@F104Deathtrap I know, otherwise the main one couldn't work... but I can't get it to work on the tail, that pretty much only the wheel is visible aswell as the "flap"
@BaconAircraft Well my parents were first concerned to, but my dad got convinced, that flying and especially gliding is a really cool sport! Now only my mom is still concerned... but I think that's just because she's a mother... :D
R u living in the States?
@helilover03 well, take this one primarly, i made the other one just because the original JS3 has only 15 meters. But the 18m looked in SP way better then the 15 one^^
Although it isn't quite scaled right ... :D
@fattyfattypants Thanks! I first built this for myself, but someone asked me for this to upload. Also i really wanted it to behave really smooth and normal, which i think went really well.
@niggelas100 Is mir noch nicht mal aufgefallen, irritiert hat mich nur das drehende Cockpit.. Is aber irgendwie total cool, props an dich, echt gutes Flugzeug!
@feldo00 @amazingperson124 @DuckMint @MisterT @Ariathe
@Mattangi think i got it
@Mattangi so from which location?
@Benny3053 Ich auch nicht aber die Schule regelt xD
@Benny3053 Aber sowas von :D Ich drucke demnächst vermutlich ein 3D Modell der FH ^^
@F104Deathtrap Well I tried many things, but failed at all of them ^^
@F104Deathtrap I know, otherwise the main one couldn't work... but I can't get it to work on the tail, that pretty much only the wheel is visible aswell as the "flap"
@Andrewtheplane So that I have only one wheel in the back and not two like in the normal landing gears
@Andrewtheplane Well maybe I wasn't clear enough ^^ I meant with an mechanism like the Main Gear
@BaconAircraft Absolutely, if you weren't living in Canada, i would say come to my place and fly with me :D
@Jetspeed1001 That was my problem too ^^ But thanks anyways :D
@Jetspeed1001 Ok, cool! I failed with XML, because it was too tiny for me to make it work properly :D
@Jetspeed1001 Well I want it to retract it
@Benny3053 zu viel SpaceX Livestreams geschaut? :D
Bist du grad irgendwie an Raumschiffe und Raketen interessiert?:D
So... will you build more gliders now? SimplePlanes needs gliders! :D
Well, if you get the chance to fly in a glider, do it! It is worth it.
@BaconAircraft Well my parents were first concerned to, but my dad got convinced, that flying and especially gliding is a really cool sport! Now only my mom is still concerned... but I think that's just because she's a mother... :D
R u living in the States?
@BaconAircraft k
But Simpleplanes needs more gliders :D
Well, I like the design, the starting technique and also the Cockpit, but in my opinion it doesn't resemble any glider
Here's an example I think fits better :)
@niggelas100 sonst steht hier alles weitere: reddit formatting guide
@niggelas100 "[Thoum](hier Link rein)" pack das rein mit Link und den runden klammern, aberohne anführungszeichen, dann steht da Thoum in blau
@niggelas100 Top:D danke
eine futuristische B-52? / A futuristic B-52?
@niggelas100 kann ich dir frühestens mittwoch sagen ob ich noch brauche... :D
@niggelas100 ich kann dir übrigens nicht sagen ob mir die Zeit bis zum 15. Oktober reichen wird^^ komm grad nicht recht zum bauen
@niggelas100 same mit ner Gö1 für deine Challenge :D danach versuch ich mich an ner ls8 neo
@niggelas100 kk, bin aber noch nicht ganz zufrieden :D
@Awsomur sounds good! But let's see what's still coming up
@Awsomur Yup, just did... Is there a limit for like 3 planes for this challenge per player?
@helilover03 well then, i tag another one :D
@helilover03 well, take this one primarly, i made the other one just because the original JS3 has only 15 meters. But the 18m looked in SP way better then the 15 one^^
Although it isn't quite scaled right ... :D
@helilover03 ah ok, thought, because it was somewhere in your comments.. :D Thanks for the rating!
@villulennuk thanks!
@lucianity2005 :) but it flies really well
ui toll
@Benny3053 Übrigens noch ein Flieger/Konzept von dir :D
@Benny3053 Tolle Vorlage übrigens :D
@Benny3053 Ja ich hab n bisschen rumexperimentiert und fand dass das Flugzeug dann eher wie eben der Discus aussieht :D
Die fliegt ja recht gut, aber die explodiert bei über ~2700 mph :D
@niggelas100 deine 600^^. Die Antares hab ich noch nicht geschafft... Fliegt irgendwie nicht so wie sie sollte :D
@niggelas100 gerne, bin grad aber noch an nem Antares dran, der morgen kommen sollte, sowie ein Standard Cirrus. Danach kann ich ja mal die DG bauen.
@fattyfattypants Thanks! I first built this for myself, but someone asked me for this to upload. Also i really wanted it to behave really smooth and normal, which i think went really well.
@niggelas100 Is mir noch nicht mal aufgefallen, irritiert hat mich nur das drehende Cockpit.. Is aber irgendwie total cool, props an dich, echt gutes Flugzeug!
@niggelas100 Kenn ich ja, selbst geflogen noch keine und hab deine noch nicht ausprobiert, werde es aber mal gleich versuchen ;)
I made an aero-tow based on the one from @Benny3053. I can upload it.