26.1k TheGuyYouMightKnow Comments

  • The SP tutorial is terrible 7.2 years ago


    Please update the tutorial! I don't want to see new players learn only the very basics, I want new players to start playing and be able to create something that they can be proud of and that will look good!

  • Small Website Update 6.7 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison The offensive symbol rule is a bit worrying for users like me who make fictional German planes as quite a few of my builds break that rule because technically they are not historically accurate. I've yet to see anyone use a swastika out of place on this site and I've been here since 1.1. I understand the rule but with this community's small size and calm nature I think it's unnecessary.

  • New Moderator 6.6 years ago

    Hopefully he does better than Tully lol


    Everybody's been making Thomas the train builds, but where are the Jay Jay the Jet Plane builds??

  • Kebab Truck 6.6 years ago

    y o u r k e b a b i s r e a d y s i r

  • Why War? 7.1 years ago

    War is the natural solution to human disagreement. We've just made weapons that make it more deadly. In the animal kingdom, for example lions, will fight and kill each other, even their own brothers, to establish dominance. War is just this but on a far greater scale. War is bad, but it is natural. Weapons of mass destruction and weapons in general are just the tools we use.

  • SimplePlanes 2: What features would you add? 6.6 years ago

    SR went from 2D to 3D, this can only mean that SP will go from 3D to 4D

  • The SP tutorial is terrible 7.2 years ago

    @BACconcordepilot I know it's old, and that just gives more reason for it to be updated. It's been the same even though the fusalage parts have been around for quite a long time.

  • New Website Feature 7.2 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Any thoughts of adding a DM system? Possibly like twitter, only people who follow each other can message each other?

  • For those people who feel angry about my 757... 7.2 years ago


  • My life is complete now 6.6 years ago

    Simple Wheels? Now that's a rare one.

  • Supermarine Spirit (SBD design) 3.5 6.9 years ago

    Heyo! I've had this bookmarked for a fat minute and I've never done anything with it and I think it fits your style perfectly!

  • Your thoughts on some interesting quotes from Adolf Hitler? 7.1 years ago

    @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing It's true that having more armed staff in schools would likely prevent shootings, or at least end them them as early as possible. At some point people may realize that arming schools could very well save lives, however the media will always tell people that the solution is to ban guns. If there is truly a resolution to the issue of shootings, the media will always push for left-wing policy. I think someone like Colton Haab is almost evidence that having proper equipment in schools can save lives, bless him and his quick thinking.

  • Your thoughts on some interesting quotes from Adolf Hitler? 7.1 years ago

    @Oski It is quite a shame that such smart people did so many evil things, but all we can do is condemn their actions and admire their intelligence.

  • Dear Haters. 7.2 years ago

    Lmao anyone who thinks that Ugandan Knuckles is racist is an overly sensitive moron with a deluded understanding of the word "joke." It's certainly a terrible meme and it deserves to die out, but it is not racist. In my eyes controversy brings attention, attention brings followers, followers bring support.

  • A-10 Thunderbolt 6.5 years ago

    epic stolen content

  • P-51D-30 Fixed 6.5 years ago

    Fixed 3 years latter lol

  • free suspensión 6.6 years ago

    Don't want to burst your bubble but no one pays for suspension systems on here.

  • All Purpose Corsair 6.8 years ago

    @Douggie And... Why? Why detach the wings just to reattach them in the same way and replace the LG,

  • SimplePlanes Memes that define me 7.0 years ago

    So the SP community is still stuck in 2011 huh?

  • antonov40 7.1 years ago

    The whole point is that the tank landed, THEN dropped the air frame. Tanks were not dropped from the air, that is ridiculous.

  • Teaser for a super tank 7.1 years ago

    Almighty RATTE

  • Hiatus 7.2 years ago

    See you later my dude.

  • Website suggestions 7.2 years ago

    Here's my idea: A DM system exactly like twitter, only users whomst follow each other can message each other.

  • Big Shaq: Jet's not hot! 7.2 years ago

    If you're bringing terrible rappers who turned into even worse memes into this game then you must include lil pump.

  • Funny Thing 7.2 years ago

    @sexylips35 I think this went from sarcastic to serious but I can't tell so I'll clear things up by saying that this is kinda neat but ultimately doesn't effect me.

  • [Teaser] My first tank (gif included) 7.2 years ago

    Hella neat my guy!

  • What did I miss? 3.4 years ago

    @WiiMini That's about as comprehensive as a list as I could ask for lol, I have a feeling I won't recognize most people here now lmao.

  • ScSP-1 Braces 6.4 years ago

    Love the tail!

  • Ki-99 Mk.II Mod.3 6.4 years ago


  • A-10 Thunderbolt 6.5 years ago

    @AdlerSteiner I think he'd love it!

  • A-10 Thunderbolt 6.5 years ago

    @AdlerSteiner Ah I see, now I know that he definitely made this!

  • A-10 Thunderbolt 6.5 years ago

    @AdlerSteiner I can't tell if you're joking or not.

  • Need help!!!!!! Pls 6.5 years ago

    Yeah, @randomusername is right, you're asking for someone else to make a cockpit for a plane you didn't make.

  • Join My Air Force Challenge! [Winner Decided] 6.6 years ago

    Damn, inflation really took a toll on the value of an upvote.

  • Starter Plane Challenge! 6.6 years ago

    Does the type of plane matter, or does it have to be a jet?

  • 747-900 6.6 years ago

    @AngelaMerkel Du Deutsch?

  • F-82G Twin Mustang Night Fighter 6.6 years ago

    Been waiting for someone to turn out an F-82 with the radar, excellent job!

  • Bf-109 e4 / Me-262 6.6 years ago


  • A nice storm for you 6.6 years ago

    Kid said it was Tully and I'm not surprised, he's gotten on my back for a couple meaningless things.

  • KI-43 TEASER! End of hiatus :) 6.7 years ago

    Looks stellar my guy! Please do tag!

  • Ju 87 G-1 6.7 years ago

    Looks good and flies well! Gained yourself a follower!

  • Small Website Update 6.7 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Thanks, good to know! BTW are we ever going to be able to see our followers?

  • All Purpose Corsair 6.8 years ago

    You changed so many things that were flat out unnecessary.

  • Bf-109 F4 TEASER! 6.8 years ago

    @MidKNIGHT04 Not out yet, possibly out this weekend!

  • A wack conversation 6.9 years ago

    @FastDan Lmao 1 didn't even notice that.

  • Stupidity at it's Finest! 7.0 years ago

    Well if you think about it... It makes a lot of sense and if you want me to give you evidence I wont.

  • i found it 7.1 years ago

    You're 7 years late to the rickroll party.

  • Wow just wow (This creation is not mine I done want or take credit) 7.1 years ago

    If this creation is not yours and you don't want to take credit for it, why would you post it?

  • Your thoughts on some interesting quotes from Adolf Hitler? 7.1 years ago

    @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing Well let's not go around using the Florida incident to push policy, I agree with you that schools should be armed but let's have some respect. In the case of my school there are a few police officers who walk around, I know they have tasers but I'm not sure if they have any sidearms. Personally I feel very comfortable around armed security, but quite a few people get uneasy around guns, and the schools comply to them.
