Sorry, I couldn’t get anything to work inside the given area so I tried to figure out something that worked by breaking the rules. That ended in this aircraft. This plane is not an entry to the challenge as it does not follow the rules. I am currently working on an aircraft that does follow the rules.
Will I get banned if some of the aircraft I uploaded were built by my younger brother? @AzureCorp
@AzureCorp ok, I was wondering why you had been banned.
@AzureCorp You said you had previous accounts on here, was one of them Azureworks?
For a twin engine aircraft, does it need to be 1000hp overall or is each engine supposed to have 1000hp. @Quackie
Yes, this vehicle is based off Russian police cars @Vlad1k
What? @Dmitryukov
Thank you @Treadmill103
I’m in
Thanks @ACEPILOT109
I couldn’t find a way to make it work, hopefully someone else can. @ItzP1N3APPLZ
What do you need help with?@ItzP1N3APPLZ
@Marcochoy2007 is it possible to remove the lights mod?
Seatbelts everyone
Am i allowed to build something other than a fighter jet, like an airborne early warning and control aircraft? @SchadeAircaftCompany
Can we use XML?
Sorry, I couldn’t get anything to work inside the given area so I tried to figure out something that worked by breaking the rules. That ended in this aircraft. This plane is not an entry to the challenge as it does not follow the rules. I am currently working on an aircraft that does follow the rules.
Is it required to submit only one aircraft or can we submit multiple? @TheBruh007
I give up. It’s not possible.
I put some control surfaces on it and it didn’t lose control, hopefully that will help.
No, it’s ok @carguy2007
To show you the power of flex tape I shot this truck:
“Public representation and riot control” RIOT CONTROL. I like where this is going.
I shall remain silent. @carguy2007
Thanks! @Azureworks
I almost forgot, this is the second model of this aircraft, the first did not have a third propeller on the back.