@swagsmurf87 I'm OSX and not sure where the files are on Windows. Some one else should be able to help, but basicially each plane has an xml file, once you locate that then you're set.
Check my 'parts' upload and you'll find an indestructable primay wing... Its basically a strucural wing modded with control surfaces. Save it as a sub...
Yes various, rotators only go one way, .00x size parts, main body has multiple minor rotation edits, infinity rotators, 3rd engines hidden and x2 power, standard engines downgraded to 0.8 power, parts nudging etc., @wooden
@Rohan Sorry, just saw this... it shouldnt... its basically a roatated inlet stuck in bottom. If it falls out just put it back and rotate until it sticks:)
I think if anything nudging would be the most useful for mobile devices.
In the XML file, find the rotator in question and edit the 'min="-1"' or 'max="1"' setting, change the seeting of one of these to zero.
@swagsmurf87 I'm OSX and not sure where the files are on Windows. Some one else should be able to help, but basicially each plane has an xml file, once you locate that then you're set.
@swagsmurf87 What OS are you using?
Sorry, what do you mean?@swagsmurf87
Sorry for the double upload...
Check my 'parts' upload and you'll find an indestructable primay wing... Its basically a strucural wing modded with control surfaces. Save it as a sub...
Very well done! Do you mind if I use this sometime and hive you credit?
@Pandagaming44 Well done, very difficult!!!!
@swagsmurf87 Not sure, I use a Mac
@Ch4mp4000 welcome
@DeezNuts52 @Ch4mp4000 @Jamesisnotanewb @SteadfastContracting Thanks guys!!!
@kukimuki1234 Thats right, they are controlled by rotators VTOL which you can turn one plane on and one plane off, or have both on etc.
Wow, amazing!!!!
@DarkLithium I can give it a go... will need to know where you want the pivot point.
@Rohan ths
Are you a mechanical engineer maybe? @IntexAF
Some great mechanics here, the landing gear covers are super cool, by far the best I've seen. Everything else is just first class! Well done!
Very well done!
Thanks @TheColonel @Cedy117
Thanks @ColonelStriker
I was planning on rotating the cockpit part dow wards toa bomber view, but it seriously messed up the auto pulot! @PlanesOfOld
I would have, but the original doesn't have them so I left them off. @iDrakeZz
Ahh, that was for flaps, but they made everything super laggy... Working on a new design for next build. @iDrakeZz
Yes various, rotators only go one way, .00x size parts, main body has multiple minor rotation edits, infinity rotators, 3rd engines hidden and x2 power, standard engines downgraded to 0.8 power, parts nudging etc., @wooden
@TheGuyWhoFliesToGetHisPie Yes, I was trying a work ariund but ended up being too complicated...
You're right, thats the gosl for these tournaments ! @JovianPat
Thanks :) @tacos
Agree @FrankieB
No computer? A shame @FrankieB
I'm with you, its now my most favorite bomber as well! @THEaviator
I'll check it out!! These are tedious and difficult to do!!! @FrankieB
Cool, I love the Russsin jets, super super cool! Shapes are the best!!! @ErikRenat
@FrankieB Thanks, have you hit any thing yet with the bombs?
I'm glad that someone who has only ever posted 3 planes won :) hihihi
@Ngoat Thanks :)
@Ngoat Thanks :)
@Authros Thanks for the compliment!
@Rohan Sorry, just saw this, will do this afternoon.@Rohan
@JovianPat Probably just lucky knowing the AI!!!!
@Supercraft888 If you post it unpublished I can take a look at if you like... Difficult to explain, very easy to show!
@ErikRenat No, why? Are you?
@speedy7809 @22zxSnakeEyes Thanks and will do
Yay! @AwkwardGamerYT
Please enlighten us!!!! @Shmexysmpilot
@Rohan Sorry, just saw this... it shouldnt... its basically a roatated inlet stuck in bottom. If it falls out just put it back and rotate until it sticks:)
@Rohan Some ideas
@Rohan Try this. Inlet fixed and the drag on the nose...
@Spikerya Hehehe, thats the one!