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Little heavy on the purple, but nice pic.
This still exists.
@JakeTheAviationTeen I found this, thought it was cool, friend took me up in a 150 and now ima start ground school. Flying will probably just be a hobby though, I want to be a mechanic. Perhaps an aircraft mechanic.
Gimme 97 more strikes. So I can say I’ve gotten 99.
Flying is cool.
Also, I disagree. Duolingo is best app. can I see my family now?
You misspelled steel.
@BeastHunter I wouldn’t get that from, any other guy
нмм… looks like.. zooms in, like…… little more, we’re no strangers to love Blyat.
Make friends with those who have many a follower.
I salute ya. Bloody chad. T.
@ColonelCanada I did not say powerful engine, I said BIG engine.
Big engines usually get things to move.
@Reworkable Yes it’s an alt, come on man.
Hey how did you get the blue prints for that? I mean uhh nice build.
Always a good day when frame posts.
Truly you are the king of the German planes.
Btw you can tag me on everything you post, I don’t mind.
The quality of this rivals my own shite posts.
@MrCOPTY If I am to understand that correctly, you are telling me to do so, thus attempting reverse physiology.
First off, you know you can upload things unlisted right? Second, I will do those things anyway.
@Reworkable cake Lemon
cake Lemon
Yes, I concur.
Haha, Richthofen. T.
“If you yeet one thing that has been yoted, the yeet gods will help you” -Chris
Mobile friendly les gooooooooooooooo.
@Reworkable Sigh… nice.
@Reworkable Could you please provide a link directly to video on YouTube?
14 hour flight… I love flying but good grief.
@SheriffHackdogMCPE Old post containing it was removed, I just haven’t brought it back yet.
@BeastHunter You gotta boop the doggo to be granted access.
@BeastHunter No?
Actually I think next stop is 10K.
@BeastHunter Do it.
Oh cabbage salad, that’s underrated.
@idontknow8b Idk, but the most overrated is fish. I like it but cmon… it’s a fish bro why it gotta cost half my savings?
@idontknow8b It is.
Who’s following this post?
+1Little heavy on the purple, but nice pic.
+1This still exists.
+1I found this, thought it was cool, friend took me up in a 150 and now ima start ground school.
Flying will probably just be a hobby though, I want to be a mechanic.
Perhaps an aircraft mechanic.
+1Gimme 97 more strikes.
+1So I can say I’ve gotten 99.
+1Flying is cool.
+1Also, I disagree.
+1Duolingo is best app.
can I see my family now?
You misspelled steel.
+1I wouldn’t get that from, any other guy
нмм… looks like.. zooms in, like…… little more,
+1we’re no strangers to love
Make friends with those who have many a follower.
+1I salute ya.
+1Bloody chad.
+1I did not say powerful engine, I said
engine.Big engines usually get things to move.
+1Yes it’s an alt, come on man.
+1Hey how did you get the blue prints for that?
+1I mean uhh nice build.
Always a good day when frame posts.
+1Truly you are the king of the German planes.
+1Btw you can tag me on everything you post, I don’t mind.
+1The quality of this rivals my own shite posts.
+1If I am to understand that correctly, you are telling me to do so, thus attempting reverse physiology.
First off, you know you can upload things unlisted right?
+1Second, I will do those things anyway.
+1cake Lemon
Yes, I concur.
+1Haha, Richthofen. T.
+1“If you yeet one thing that has been yoted, the yeet gods will help you”
Mobile friendly les gooooooooooooooo.
+1Sigh… nice.
+1Could you please provide a link directly to video on YouTube?
14 hour flight…
+1I love flying but good grief.
+1Old post containing it was removed, I just haven’t brought it back yet.
+1You gotta boop the doggo to be granted access.
+1Actually I think next stop is 10K.
+1Do it.
Oh cabbage salad, that’s underrated.
+1Idk, but the most overrated is fish.
I like it but cmon… it’s a fish bro why it gotta cost half my savings?
+1It is.