The last thing I had done was use the overload mod to nudge an emblem into the tail with the multi select. The game actually crashed when I saved it. @jamesPLANESii
Thank you! This helped me. Now the game starts up, but it’s clearly bugged because the only option is play and then you can’t do anything. I had files on two different hard drives and I deleted them and am going to reinstall the the game on a single one and see if it fixes tomorrow. @AgentofFortune
Awww man...
So we back in the mine, got our pickaxe swinging from side to side, day and night...
This task a grueling one, hope to find some diamonds tonight, night, night, diamonds tonight...
Yeah I know, just wanted you to be able to see them while flying because most people look at the sides or back of the plane when flying it, though I do see where you are coming from. Thanks for the upvote! @JamesBoA
Thank you. My life is complete.
+1Thank you for the trick, very cool! @MrSilverWolf
+1Guess I’ll die.
+1Y’all mind if I just like d i s s a p e a r in the Bermuda Triangle
+1And if that doesn’t do it for you, if you go long enough you will just explode :) @AWESOMENESS360
+1He-111: S-Son? Is that you?
+1That Battlefield Music tho lol
+1Also, it looks more like a P-51
Sripol gang I see
+1Thank goodness you are back. Don’t try anything funky again, or whatever got you banned in the first place!
+1The last thing I had done was use the overload mod to nudge an emblem into the tail with the multi select. The game actually crashed when I saved it. @jamesPLANESii
+1Amazing, but what is it with all WW1 planes on SP bouncing 30 feet into the air when they break their propellor?
+1War thunder be like:
+1Best of luck, my friend. I hope everything turns out ok. Very nice creation, as always!
+1lol, thanks @Bobofboblandia
+1For long have I been waiting for this so, thank you...
But you know what comes next...
We need an infamous triplane, to fly the skies of blue...
+1@jfriss lol
+1I actually got it Christmas 2019. Still worth it to buy if you want my opinion!
+1Wack 👍
+1McTag me,
+1Or I’ll fix the ice cream dispenser
It’s beautiful... I’ve looked at it for five hours now
+1Odd but very good
+1Thank you! This helped me. Now the game starts up, but it’s clearly bugged because the only option is play and then you can’t do anything. I had files on two different hard drives and I deleted them and am going to reinstall the the game on a single one and see if it fixes tomorrow. @AgentofFortune
+1Time to destroy the convoy with this
+1Me and the boys leaving the house after quarantine to hunt the toilet paper stockpilers
+1Looks like a little baby Harrier
+11943 parts... coincidence? I think not!
+1why thank you guys @edensk @MisterT
+1Dudududududududdudu @MartinSt
+1Hindenburg: Finally, a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary.
+1Thicc C-47
+1World of Tanks gamers be like
+1We will never be safe from the worms
+1Thanks a million! @edensk
+1Call of Duty hackers be like
+1Why, thank you! @SodiumChloride
+1Looks menacing. We should send in some Stukas to bomb the airfield
+1Very nice
+1Awww man...
+1So we back in the mine, got our pickaxe swinging from side to side, day and night...
This task a grueling one, hope to find some diamonds tonight, night, night, diamonds tonight...
This is SO fun
+1There was this battle in the civil war where two ironclads were firing cannons at each other but couldn’t sink the other ship, so they just gave up
+1Epic 👍
+1P-38 + ⚙️Modern Engineering⚙️ = ⬆️
+1I run people over with this in BFV
+1Heck that is so hot
+1This is awesome wdym
+1Yeah I know, just wanted you to be able to see them while flying because most people look at the sides or back of the plane when flying it, though I do see where you are coming from. Thanks for the upvote! @JamesBoA
+1Glad to see you back!
+1Hmm... looks like another plane made by the U.S... HMM... maybe because it is basically the same thing because it was reverse engineered... 🤔
+1It looks like a baby Sherman