9,499 Tookan Comments

  • SimpleRockets 2 - Career mode is coming... 2.4 years ago

    Damn, Jundroo really gotta make the SP community jealous by posting SR2 content here

  • Very interesting thing I learned today. 4.0 years ago

    "You must be out of range"
    Can't be when the Tsar Bomba's shockwave went around the world 3 times

  • AT-8 SPG 'Vautour' 3.8 years ago

    Yeah, it is the same weight as my mom

  • New Moderator 3.8 years ago

    does that mean SP is sponsored by IKEA now?

  • Tutorial Aircraft 2.7 years ago

    This should be the new tutorial plane

  • SimpleQuiz 3.8 years ago

    A good excuse to be playing SP instead of doing homework

  • Egga chad 2.8 years ago

    "this craft has been featured"
    Nice to know that our moderators/dev team are legends.

  • ''Neger'' human-torpedo 3.7 years ago

    Ah, yes, protesting about something that happened/existed 70+ years ago

  • Please forgive me.. 4.0 years ago

    "Please forgive me"
    So, you have chosen death

  • Fwog 3.4 years ago


    Fragmentation Weapon Operated by Ground emplacement
    (Something like that, idk)

  • SP Physics being moderately funny 3.5 years ago

    The real question is how tf the USS Tiny got there in the first place

  • Vietnam bush 2.2 years ago

    Man: (peeing in a bush)
    Bush: "nice c*ck"
    Man: "Thanks...wait a sec-"

  • SPR "walker" 2.8 years ago

    At first, players here were building plane flight simulators in SimplePlanes, now, players are building human simulators

  • Look this comment 3.7 years ago

    bruh, you liked your own comments

  • Moo-Torcycle 3.8 years ago

    Without them weelz, he be "ground beef"

  • IJN Tone class heavy cruiser 3.8 years ago

    no, just download it, press undo, and press redo so you can get it without mods you mobile piece of- :)

  • WarThunder - HUD 1.6 years ago

    Attack the D Point!
    Getting Down!
    Destroy Hostile Troops!
    Attention to the Designated Grid Square! (D3)
    Defend the C Point!
    Follow Me!
    Need Backup!

  • The Arsenalbird 3.0 years ago

    Nice to know the wingspan is approximately the distance I have to walk in order to get to school

  • SuKhoi-Su-57 3.0 years ago

    Maybe you should keep your ideas to yourself, isn't exactly polite to come out and degrade someone's work.

  • Michigan's State Tree 3.5 years ago

    Imagine living in the US laughs in even worse Albertan roads

  • No god please no 3.9 years ago

    German Corsair > F-4U Corsair

  • Simpleplanes Users 3.9 years ago

    Where's that one White rank Android user that's always ranting for mods on mobile without knowing support was removed?

  • Ocean 4.3 years ago

    Man, it would be really cool if jundroo decided to actually make this part of the game through an update (this mod already looks better than stormworks, lol)

  • Class-Gangut "Paris Commune" Battleship 2.0 years ago

    SP players on their way to make the most beautiful, laggiest and unplayable builds on the website.

  • Wasp Woman 2.0 years ago

    Dear god...We must stay strong men!

  • My First Aircraft 2.2 years ago

    Welcome to SimplePlanes, and as ironic as it sounds, a lot of the planes here are beyond 'simple'. Also, a slight tip, don't ever talk about the German Corsair.

  • British tanker 2.3 years ago

    So this is the guy who absorbed my T 34-85 shell using his face in War Thunder.

  • This is a petition for mod support for mobile 3.1 years ago

    I have a solution so this is no longer a problem;

    Sell your phone, by a refurbished windows laptop

  • This community disturbs me. 3.6 years ago

    Fun fact:
    This "Jundroo" guy stole the entire game too, that's why his name is there when you start the game

  • (Shenyang) J-11 Fighter 3.6 years ago

    For starters, I'm not jealous of a country that's been harrasing mine, second, your telling me that I'm ignorant as you here assumed me as an American after I've already mentioned I'm Vietnamese repeatedly, JuanAlt knows it's based on the MiG 1.44, Asteroidbook345 knows it too (and is also why I looked into it) and other people who actually do research into it.

  • Do anyone really know what is the meaning of Jundroo ? 3.8 years ago

    Jundroo was something Andrew Garrison's brother used to call him when he was a kid
    clicky link (he talks about it in the video)

  • Things I'd like in sp 3.9 years ago

    More land than water would be nice

  • The Hills Are Alive... 4.3 years ago

    "The Hills Are Ali-"
    Napalm noises

  • Ragdoll Pilot Woman 1.4 years ago

    OK, so it's a pretty normal ragdo-


  • OceanGate(Titan sightseeing submarine) 1.7 years ago

    "This submarine will not implode"
    You're right, this one doesn't have a Logitech controller in it

  • Cardboard Tornado 2.1 years ago

    The quality of those images are better than my eyeballs. The photographs ever.

  • Fun fact: you can teleport anywhere 2.2 years ago

    People in multiplayer are gonna be flabbergasted when others start to teleport everywhere

  • T-90M’Proryv-3’ 2.3 years ago

    I wonder how long it'll take for some random white/bronze user to barge in here demanding a "mobil frenly vershun"

  • KMS Bismarck battleship 2.7 years ago

    Ah, yes, German soldiers from WW2 watching their "based" and "redpilled" descendants masturbate to Japanese drawings

  • German Corsair VR 2.9 years ago

    imagine buying a $900 VR set, getting SPVR, and the first thing you download is this.

  • Skull crawler 3.1 years ago

    Why does this remind me of those creatures in Temple Run?

  • SimplePlanes - Player Content Feature #4 3.6 years ago

    You find your build

    (I know I didn't)

  • M4A2 75mm Sherman 3.7 years ago

    Attack The D Point!

  • A year ago... 3.8 years ago

    Good luck getting in SP time in the army

  • Why Sp is everywhere 3.8 years ago

    SimplePlanes is basically a valid search engine at this point

  • Do you think that Jundroo should make a Simpleplanes 2? 4.3 years ago

    no, but they could extremely update the game

  • YAMATO 1945 4.8 years ago

    20200 parts?! my phone's gonna die when I get dis.

  • Kamikaze Formation Mitsubishi G4M+A6M+Ohka (Read Discription) 4.8 years ago

    when that one kamikaze pilot yells Russian

  • Taliban-soldier-1 2.2 years ago

    Why are Americans bad at playing Clash Royale? Because they've already lost two towers-
