11.6k TDevil36 Comments

  • Sukhoi Su30 2.9 years ago

    Flies just as good as it looks 👍🏼

  • F-35B 4.2 years ago

    The F-35B does not have an internal gun. However there is an external gun pod that the F-35B and F-35C can carry, the F-35A is the only variant that has an internal gun.

  • F-35A.Lightning 2.3 years ago

    Wonderful aircraft!

    Small nitpick…the F-35A doesn't have a refueling probe (only the B and C do) but instead it has a refueling port located on the centerline of the aircraft right in-between those white and black markers.

    9.5/10 👍🏼🤌🏼

  • Lockheed Martin F-35B 2.5 years ago


  • Boeing X-32 remake 2.6 years ago

    I agree with the people that this is really great for an X-32, hands down the best one I have seen on SP. I hear some people say the A-10 is the ugliest plane to fly, I disagree completely and then show them this ugly fella, they then they like the A-10 a whole lot better lol. Also this plane is very unique (don't get me wrong) but I do think the DoD made a wise choice to go for the F-35…yes it may be over budget but when You take into consideration that it entered service before it was finished testing I say it's doing pretty good. The X-32 on the other hand had some old and quite frankly unreliable and dangerous tech (mainly tech concerning engines in the VTOL variant) that was outdated and needed something new…the F-35 was that new change with the new lift fan that basically created a wall of “clean air” so that the “unclean” thrust doesn't recycle through the intakes and stall the jet. Competitions always have their pros and cones and winners and losers.

  • F-35B 'Lightning II' 1.6 years ago

    Truly Amazing Build! Controls are incredible…and hey…You got called out by a real F-35 Pilot THATS DOPE!! 🤣👍🏼

  • F-35A.Lightning 2.3 years ago

    There are pros and cons to everything…yes the aircraft is expensive but @TRD is right, a whole lot of the expenses that went into the F-35 where developing new technology, like the B models lift fan…because it is new tech there is a bunch of R&D that goes into everything…and that is expensive. Did the gov make the right decision on putting the F-35 into production before they worked out all the little problems? Who knows, but it is just what is…and if we where the people in charge I doubt we could do any better then the great men and women that design this amazing piece of machinery.
    You got to take into consideration that the F-35 was supposed to fill the shoes of the F/A-18, F-16, A-10 and AV-8B…and boy all of those aircraft have big shoes! So yes it isn't the best aircraft, like I said earlier there are always pros and cons, but give the F-35 a break.

  • Pigpen 2.4 years ago

    How do You use the “ACRO”?!

  • Weapon Design Challenge 2.7 years ago

    So is it one weapon that can kill all or two separate weapons (one for air to air and the other for air to ground)?

  • Soup 3.5 years ago

    Good Soup

  • SimplePlanes VR - Coming 2021 to Steam and Oculus Quest 3.7 years ago

    What do You mean by “fully immersive cockpits” are You making x,y, and z axis fusion with the fuselage pieces? Will You make the glass pieces be able to fuse together on all axis’?

  • Your Future Husband - Handsome Squidward 4.2 years ago

    Some People can't take a good joke lol

  • Reminder to the community about my existence 4.7 years ago

    Can't wait

  • F-36 Thorny Devil II (Navy Variant) 5.1 years ago

    Thank You @emanuelga and @Evenstsrike333

  • DASSAULT RAFALE (INDIA) 6.2 years ago

    Very nice, I would not have expected this build from a Bronze user like yourself, so awesome job.

  • Bush Plane 6.5 years ago

    Thank you :-) ;-)
    This was actually a (I'm bored build) so I did not put a whole lot of effort into it @Strikefighter04

  • Bush Plane 6.6 years ago

    Hay @niggelas100 here is a link to the best plane I have made so far, I hope you like it :-) :-)

  • Fighter Cockpit 6.6 years ago

    Don't mind at all, please do :-) :-) @Quinton24

  • GUESS WHAT IT IS 7.2 years ago

    @ballisticbullets you guessed correctly now you may have a lollipop.

  • GUESS WHAT IT IS 7.2 years ago

    Sorry @Aarons123 it is not a spacecraft.

  • GUESS WHAT IT IS 7.2 years ago

    @chancey21, sorry but nope.

  • FA-XX 3 months ago

    @Ihateuglyplanedesign Like this?

  • Stealth Challenge 4 months ago


  • F-35B 'Lightning II' 1.6 years ago

    Request to do a YF-23 next!? 😁

  • F-35B VTOL system showcase 2.0 years ago

    AWESOME landing!


  • Compound Coaxial HELO 2.5 years ago

    Yep…just put that in the description lol

  • SP-1 Goose 2.8 years ago

    Very Cool Design!

  • Remaster Challenge [CLOSED] 3.0 years ago

    Question: Can You make judgments based on categories?
    Example: Spacecraft vs Spacecraft, Naval Vessel vs Naval Vessel, Aircraft vs Aircraft, Car vs Car etc etc.

  • LAM Fighter (50 pts or less challenge) 3.0 years ago

    Sweet thanks, and again, GREAT JOB! @Krikkit42

  • LAM Fighter (50 pts or less challenge) 3.0 years ago

    Great Design, could use a little tweaking in the maneuverability but other then that SOLID aircraft. Would You mind if I played around with the design?

  • F22 3.1 years ago

    Unless You have a newer phone that can handle it ;-) @CustardPiee

  • HT-12 KitaKitsune 3.1 years ago

    Well most IEDs will be hidden under roadside debris…so if it is hovering IEDs won’t be a problem @Nerfaddict

  • HT-12 KitaKitsune 3.1 years ago


  • S.P. AIRFORCE X-17 Fighter plane 3.2 years ago

    Uh No…its obviously heavily inspired by the Chinese J-10 and J-20 @ALRX

  • F-78 3.3 years ago

    Cool design, One note is that the pitch controls are inverted so that when You pull back You pitch down and when You push forward You go up…it is supposed to be the other way around. But again, cool design…it has inspired me to make a similar aircraft.

  • F-36 Thorny Devil (PAV 5) 3.4 years ago

    And I am having a lot of trouble with this build. @JohnnyBoythePilot

  • F-36 Thorny Devil (PAV 5) 3.4 years ago

    You as well. @JohnnyBoythePilot

  • Focke Wulf FW 190A-8 3.4 years ago

    Very Very Good! 👍🏼

  • YF-38 Viper TEASER 3.5 years ago

    This is fictional, so let me be the judge of weather or not it is “too narrow” @ChrisPy

  • YF-38 Viper TEASER 3.5 years ago

    Thank You. I'm in the same boat as You so hopefully I finish this too. @Jauntyccmbr

  • YF-38 Viper TEASER 3.5 years ago

    This just makes it 10X easier @IceCraftGaming

  • YF-38 Viper TEASER 3.5 years ago

    Not necessarily, However I saw a Platinum user do this so I fallowed suit…it has worked nice for me so far, I have another aircraft in the making that started out this way and is looking good so far. @IceCraftGaming

  • YF-38 Viper TEASER 3.5 years ago

    Ahh okay will do 👍🏼 @BeastHunter

  • Current progress 3.5 years ago

    When are You gonna make a RAH-66?

  • Current progress 3.5 years ago

    Very Nice

  • USCG AS565 PANTHER (unfinished) 3.6 years ago

    Another amazing build 😎👍🏼

  • Bell UH1Y Venom (unfinished) 3.6 years ago

    This is very nice, simple to fly and pretty stable. Also AG. 7 folds the propeller blades. Awesome build 😎👍🏼

  • SPVR Update - Gauges 3.6 years ago

    Ooooo, woo woo, what else is new?

  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 4.1 years ago

    Thank You
