358 Tuffbot Comments

  • Smokescreen? 3.6 years ago

    I’ve looked at my options, and rockets work, but not theatric enough. Im trying (or would like) a smoke/chemical weapon emitter to use over populated areas, or to seed clouds, so optimally Id like dark smoke. The other challenge, is I work off of iOS. @VolcanicAsh

  • Nuclear Bomb-1 3.6 years ago

    Thank you very much, but thanks to the property editing tool on iOS finally coming out, I can build a tactical nuke out of the cruise missiles. However, items like this are very helpful, but, you’d better have a modified aircraft with heavy armor or defenses in order to carry the payload. What would be helpful, is a nuke that can float, and also be remotely triggered. Why the floating part? Water targets. I love playing around, and taking out the Tiny 2, or the Beast, with a tactical strike from multiple “nuclear” explosions (explosive scalar of 22 to 66.6 is a fun range to play with), after escaping to the minimum safe distance and altitude.

    Too bad the game doesn’t have the capability to see the underwater wrecks from waterborne targets sunk from such a strike. Also, could you help me out? I’d like to have a Bomb 50 deployment system that could drop 100 bombs at high explosive scale (minimum altitude of 5000 feet or more), and be able to mount multiple launchers on one bomber. I’m not asking for you to build it, but how I could do it on iOS. Any input would be more than appreciated!

  • Depth charge-1 3.6 years ago

    Finally! I’ll see about putting a few to use on my new heavy bomber/flagship! Thank you very much for going to the trouble of building these. Is there also a way of adjusting the timer?

  • Messerschmitt Me P.1109 3.6 years ago

    Man, I love this aircraft.

  • My Landings be like: 3.5 years ago

    Pretty much.

  • NP-7 3.5 years ago

    Hey, have you considered the next iteration of this? If not, I’d suggest looking at the “engines” in the Black Triangle UFO. To use it, you need to be able to edit parts, and remove drag and mass from added parts. @xiao775731609

  • Combat Drone A12-XV45 3.5 years ago

    Thanks for the tag, @FlyingPatriot! This is definitely a cool build!

  • NP-7 3.5 years ago

    Love the shape and style of this thing! It is awesome.

  • Spock's Je!lyfish 3.5 years ago

    Yeah, this thing is the shit. I love it. Handles like a dream.

  • Black Triangle UFO 3.6 years ago

    I’d love to have my fictional, ethically questionable and nefarious French aviation company, AVX (Avionica Vertrice Experimental) “steal” the drive/flight system from this beauty. Would you be willing to help me out, by providing the raw flight systems? I’m willing to cite your assistance, even if the designers & engineers in my company aren’t too nice. Well, they are funded by the People’s French Revolutinary Republic, an alternate history where FRANCE was the antognizing force in WW2, and WON control over most of the European area, up to the Nordic nations, and down to almost Italy. They aren’t against using any force, or weapon, necessary to obtain aerial dominance. I’m preparing to launch my series of aircraft.

  • Prorotype 55-S 3.6 years ago

    Upvoted. My fictional, “ethically questionable” aviation company may have to “steal/borrow” some of the tech from out of this thing.

  • AV-23 hover knight 3.6 years ago

    Not bad! The ONLY areas where it could use a tweak, would be with the noise from the VTOL. It likely would be silent by 2307

  • Smokescreen? 3.6 years ago

    What I’d really like, is a very big and noxious exhaust effect to be a chemical weapon on an aircraft I’m working on, or a fleet or aircraft. My “flagship” would have weapons that break all modern peace and weapons conventions, by having nuclear and chemical weapons. I also thought that for a “stealth” system to have a countermeasure triggered by throttle control would help to accomplish this, but even if that was possible, you can’t give the countermeasure infinite ammo, or be continually triggered. Or, can you? @VolcanicAsh

  • Smokescreen? 3.6 years ago

    I’m also trying to make a “sonic” weapon, but not sure how to setup the canon for such a task. I’m trying to make a weapon that is LOUD, but not damaging. It is for a stealth jet as a psychological weapon on civilian populations. Any suggestions? @VolcanicAsh

  • Energy shield vs missiles 3.6 years ago

    F’n right! I prefer to build such designs, and if it could shield my aircraft(s) from one or two of my own HEAVY weapons, a couple of attacks and just for the shear cool factor.

  • Redemptor Dreadnought 3.6 years ago

    Very Nice!

  • AVX Hiccup 5.5 years ago

    Thanks!@minigolfer @minigolfer @minigolfer

  • ES-69 6.4 years ago

    Nicely done!

  • MODDED engines 6.5 years ago

    Thank you! Can you mod a T1000 to have the maximum amount of power? I want it to provide maximum amount of thrust, with as little throttle as possible.

  • Crossbow 6.5 years ago


  • Modded vtol engines (for lowobservable) 7.6 years ago

    Could you do an XML modded BFE150 and VTOL Engines for me? I need a 1/2 sized BFE150, that is silent, and with 10x power. For the VTOL, 1/2 sized, same power output. Thanks in advance if you or aren't able to do that for me.

  • Crossbow 7.7 years ago

    Thanks! @MrSilverWolf

  • Wexler 1.2 8.0 years ago

    Thank you @Mumpsy

  • Semedian Swanson PJC1A Francelho 8.0 years ago


  • Rockcrawler AKA "Bertha 3" 8.5 years ago

    So you can put an AAA emplacement anywhere @fordzilla

  • PHX-1X "Phoenix" 8.5 years ago

    Thank you! @PalCoInc

  • Delta YF- 25 8.5 years ago

    Very cool!