob0s0VBRa keep calm and Panik XD
+3I will miss your AI friendly passenger planes my friend, See you on the flip side, and most of all, I shall miss and remember you
+3German Vixen indeed <3
+3Mitsubishi eclipse?
+3Congratulatuons mate <3 and daym you really are one of the fastest to get to platinum.... Well Chii did a speedrun ebe
+3Im late to the party i ran out of spotlights lol
+3takes a deep breath
I will recreate this plane with a vr cockpit and all the fancy thingamajings....
@jamesPLANESii do I have permission?
I'll make it in this style
+3Engine nozzle and Afterburner animation For the De Havilland Viper
+3@DatTrainGuy19 well his grave is getting deeper and deeper.... I already gave him a stern warning, yet again, I shouldn't play mod
+3@IceCraftGaming you underestimate my hunger
+3@Monarchii i tried adding forward and backwards motion
But I am not very good with the doing those
+3Nyooooooo I not first
Also this looks hella cool
+3Being a creep towards users (primary targets of his are those with anime gravatars)
+3@WisconsinStatePolice leg chopper 3000
+3Heat level 3 flashback intensifies
+3Despacito 787 Fonsiliner
+3@JDM link to the mod please
+3@LunarEclipseSP Sorry I got really sick after exams, I'll be coming back here fully soon
+2Also please be safe Mouse, I shall await thine return
+2@GuardianAerospace uh..... Uhhhh my main phone burned along with my homework.... But.... I got to experience what spawning a black hole in Simpleplanes feels like.... It was worth it
+2Zerkk makes a fighter finally
@TheMouse - CatWithAPistol321