There is a local private server i am using but due to their policy issue unfortunately I can't not share their IP address here unless you join their group at QQ.
@asteroidbook345 I havn't finished the ideas yet. Idea (a) would be a 727 ish configuation with existing Y-10 hull and 727-ish wings, T-tail and all that things while idea (b) has two engines mounted on the wing while the third mounted on the tail like a DC-10, using existing Y-10 hull and redesign the wing. The in-story Y-13 project would be a freighter only, to be put into service around 1985, starting only a few years after they finalized Y-10 designs and also aided by Boeing. Meanwhile there would be no freighter Y-10s since they need to divert almost half of production capacity of Y-10 to the Air Force besides civil uses, and Y-10 itself as freighter will be... let's say a bit expensive. Y-13 would be cheaper freightliner.
@FairFireFlight The bots are even starting to POST their ad links as forum entry not a comment. Well site owneres really need to figure out the best solution fast before these bots figure out how to post aircraft...
@Ian_Yashima for the awesome poster image.
@GalacticaAsia for the 737 and 320 which I basically learned how to build an airliner by examine them; And for providing invalueable contribution directly for bug fixing and advises, and for several parts used.
I'm using guns only because cannons shell sometimes explodes as fast as they are fired (due to some jundroo funny collider mesh brrt) and when I disable their collider they become unable to hit let's say another aircraft's fuselage too. As soon as they fix this (forgive me for this) screw the gun.
@asteroidbook345 Why they show up for me perfectly well - oh wait seems something makes it loaded at the first time and its the local cache displaying on my end lmao the page thumbnail says unable to load
Try this? A B
Why this man isn't platium yet?
+1No ok yes
+2you should rename it into J-11A
Very nice
@plane634 Zukaiku doesnt even sounds like chinese word (but it does sounds like japanese)
+1no ok yes
You should really try making something yourself from scratch instead of keep making modifications based on others aircraft. How about making a E-767?
+3I wonder why there's no comment yet
+1There is a local private server i am using but due to their policy issue unfortunately I can't not share their IP address here unless you join their group at QQ.
+1And.. do you play war thunder? I thought i met with a Tu-4 with similar ID with you.
This is nice but why does it looks different with that one on the logo on the poster?
@PaperPlaneHasDream 我去,火星(意味深)人
+1I'm gonna say better do tutorial forum posts. Lot of people doesn't use discord ya know..
+1@BaconAircraft another ad bot
You can directly talk to them here. And I will tag the devs here for ya - @AndrewGarrison
+1@asteroidbook345 I havn't finished the ideas yet. Idea (a) would be a 727 ish configuation with existing Y-10 hull and 727-ish wings, T-tail and all that things while idea (b) has two engines mounted on the wing while the third mounted on the tail like a DC-10, using existing Y-10 hull and redesign the wing. The in-story Y-13 project would be a freighter only, to be put into service around 1985, starting only a few years after they finalized Y-10 designs and also aided by Boeing. Meanwhile there would be no freighter Y-10s since they need to divert almost half of production capacity of Y-10 to the Air Force besides civil uses, and Y-10 itself as freighter will be... let's say a bit expensive. Y-13 would be cheaper freightliner.
I'm actrually making backgrounds of my Y-13 now. Well if only i have finished them a month ago..
@Super737 我搜到的运10和707图片机翼下方均没有襟翼导轨整流罩
+2Try use fuselage smoothing.
@FairFireFlight The bots are even starting to POST their ad links as forum entry not a comment. Well site owneres really need to figure out the best solution fast before these bots figure out how to post aircraft...
+4China is hot enough as it is
+1No more celsius needed thanks
Nor farenheit!
Mind remove the ad links below?
@CanadianAircraftBuilder Ever tried to read the background story I wrote? ;)
@IceFoxBHmY 在我的设定里运10计划有波音直接下场参与设计 运10设定中首批三架原型机于1975年下线 量产型运10-100首批于1980年入役 :P
+1Simple. Make account comment-able at least after they got 15 points or something. Bots won't purchase games from steam just for spamming ads..
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@Ian_Yashima for the awesome poster image.
@GalacticaAsia for the 737 and 320 which I basically learned how to build an airliner by examine them; And for providing invalueable contribution directly for bug fixing and advises, and for several parts used.
@IceCraftGaming Especially thanks to DarkBlue for mading such anamazing cover.
+1T for the 109
+1I'm using guns only because cannons shell sometimes explodes as fast as they are fired (due to some jundroo funny collider mesh brrt) and when I disable their collider they become unable to hit let's say another aircraft's fuselage too. As soon as they fix this (forgive me for this) screw the gun.
+3@IceCraftGaming It does have a sherman base.
+3Is this something based on Pz IV or uh
Good. Advise using fuselage smooth and cutting in future builds, they will help improving the overall looking.
+1航母弹射器叫catapult不叫ejection system
+2btw YZ=Hard seat RZ=Soft seat YW=Hard sleeper RW=Soft sleeper XL=Luggage and CA=Dining
@asteroidbook345 Why they show up for me perfectly well - oh wait seems something makes it loaded at the first time and its the local cache displaying on my end lmao the page thumbnail says unable to load
Try this?
I can make a MiG-21F-13 based on my J-7II if you want and to the question - yes!
Can't find anything three view of that thing on local search engines too.
But I have this nice little image of a type 25 coach enjoy
Why would everyone sign their username in the comment though
@GalacticaAsia I've created my Y-10 based on the structure of your aircraft i learned from an empty fuselage block i got from your 757 (I basically teared up your 320 and 737 to try examine how you made them sorry lol) and used your 757's landing gear as example to modify and using on it. Hope you dont mind and of course - credit will be yours.
+3@GalacticaAsia Would you mind if I use engine and reverse thrust FT codes on my Y-10 series projects?
+4Also congrats on platium
So to change the subject, what is the model of that helicopter you've been working on?
@Bo1233 Certainly you may.
+1@ReinMcDeer wdym