29.0k TWDDerSharkmarine Comments

  • the watter i drank wiredd 4.3 years ago

    that's not water

  • Bruh stop hating on 0 point users who reupload with funky colors and engines everywhere 4.3 years ago

    As a player that seeks for Effort and good builds (if it was my creation) i usually find it a bit insulting seeing my already good performing builds getting weird stuff attached to it in a bad way, or just random stuff attached to it, worse still none of them even care to say my names which is quite an insult already, even if i do have another people build im usually just upgrading the performance of it such as increasing horsepower or fixing handling on cars

  • We'll Miss You 4.5 years ago

    Im more concerned on your SP than the USS Beast XD, that lag is concerning me

  • Goldfish Express 5.5 years ago

    "They Call It The Goldcracker Mail Service"

  • How to protect your shopping trolley from improvised explosives 3.0 years ago

    Ohoho yes, finally, Based Everyday Lifehack Man shopping cart

  • Mekava MBT mk2 3.9 years ago


  • jar in a jar, in a jar, in a jar, in a jar, in a jar, in a jar 4.5 years ago

    @soldier289 it is empty but considering that there is jar in the jar suggest that it will be considered as "partially filled" with air and jar

    @Subnerdica i am a madlad :p

  • BH PXCV 4.6 years ago

    So basically an armed merchant ship? Nice, gotta fend off those somalian pirates

  • Game owners 4.6 years ago

    Jundro LLC, based in America, if you pay attention when downloading this game in play store, and this question proves that you didn't pay attention to the information given to you

  • Panzerkampf-wagon 4.9 years ago

    Phlophy Whoppy: " Goddamn It Hans You Did It Again..."

  • COD-M® Helicopter 5.4 years ago

    Typical COD:M Player Be Like: *Feet To 4th Step Of Stair Which Is COD:M, Literally Skipping The Whole CoD Series In The First 3 Step Of Stair...

  • Duck 4.4 years ago

    Belugasub us watching you

  • Post-Apocalyptic Map Mod Update 4.4 years ago

    My brain refuses to tell me that this is in Simpleplanes, it looks really good

  • Bruh moment 4.4 years ago

    "cheap, thoughtless, confusing, piss poor interface"
    Aight, sounds like a typical karen kamander

  • youtube thumbnails using SP pictures... 4.4 years ago

    @Typhoon03 i mean, who will not mistaken somebody as a dev for their polite conversation, there has to be a moment where you will definitely mistake someone as an important people

  • PT-501 Jasmine 4.5 years ago

    can you actually get the Fjord mod for android?

  • not a sphere, dont download. 4.8 years ago

    Yes i will, you cant stop me

  • Pompom J 4.8 years ago

    When airbrakes is not allowed but you have another trick up your sleeve, they can't stop the raise of electric engine

  • Eb91-1 Ente 4.9 years ago

    fascinating... nice looking, im thinking how the engine breathe when the float retract

  • M113 5.0 years ago

    IT HAS MODS (noises of an android user rage in the background)

  • Well I am back! 5.3 years ago

    Infinite flight: realistic but the detail just... EURGH

    DCS World: your better than ever flying simulator

    Simpleplanes: Too realistic even for DCS World

  • Where's the ATC! 5.5 years ago

    Gud, Artificial Inteligence At It Finest

  • not scientifically possible 5.6 years ago

    "Thanos: Gone, Reduced To Atoms"

  • KADM MK.2 1.9 years ago

    Why does this have no upvote, this is brilliant

  • The weird plane/car challenge [CLOSED] 2.2 years ago

    Oh lawd

    Oh Lawd

    Lemme pull the Wikipedia Page for German Experimental Aircraft List
    Questions, what is your thoughts on an Aircraft Mounted 12" Naval Gun

  • JAS-39D-ANM 2.3 years ago


  • LJ-18 4 mniguns 2.6 years ago

    Your idea is divine, but the execution is wrong

  • Me309XIII 2.6 years ago

    That is such an interesting concept

  • Sphere (scary cousin of box) 2.9 years ago

    But w h e r e b o x

  • Aichi E7K1 Type 94 Model 1. -Alf- 2.9 years ago

    what the heck is this comment section lmao, what did Tsuchii and you do Dragon

  • SP FSP-1 Sea Cat 3.0 years ago

    Now i wonder why a WW2 plane would have missiles....

  • MiG “Parasit” 3.0 years ago

    When the term "Pedestal Aircraft" has been taken wee bit too literally

  • Ai Enemy Boss - Andrey Cherlinski 3.0 years ago

    Hey i found this to be quite a challenging one to fight, definitely an up ote for me :D

  • W340-9XN 3.9 years ago

    S P R E A D B U T T E R T I M E

  • AI Boat Challenge (Closed) 4.0 years ago

    seems like something that i would enjoy doing and many of them

  • Type 07 AnShan 4.0 years ago

    Why this didn't have upvotes or even a comment, this is sad....

  • Friedrichshafen G. III Bomber ! 4.2 years ago

    Damn, this is amazing

  • Pz.Kpfw IV Ausf.K (Karl) 4.3 years ago

    @TirpitzWantsPlanes do you want an extra 200 parts just for a Vanilla Track?

  • "Ye Olde Pub" (B-17F "Flying Fortress") 4.3 years ago

    @WiiWiiTheMini oh i won't ignore that Predecessors name now that you mention it

    Ayy nice plane, and im interested to see how good the damaged one flies

  • not a car [TEASER] 4.3 years ago

    Well, car have wheels, plane also have those
    Some car have wings, plane also have those
    Some car have turbines, plane also have those
    Car have bodies, plane also have those
    So it is the same thing :p

  • Car Engine sounds needs a rework 4.3 years ago

    Indeed it needs to be changed, we need Custom Sounds

  • The Aftermath 4.3 years ago

    @KennethKennethTheKenneth how could there be android version when putting the thing in the game gonna make every phone commit Improvised Explosive noises

    Also, its cool to see the destruction, the atmosphere is there and its nice looking

  • Anyone knows how to build a laser? 4.4 years ago

    You can do it with Overload, its a built in mods so you can already get it

  • Goodbye 4.4 years ago

    I shall wave a goodbye to our fellow friend of car builders, thou shall not be forgotten and we wish you to come back sooner or later, until we meet eachother again, i say farewell to you (ships horn blowing in 2 short and 1 long burst)

  • POV: You are in a confession room and now must confess the sins you have done in SP 4.5 years ago

    @UtsuhoReiuji oddly the same case for me

    Making the Jar in the Jar in the Jar in the Jar in the Jar in the Jar in the Jar, by far my most cursed build since it bends reality, i mean come on, how did you expect this to work irl

    Making a long comments, usually to people who says something that ticked me off, it can probably even get into r/hurtbywords since im just that good at hurting people trough words only (INJF or Advocates type stereotypes)

    Doing warcrimes such as making ships Above 35.000T (as per Washington Naval Treaty) or above 45.000T (as per London Naval Treaty), using 18-inch guns for my Battleship (as per London Naval Treaty), making an entirely new class of ship named Light Battlecruiser or Large Heavy Cruiser

    But then those things about my ships will actually not apply to my ships since they never invited me to the treaties anyway, so im technically speaking, are free to make ships of any sizes with no limits on anything, most of them have German technology in it making Germany have something to be proud of, afterall they were restricted, so we assume Germany were using Trislandia as their show of power and dominance, plus it also serve as a stopgap between not having ships and only making ships of certain sizes, so they built Trislandian ships, with excuse of "its not our ships"

  • I LANDED IN ICE BASE 4.5 years ago

    meanwhile me: landing in ice base with unmodded plane, 3rd try and i have landed

    Just get flares dude, a lot of them

  • I spent too long on this! [TEASER] 4.5 years ago

    You finally figured out the impossible

  • Dream 4.5 years ago

    Dream Dad Video: Like and Subscribe before Dream and George Breakup
    Me: ??????????

  • Tracks? 4.6 years ago

    Andrew: "you guys were on the same track, keep this up everybody"
    Us: "then add it into the game"

  • hMS Prince of Wales 4.6 years ago

    Damn that is cool, even though the underwater side is not close to the real thing but the on deck stuff is just magnificent detail
