@notbulid2013 vlw
@TheUltimatePlaneLover sad :(
Tags @notbulid2013
@CaptainBrayden @ChaseplaneKLWith1MG @7879boeing
@SouthJetLinhasAereas @BrazilianPainting @Gabriel747
@Randomplayer @TheNewSPplayer @Rb2h
@blueLEFT2 thank you
@Airplane727 vou ver pq eu tenho vários pedidos kk
@KevincastleSP wait what? 💀
@Mini777Tam 🧐
@Mini777Tam qual?
@Mini777Tam me pediram n pude fazer nada
@notbulid2013 pq tu ta na lsita da auto tag :)
@Isboxing sim, ate os dias de hj
Bem vindo de volta 😎
@Isboxing pior q n lembro o nome mas se vc for no yt e escrever “atr 72 voepass simpleplanes” vc vai achar
@Spaghetti76 True 😔
@Isboxing vi umas 3 pessoas recriarem o acidente 😑
@Mini777Tam sim, se vc for ver algumas fotos de de 2010 ele tinha sobrancelha e motor branco, porem com o tempo ele recebeu a livery plus
@Mini777Tam só pesquisar “Boeing 737 PR-VBX”
@Mini777Tam e as cores dele ue kkkkk
@Mini777Tam kkkkk
@CaptainBrayden I think this is already over
@eaearthur015 vlw
@Gabriel747 @Apollo018362 @SouthJetLinhasAereas
@eaearthur015 @SouthJetLinhasAereas @ChaseplaneKLWith1MG
@AgenciaAeroespacial n e so esse acidente mas teve mais 12 acidentes com o msm caso de gelo
@Rb2h Okay, I had just marked it again because I was correcting the tags
Tags @Randomplayer @TheNewSPplayer @Rb2h
@AgenciaAeroespacial essa aeronave pode parecer velha, mas o avião e bem moderno com tecnologia igual ao a380, e a atr foi lançado 1 ano dps dele
@interflugflight450 valeu
Goodbye MAPA, you were a great person, helped me a lot, made incredible planes to make the skies of this empty game become an incredible air traffic with several planes different from each other, goodbye see you another day
Look who's back 😃
How was the Logo lights made in the photo?
@notbulid2013 vlw
@TheUltimatePlaneLover sad :(
@blueLEFT2 thank you
@Airplane727 vou ver pq eu tenho vários pedidos kk
@KevincastleSP wait what? 💀
@Mini777Tam 🧐
@Mini777Tam qual?
@Mini777Tam me pediram n pude fazer nada
@notbulid2013 pq tu ta na lsita da auto tag :)
@Isboxing sim, ate os dias de hj
Bem vindo de volta 😎
+1@Isboxing pior q n lembro o nome mas se vc for no yt e escrever “atr 72 voepass simpleplanes” vc vai achar
@Spaghetti76 True 😔
@Isboxing vi umas 3 pessoas recriarem o acidente 😑
@Mini777Tam sim, se vc for ver algumas fotos de de 2010 ele tinha sobrancelha e motor branco, porem com o tempo ele recebeu a livery plus
@Mini777Tam só pesquisar “Boeing 737 PR-VBX”
@Mini777Tam e as cores dele ue kkkkk
@Mini777Tam kkkkk
@CaptainBrayden I think this is already over
@eaearthur015 vlw
@AgenciaAeroespacial n e so esse acidente mas teve mais 12 acidentes com o msm caso de gelo
@Rb2h Okay, I had just marked it again because I was correcting the tags
@AgenciaAeroespacial essa aeronave pode parecer velha, mas o avião e bem moderno com tecnologia igual ao a380, e a atr foi lançado 1 ano dps dele
@interflugflight450 valeu
Goodbye MAPA, you were a great person, helped me a lot, made incredible planes to make the skies of this empty game become an incredible air traffic with several planes different from each other, goodbye see you another day
+2Look who's back 😃
How was the Logo lights made in the photo?