@Kangy ok, if GPU run only 50%, and it's not a GPU problem, then I really don't know what to do.
Every optimization technique is about GPU, LODs, video memory, rendering distance.
Then, is about physics and CPU usage, and I really don't know what to do.
I just have one question. If i make this weapons mod for SimplePlanes, will you use it?
No. Custom weapons very interesting and have more opportunities.
Also, the only part mods that was used by players is your Tracks 2 mod.
What users need, its type of mods that doesn't affects on builds, but add new features.
* better wheel colider, thats replace old, in runtime
* textures, that affects only in client
* good light and shadow system
@32 you can scale it in blender, and use this measures to make custom part in SP, but you can change length of this subassemblies using FineTuner, so no universal solution.
List of the fastest things in the world.
3. Top Quark
2. Romanian swindler
1. Monologues of anime characters that explain the entire warhammer lore to you in one roll of the dice.
UPD. Look, I've already enabled every possible mod, and downgraded to beta version 1.12, and re-downloaded the mod, but I can't get the same error again. The conclusion is that your PC has a problem, but I don't know how to fix it...
I came back from Canada a racist.
For a moment I'm thought about japanise T-2
@1malklj only in Alt+F4
@Kangy ok, if GPU run only 50%, and it's not a GPU problem, then I really don't know what to do.
Every optimization technique is about GPU, LODs, video memory, rendering distance.
Then, is about physics and CPU usage, and I really don't know what to do.
«My fellow Americans, I think we all knows how this is going, so let skip to the end.»
GEPARD by @MagmaSlime 2:35
Porsche 911 GT3 by @Tingly06822 2:59
@Juanfly154 no matter Nordshleife or Monza
@Juanfly154 thx
Im sure that road collider is ok. Try tu use GERPARD
@Hybridmotor yes, 1966 track
@ReynaldoIndustries You can buy a personal computer
@MVC ?
@MOPCKOEDNISHE Immediately after the campaign mod
I just have one question. If i make this weapons mod for SimplePlanes, will you use it?
No. Custom weapons very interesting and have more opportunities.
Also, the only part mods that was used by players is your Tracks 2 mod.
What users need, its type of mods that doesn't affects on builds, but add new features.
* better wheel colider, thats replace old, in runtime
* textures, that affects only in client
* good light and shadow system
Im already serving in Boscali Defence Forces
Veeery nice. I think SP2 won't have weather effects.
@MelkoranAir check your SP version and other mods
@LM0418 thx
Simple square polygon pls
@DCSplanepro12 you won't install mod properly, or u use wrong game ver
@DCSplanepro12 that's not a plugin, but map
Why not using mod maps? For example
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes already send it
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes I don't think so
(. Very good work, I hope it get enough upvotes.
@Ku sure. Map
@MAPA Make completly simmetrical heli?
@MAPA "slide to the right" - Helicopter are asymmetrical, you know?
Underated in my opinion
@TalonTheCRTguy I think we had Russian in our team...
@32 you can scale it in blender, and use this measures to make custom part in SP, but you can change length of this subassemblies using FineTuner, so no universal solution.
@32 you know that Spheres and Hemispheres cant in normal shading?
@32 you know that Spheres and Hemispheres cant in normal shading?
@32 scale won't work, FineTuner work for height or width, but can't work with length.
@32 Im using for nose high tec named Blender measurement tools.
T for Tag
Thats like oil oil.
Duch are invisible always, you should call it Ghost "Привидение", or Shadow "Тень"
@DCSplanepro12 my lastest mod
@DCSplanepro12 I mean does mods participate in monthly players content
You do
@Graingy no
Mods included?
@Yourlocalhuman if nobody except Us not interested on another empty sandbox, the advertisement will not help!
List of the fastest things in the world.
3. Top Quark
2. Romanian swindler
1. Monologues of anime characters that explain the entire warhammer lore to you in one roll of the dice.
@TheCommentaryGuy I'm just like, when plane fly straight, no matter what IAS is.
Similar problem [Link]
UPD. Look, I've already enabled every possible mod, and downgraded to beta version 1.12, and re-downloaded the mod, but I can't get the same error again. The conclusion is that your PC has a problem, but I don't know how to fix it...