1,449 ViviDoesStuff

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Hello! I'm Vivi and welcome to my account where i post... stuff, but what's that so called "stuff"?

Well, I take MAPA's commercial aircraft, re-size them to a more realistic size (just a bit more or less than the real life specs), add some extra details and make various real liveries on them!

My main focus is on airliners only (most of the time, the chances of me posting a military aircraft isn't 0% though), so don't expect me to post any military aircraft regularly, so make sure to list my military planes as a rare event.

Also, I know some... users gonna use some of my liveries to re-create crashes, and I'm totally AGAINST that type of use for any aircraft due their livery, not only because I've made the livery, but that's straight up disrespectful with the victims, those affected and their families, so please, don't do such thing of re-creating crashes.

That's all, if you actually read everything or just skipped, no problem, everyone have their preferences of reading or not somebody's bio. Have a good day, peace out.