@DinoRoar65MYA Hi there! I'm really sorry, but I am honestly too busy to help this week; to much uni stuff. However, clicking here will redirect you to the biggest SimplePlanes Discord server. There will probably be somebody there who can help. :)
@opsauras I have a video on my channel which explains how to create custom missiles. If you cannot get it to work at all, and you went through all the steps I showed in my video, feel free to provide a unlisted build upload and I'll see what I can do for you. :)
@AndrewGarrison What music is used in the announcement trailer? I would like to use it as the background music in my video discussing some (potential) stuff about the next update :)
@LieutenantSOT In response to "Or, really, my question is how big can this classification of aircraft get?": honestly I see no maximum size limit. Something like the P.108A fits into this catagory, and I personally don't see why larger aircraft shouldn't. :)
@TFK001 Very true! However, these limitations can be worked around with some simple tricks. I'm currently working on YT tutorial on how to make a gyro stabalized gun, primairly because many pepples who are just starting out are scared by funky trees. :)
Also, I just noticed you were just replying to another comment. Sorry.
Making a proper aircraft replica in SP requires a rather large ammount of skill and time. It is always impressive to see how refined people can make their build, replica or not.
Very nice build!
This is god tier
@DinoRoar65MYA Hi there! I'm really sorry, but I am honestly too busy to help this week; to much uni stuff. However, clicking here will redirect you to the biggest SimplePlanes Discord server. There will probably be somebody there who can help. :)
Is this the Italian airforce?
@AllAmericanB17 This works on mobile, just with different imputs for the keyboard buttons I mention.
@AWESOMENESS360 @MintLynx <3
@Richflysplanes Yes
@Sm10684 Howdy
@QFMk3pndr The weapons work just like those on aircraft.
Looks great!
@Highbraker ?
What a masterpiece!
I likey!
Very nice!
@QFMk3pndr I'm sorry, but I don't know the title / author of the song. :(
@Thisairplanesucks Put the engines on hindges and use the roll, yaw and pitch inputs to move the engines in the direction you want.
@opsauras I have a video on my channel which explains how to create custom missiles. If you cannot get it to work at all, and you went through all the steps I showed in my video, feel free to provide a unlisted build upload and I'll see what I can do for you. :)
@sharkysSPacc This is the top :)
@Amgtkids No clue.
@KD191107 Yes
@AndrewGarrison What music is used in the announcement trailer? I would like to use it as the background music in my video discussing some (potential) stuff about the next update :)
Try increasing the weight of the wheels, and if they are present do the same for pistons and damper/spring parts.
This thing looks great!
What an absolute beauty!
Bread is dumb, stop eating it.
What exactly is the issue?
@LieutenantSOT There is no era requirement. I did add a 'has to be modern' rule, but I deleted that within 5 min of posting.
@AnHNWhiteCornet I think it would fit.
@Far2Crispy Sure!
@MrGreen Go for it! Although I'll personally only focus on the non-mods version :)
@asteroidbook345 Subsonic tactical strike aircraft seem to fit the 'heavy' attack aircraft classification.
@PoinX25tlessWhyShouldI Yes!
@LieutenantSOT In response to "Or, really, my question is how big can this classification of aircraft get?": honestly I see no maximum size limit. Something like the P.108A fits into this catagory, and I personally don't see why larger aircraft shouldn't. :)
@Richflysplanes https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/436P73/f-16-missile-test
Very nice build!
@LordCactus SK-31 is just a fictional name.
@Potatoonprop Yes. It might take some time for it to show up, but at some point it will automatically spawn as an AI aircraft.
Pls gib download
@Ergi Its not tho?
This looks great!
@TFK001 Very true! However, these limitations can be worked around with some simple tricks. I'm currently working on YT tutorial on how to make a gyro stabalized gun, primairly because many pepples who are just starting out are scared by funky trees. :)
Also, I just noticed you were just replying to another comment. Sorry.
Very cool.
By lowering the brake torque you can stop the vehicle from locking up and flipping under braking.
Lol... Yeah ofcourse your name is taken... You have it. You can sign in on the SR2 website with your SP account
@iniMiiW Lol, true
@45678 Not true, they do.
This plane looks great, but flying it isn't any good. :( Still updoot, but I recommend trying to improve the flight model.
If your aircraft has a fairly low mass, you should be extra cautious with your jet engine positioning: try to put the CoM in line with the CoT.
Making a proper aircraft replica in SP requires a rather large ammount of skill and time. It is always impressive to see how refined people can make their build, replica or not.
@Dracul0Anderson You can find the answer here.
@Nanta02 I'm currently working on an afterburner tutorial. I might make a Tuttet tutorial later.