Look at how other players detail their planes, as long as you don't copy its fine to use methods or techniques that other people use to detail. From looking at your planes I'd say make your planes semi-gloss, planes that use 'flat' paint look boring and usually they look like there's less effort put into them.
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing There's certainly a lot to say about what's been going on in our political/social climate. If you ever need to vent, feel free.
@Stellarlabs If you say that some people might just believe it. Especially considering that someone thought it was necessary to put parachutes on this.
Has anyone been able to get anything to drive in a straight line? I've tested this track with a few different vehicles from various people and the AI spins out everytime it turns? @TheWhistlingDeath @Helicopterboy @beastpilot124 @WaffleCakes @jamesPLANESii @Botfinder @LotusEngineering @KidKromosone @jamesPLANESii @KingPanzerVIII @Jetpackturtle @marcox43 If so how??
@ZwillingerLuftfox46 Wait... So you've purchased the game... But haven't downloaded it? If you have an iphone or Android you can get it on there. Plus other people can build completely unrealistic things, the majority of things I make are unrealistic becasue they never existed, but I try to make them seem plauisble, with a few exceptions here and there.
@ZwillingerLuftfox46 No this game does not take exhaust heat into consideration, but I'm talking about realism. I try to keep most of my builds somewhat realistic, but what you've suggested is absolutely absurd. Also, why would you make an account for a game you dont even play?
@ZwillingerLuftfox46 Make a successor to this and include what you're talking about because it literally makes no sense. Why on earth would you put a jet engine INSIDE of the fuselage of a plane?? Not to mention that all that heat would likely melt the engine only a few feet behind it! This literally makes no sense!
@ZwillingerLuftfox46 Please explain how you could put a jet engine on both the front and the back of a plane on the same axis? It works with propellers because propeller driven engines work backwards, but you cannot make a jet work backwards.
@BogdanX Thanks a lot! I thought the rating system was pretty wonky and not very consistent too, but a Luftwaffe challenge sounded too good to pass up!
Hit the "Mark All Read" button when you go to your notifications
@mikoyanster Do I have to use the rockets provided? Or can I make my own?
Are we supposed to use every rocket that you've provided or at least one?
@PhantomBladeCorp I think I get what you mean, Europe's immigrant problem is certainly a mess I could go on about forever, but I wont start on that.
Look at how other players detail their planes, as long as you don't copy its fine to use methods or techniques that other people use to detail. From looking at your planes I'd say make your planes semi-gloss, planes that use 'flat' paint look boring and usually they look like there's less effort put into them.
@Jimmybob Well this isn't the way to do it, just post a forum about it.
Extra neat! Miles better than mine!
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing There's certainly a lot to say about what's been going on in our political/social climate. If you ever need to vent, feel free.
Extra neat my guy!
Extra neat!
Delete this plane from existence pls and thanks.
Absolutely magnificent!! Been waiting on this!
The logo has no propeller
Thought about doing something similar to this, looks like ya beat me to it! Great job!
Extra neat!
@Stellarlabs If you say that some people might just believe it. Especially considering that someone thought it was necessary to put parachutes on this.
@IisFailing "Get inspired" by Bogdan's original post
Has anyone been able to get anything to drive in a straight line? I've tested this track with a few different vehicles from various people and the AI spins out everytime it turns? @TheWhistlingDeath @Helicopterboy @beastpilot124 @WaffleCakes @jamesPLANESii @Botfinder @LotusEngineering @KidKromosone @jamesPLANESii @KingPanzerVIII @Jetpackturtle @marcox43 If so how??
@ProvingMars That was testing, when the F would have been put into effect, it would have been a one way trip.
Visually, a massive step up from what you’ve made before! However the pitch range could be a lot better. Otherwise great job!
@RailfanEthan Dear lord...
To my knowledge the only way to purchase it is through Steam for $12.99
@ZwillingerLuftfox46 Really? Jeez. Well if you have the opportunity to buy SP then you should get it!
@ZwillingerLuftfox46 Wait... So you've purchased the game... But haven't downloaded it? If you have an iphone or Android you can get it on there. Plus other people can build completely unrealistic things, the majority of things I make are unrealistic becasue they never existed, but I try to make them seem plauisble, with a few exceptions here and there.
@ZwillingerLuftfox46 No this game does not take exhaust heat into consideration, but I'm talking about realism. I try to keep most of my builds somewhat realistic, but what you've suggested is absolutely absurd. Also, why would you make an account for a game you dont even play?
@ZwillingerLuftfox46 Make a successor to this and include what you're talking about because it literally makes no sense. Why on earth would you put a jet engine INSIDE of the fuselage of a plane?? Not to mention that all that heat would likely melt the engine only a few feet behind it! This literally makes no sense!
@ZwillingerLuftfox46 Please explain how you could put a jet engine on both the front and the back of a plane on the same axis? It works with propellers because propeller driven engines work backwards, but you cannot make a jet work backwards.
@ZwillingerLuftfox46 1
Looks clean and flies well, good job!
Extra neat my dude!
@BogdanX Thanks a lot! I thought the rating system was pretty wonky and not very consistent too, but a Luftwaffe challenge sounded too good to pass up!
R520 XT
Nut worthy
Extra neat my guy!
@phanps Absolutely!
No one can say for sure, right now the devs are focused on SR2.
w i n g b o n e s
Extra neat!
EXTRA neato my guy!
Neato my dude!
@Trainzo Thanks!
@CoolPeach Sure!
@Helicopterboy @Verterium Sorry guys CoolPeach got here first. Although I'd be happy to collab in the future!
@CoolPeach Sure! What about an He-162? Although I'm open to anything!
@CoolPeach First come first serve I guess, got anything specific to make in mind? I'm down for anything.
@CoolPeach Believe me I know all about starting something and never finishing it lol. I hope to see this out relatively soon! It looks amazing!
Just found this post my dude, this is pretty phenomenal!
@phanps Thanks again!