328k SpiritusRaptor Comments

  • ME109 vs SPIT by SR 9.4 years ago

    @2Spooky4Me Why do you say?

  • ME109 vs SPIT by SR 9.4 years ago

    Good idea - how anout the chasis and wheels - did you want to yake that on? I have a large missile already and launcher @Kegger0101

  • ME109 vs SPIT by SR 9.4 years ago

    How about a missile launcher on wheels that can go underwater and/or foat? @Kegger0101

  • ME109 vs SPIT by SR 9.4 years ago

    @Kegger0101 HI, sure?

  • Convair F2Y Sea Dart 9.4 years ago

    Nicely done

  • ME109 vs SPIT by SR 9.4 years ago

    @WWIIPlaneBuilder ok then , BF109... or is it Bf109...

  • VariousParts4 9.4 years ago

    @Exumer Of course!!!

  • ME109 vs SPIT by SR 9.4 years ago

    Thank you @PhilipTarpley

  • ME109 vs SPIT by SR 9.4 years ago

    @WWIIPlaneBuilder Hahaha, lyrics to song I think...

  • ME109 vs SPIT by SR 9.4 years ago

    @WWIIPlaneBuilder Meaning there is what is te official 'story' and there is what 'normal' people talk about (that kinda thing). Maybe wiki it, or perhaps I can paste that here as well?

  • Lockheed Blackbird SR-71 9.4 years ago

    You have the shape right, well done, but she pitches down and not so fast. You modded this right? Why not added extra power and pitch those engines up a degree or two for even flight?

  • ME109 vs SPIT by SR 9.4 years ago

    @WWIIPlaneBuilder Just going with th trend, not necessarly being correct... pop-culture right, it changes what is correct to what is the norm.

  • ME109 vs SPIT by SR 9.4 years ago

    Why mess with popular culture?

  • ME109 vs SPIT by SR 9.4 years ago

    @WWIIPlaneBuilder https://www.flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/view/1939/1939-1-%20-%200932.html

  • ME109 vs SPIT by SR 9.4 years ago

    @ProKillaV12 yes, and then?

  • ME109 vs SPIT by SR 9.4 years ago

    @WWIIPlaneBuilder "The Messerschmitt Bf 109, commonly called the Me 109[2] (most often by Allied aircrew and even amongst the German aces themselves,[3][4] even though this was not the official German designation), is a German World War II fighter aircraft designed by Willy Messerschmitt and Robert Lusser during the early to mid-1930s.[5] The "Bf 109" designation was issued by the German ministry of aviation and represents the developing company Bayerische Flugzeugwerke (at which the engineer Messerschmitt led the development of the plane) and a rather arbitrary figure. It was one of the first truly modern fighters of the era, including such features as all-metal monocoque construction, a closed canopy, and retractable landing gear. It was powered by a liquid-cooled, inverted-V12 aero engine.[5]"

  • Convair Sea Dart V1.0 by SR 9.4 years ago

    @Spikerya hehehehe... sorry... I my mind is elsewhere today :) hope you understand

  • Convair Sea Dart V1.0 by SR 9.4 years ago

    @Spikerya Camel what? Camel toe? The middle east maybe?

  • FW-KM-BB-3 Vaterland. 9.4 years ago

    This is so aowsome! Maybe its just an SR peculiarity, but this is super cool!

  • FW-KM-BB-3 Vaterland. 9.4 years ago

    @Doggythepilot Doggythepilot, well, you are looking at one!!! hahaha!

  • Long Range, High Altitude, Alternative Fuel 9.4 years ago

    @8012541 Thank you and my pleasure...

  • Long Range, High Altitude, Alternative Fuel 9.4 years ago

    @8012541 Firstly, the first plane is cool! it has some balance issues. The CoM is in front of the CoL which is right, but maybe more distance betweent the the two is needed. Your second plane, well, it kicks arse! hahah, flys well, fast, lots of weapons! hihihi

  • Long Range, High Altitude, Alternative Fuel 9.4 years ago

    @8012541 Hahaha, try the other one :)

  • G-304 Super Buck 9.4 years ago

    Make it float and fix the pitch down issue and this baby will be seriously versitile!

  • ADF-01 FALKEN 9.4 years ago

    Love the shape!!! and this is flys well - good work!!!

  • x-wing starfighter 9.4 years ago

    Fun to fly

  • Experimental wheels 9.4 years ago

    Seriously cool AND a break through - the wobbly antenna!!!! love it and so so many uses... You are an inventor/inovator Puredeath!!!!

  • track Prototype 9.4 years ago

    I have been waiting all week to try this out... very well done!

  • Infinite Flyer 9.4 years ago

    No fuel? Very well done!

  • FW-KM-HC-3 9.4 years ago

    Wow! I love this!!!!!!

  • Tank with Tracks v1.0 by SR 9.4 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Cool, thanks :)

  • ME109 vs SPIT by SR 9.4 years ago

    @nickasaurusrex Do you have a link?

  • ME109 vs SPIT by SR 9.4 years ago

    @Grant19 The takes a bit of practice. Try putting Activation 4 on and VTOL most of the way up. Take off, edge bth planes slightly up and put gear up. Then turn off the Spitfire (Activation 2) and VTOL down to speed up the ME109. The Spitfore will climb slightly and turn to the right, and you should be able to line up on that.

  • Tank with Tracks v1.0 by SR 9.4 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Did something happen to your account??? Thanks for all the upvotes!!!

  • Grumman F-14 Tomcat by SR 9.4 years ago

    @Nicost271 Try my other Tomcat and be careful pulling it apart. There is a small wing peice which attached the rortator the body - remove the taileron by moving that.

  • Grumman F-14 Tomcat by SR 9.4 years ago

    @KevinMurphy I just notice your name change and now I know why its called Murphy Airport :) hehehe

  • A-10 Thunderbolt 9.4 years ago

    Micro A10 - so cool!!!

  • Convair Sea Dart V1.0 by SR 9.4 years ago

    @Nyokie27 They were modded for faster, but I brought them back to just over the speed of sound...

  • Convair Sea Dart V1.0 by SR 9.4 years ago

    @JacobHardy64 Cool... I have been to the USA about 5 times in total! Hahahaha... but now I know where the aircraft museums are, well that changes everything!!!!

  • ME109 vs SPIT by SR 9.4 years ago

    @blue_eagle Thank you:) at the start it was fairly 'blocky' but one did what one could... anyways, thanks for the recognition, serioulsy appreciated.

  • Convair Sea Dart V1.0 by SR 9.4 years ago

    @JacobHardy64 Where???

  • Convair Sea Dart V1.0 by SR 9.4 years ago

    @kikasshes Thanks and good idea!

  • Convair Sea Dart V1.0 by SR 9.4 years ago

    @blue_eagle haha! Thank you!


    So, starting with something simple, good! :)

  • Messerschmitt Bf 109 by SR 9.4 years ago

    @Cedy117 Thanks

  • Messerschmitt Bf 109 by SR 9.4 years ago

    Hmmm... Not sure, I use a mac... Gimp, might be multi platform and is also free... @XVIindustries

  • Messerschmitt Bf 109 by SR 9.4 years ago

    @XVIindustries OSX or Windows?

  • Messerschmitt Bf 109 by SR 9.4 years ago

    @XVIindustries Do you mean scan in the photo's and then add colour?

  • Planex P-L-100-10 Airliner 9.4 years ago

    @TheGuyWhoFliesToGetHisPie Yeah, hi :) why?

  • Cass class battleships 9.4 years ago
