106 TheVizzyLucky Comments

  • I need advice 18 hours ago

    @Axartar That will work, thanks

  • I need advice yesterday

    @Axartar Cool, what's the performance cost? I want to try it, but I have a slow device.

  • A-10C THUNDERBOLT II yesterday

    Cool aircraft! Can I upload an autopilot for this? Of course, I'd credit you.

  • Funky Trees! 2 days ago

    @griges How can I do that? I can only cycle between Roll, Pitch and Yaw.
    Edit: Made it work using XML editing now, Thanks!

  • I need advice 3 days ago

    Sure. That way people can decide what's the most important to them (Visuals, Mobility, Performance cost, ...) and choose what fits their wishes the best.
    Edit: Almost forgot: t

  • Funky Trees! 3 days ago

    How exactly can I use this to control aircrafts? I'm trying to automatically control the Roll with a dynamically calculated value. These calculations work fine, but I can't get them to do anything. So, if the value is calculatedValue and the Input I want to control is Roll, what do I have to use as Variable Name and what is the Expression (my first thought, Name = Roll and Expression = calculatedValue, didn't work)? This is probably a dumb question, but I'm coming from JNO where the programming system is... different.