contra rotating propellers are what you're looking for. counter rotating props are on separate engines. I would think that this aircraft only has one engine.
@PG22 Well, that's the only way I really know. post update wheels are fucky, they normally bounce, can turn weird, and are generally messed up. My best guess is something with the friction; try setting your fwd traction minimal, and the L/R traction to maximum.
@Zoomzoom999 well, a combination of a control surface spanning an entire wing section, with trim, along with a rotator with the other input could have the effect of trim, Pitch, and Roll.
@UnitedAdvanceGamerX Theres a button up top on the exit menu for sharing an aircraft, and thats where you can post shots of the plane and put in the account.
use the minigun engine to spin up a minigun to fire the minigun
Do you have a discord?
@HighSchoolStudent Huh. It's very old anyway.
@shipster if someone makes an F7U with realistic engines I would laugh and fly it to see how poorly it handles
+1Can I make an aircraft they have previously used? say, late FF series?
You won't get me to replace my potato part count F-14 from 4-5 years ago!
Good God that thing is enormous in part count
amazing, and with so much detail?
interesting idea!
that is probably what the original is based on.
+2@PapaKernels does the power mean in total?
@PapaKernels I mean something like the SW-51 but technically an ultralight
Time to make a new ultralight fighter
+1Kinda like mixing the American and French tailsitters. cool
NIce replica.
+1If this had glass fuselage then we would be able to re enact the Phantom II pushing another Phantom II.
T for Tag down below
T i WaNnA bE tAgGeD!1!1!1!1
I fixed the aircraft, I was unaware of the fact I couldn't use the Large Gear
@asteroidbook345 I fixed it.
contra rotating propellers are what you're looking for. counter rotating props are on separate engines. I would think that this aircraft only has one engine.
I'd rather eat the rotten asshole of a roadkilled skunk then down it with beer
@FeatherWing Thanks. I was confused on how that was supposed tp happen.
@PG22 Well, that's the only way I really know. post update wheels are fucky, they normally bounce, can turn weird, and are generally messed up. My best guess is something with the friction; try setting your fwd traction minimal, and the L/R traction to maximum.
what gear? custom? if so, get pre update wheels. if it's Large Landing Gear, IDK what to tell ya.
@Zoomzoom999 well, a combination of a control surface spanning an entire wing section, with trim, along with a rotator with the other input could have the effect of trim, Pitch, and Roll.
elevons? those thingies can be made to have trim
+1T, also, cool! I was looking for a 747 to replace my current DELTA 747.
@TurtlesThatFly When was this??
+1I'm changing my entry to 3, I wanna do something cool
why was I tagged? I'm not that big
@UnitedAdvanceGamerX I see someone is either a fan of Airline Commander or Small Regional turboprop planes.
@UnitedAdvanceGamerX Theres a button up top on the exit menu for sharing an aircraft, and thats where you can post shots of the plane and put in the account.
@PineappleDeluxe yes
Mentioning now, If a Cessna was militarized now, its likely it would be in air force gray.
@NexusGaming They actually stoned Jesus with an old iBrick -1.
@NexusGaming Makes sense. it came out in about -2007.
what did you run this on? an iPad 0?
@edensk Thanks. I was worried.
@winterro BOMBS
@Plane777x Its nice
I engoy