Nice Mig and nice screens .
@Omoriboy , @Macabre , thanks for yours upvotes .
@MAPA , @JayStream , thanks for yours upvotes .
@TheMouse ,thanks for your upvote and your comment .
@IQinventory , thanks for your upvote bro .
@LoganTheGameDev , thanks for your upvote .
Very great replica .
@LoganTheGameDev , thanks for your upvote and your comment .
@BaconEggs , you are going to make a map of the position of the new tracks ?
Just perfect , i love it .
Great build .
Original plane , i love it .
Very nice plane .
Nice build .
@Bryan5 , @HariTheSnakk , thanks for yours upvotes .
@Macabre , thanks for your upvote .
@BOSS06 , thanks for your upvote and your comment .
Great Mig .
@BaconEggs , I'll test it this evening and give you my opinion. It looks very cool .
Nice plane .
Very nice replica .
@Graingy , i love this game .
@Graingy , yes I joined SimplesPlane 8.4 years ago . To date, I have spent 3,600 hours building planes .
@IQinventory , thanks for your upvote .
Very nice plane.
Nice plane.
Nice Mig.
Very nice Lightning .
Very nice build .
@Majakalona , thanks for your upvote .
@AluminiumFX , @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore , @MAPA , thanks for yours upvotes .
@SuperSuperTheSylp , @Graingy , @HanakoSan , thanks for yours upvotes .
Very nice and original build .
@Superliner350 , thanks for your upvote .
@Hans114514 , thanks for your upvote .
Nice deco .
@Bryan5 , thanks .
@STALIN83 , Thanks .
Another plane, so another upvote. Well done .
Very nice achievement , the engine starting sequence is very well done.
Very great build .
@STALIN83 , on an assembly line ? yes it's a French expression to say that you produce your planes quickly .
A note of encouragement. Keep it up
A note of encouragement. Keep it up .
Nice Mig and nice screens .
@Omoriboy , @Macabre , thanks for yours upvotes .
+1@MAPA , @JayStream , thanks for yours upvotes .
@TheMouse ,thanks for your upvote and your comment .
@IQinventory , thanks for your upvote bro .
+1@LoganTheGameDev , thanks for your upvote .
Very great replica .
@LoganTheGameDev , thanks for your upvote and your comment .
@BaconEggs , you are going to make a map of the position of the new tracks ?
Just perfect , i love it .
Very great replica .
Great build .
+1Original plane , i love it .
+1Very nice plane .
+1Nice build .
@Bryan5 , @HariTheSnakk , thanks for yours upvotes .
+2@Macabre , thanks for your upvote .
+1@BOSS06 , thanks for your upvote and your comment .
+1Great Mig .
@BaconEggs , I'll test it this evening and give you my opinion. It looks very cool .
Very nice plane .
+1Nice plane .
Very nice plane .
Very nice replica .
@Graingy , i love this game .
+1Very nice plane .
+1@Graingy , yes I joined SimplesPlane 8.4 years ago . To date, I have spent 3,600 hours building planes .
+1@IQinventory , thanks for your upvote .
+1Very nice plane.
+1Nice plane.
+1Nice Mig.
Very nice Lightning .
+2Very nice build .
@Majakalona , thanks for your upvote .
+1@AluminiumFX , @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore , @MAPA , thanks for yours upvotes .
+1@SuperSuperTheSylp , @Graingy , @HanakoSan , thanks for yours upvotes .
+2Very nice and original build .
+1@Superliner350 , thanks for your upvote .
+1@Hans114514 , thanks for your upvote .
+1Nice deco .
@Bryan5 , thanks .
+1Nice build .
+1@STALIN83 , Thanks .
Nice build .
Another plane, so another upvote. Well done .
+1Very nice achievement , the engine starting sequence is very well done.
+1Very great build .
+1@STALIN83 , on an assembly line ? yes it's a French expression to say that you produce your planes quickly .
+1A note of encouragement. Keep it up
A note of encouragement. Keep it up .