0 TheProAtTheGame Comments

  • Krakatoa ICBM 1.2 years ago

    @StriderZeta How do you do that, I’m dumb

  • T34 vs. Tiger II 11 months ago

    @LegendaryPilot lol np

  • Naval Battle Challenge 1.1 years ago

    Yoo I’m a new SimplePlanes player (you’ll prob see me often since I sometimes comment on other people’s builds both very old and very new) and I’ll do the challenge once I actually get good at building :)

  • Stiletto 1.2 years ago

    @phrongus he prob quit :(

  • Superfleet Plug-In 1.2 years ago

    Also I found a glitch where the brown pearl seems to always despawn…

  • Superfleet Plug-In 1.2 years ago

    NEVERMIND, I just closed out and reopen SP completely and I see the superfleet stuffs, epic plugin

  • Superfleet Plug-In 1.2 years ago

    Also I did everything and absolutely nothing has changed. Even my discovered islands are still discovered and my custom one is still there

  • Superfleet Plug-In 1.2 years ago

    I don’t understand what you mean by Superfleet locations, where do I need to go?

  • sachiel 1.2 years ago

    Why did you make such an amazing build have to be crippled?

  • T34 vs. Tiger II 1.2 years ago

    @LegendaryPilot bro you wrote a whole story, respect

  • KMS Z39 German Destroyer 1.2 years ago

    This may be old but I will still as this question:

    How 2 control torpedoes? I’m pretty dumb

  • Ramiel (Evangelion) 1.2 years ago

    I know I’m practically 4 whole years late, but can you add a way for a spawned Ramiel to actually attack? I spawned a Ramiel and all it did was float away and not do anything despite it being set to Aggressive :/